Ok Sup Forums just bought this banana tell me what to expect

Ok Sup Forums just bought this banana tell me what to expect

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Try eating the fucking banana

Starchy but sweet, pretty high in potassium. I preferred the orange.

Fun all night

eat peel make icky face
eat bannan and make very smile :)

it taste scaaarq xccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc

>buying bananas
is babby too scared to torrent?

Why didn't you buy the collector's edition

Gros Michel banana was better

a shitty experience lauded by nostalgiafags who didn't grow up with apples

Unbalanced, clunky combat with cringy dialogue and fetch quests out the ass

Be prepared to grind for hours just to get enough crafting components to forge end-game gear

Poorly coded, three 1080's in SLI couldn't get this fucker to run at 60 fps

2/10, would not recommend very unaPEELing ;)

A useful tool to keep cops from chasing you, if you have the balls to deploy it properly.

ooooooh banana!!! (retro video game refrence) :P

Its better with mods, dip it in chocolate.

It rots

Hidden gem thread?

>there are people on this board who mained the Down syndrome apple

That's not an apple pear my friend.

put it up your butt

>Man, I really want an apple, but I want it to taste like shit!

Pearfags are this retarded.

You shut the fuck up about my waifu you dumb fucking monkey

>Buying bananas
>when Sony has exclusive apples

I didn't actually eat banana, but I have seen reviews for banana and they all say it's shit.

This made me laugh a lot more than I should have.


>Red "delicious"
Who cares

Poor man's apple, actual hidden gem coming through.

Peels are OP against people who don't look down. Just throw it front of someone who chose to play a fattie character and laugh.

>He doesn't main Avocados
Plebs, the lot of you.


>Not maining watermelon

Adachi is the killer.

This user gets it. First best post


forgot my pic

Only good when you choose the guacamole progression tree

>he doesn't main the tomato

you become a homosexual

I've never put things up my butt before so I can't say.

>draw a vegetable
>call it a fruit


Whenever I eat it it's really good until I have to spit out the fucking seeds every half a second like goddamn.

I thought you said this was a good fruit. I want to enjoy it but the fucking seeds won't let me.

How the fuck do I eat this? Shit's bugged.

>buying dlc
Fuck you. No reason for a Vegetable crossover character

Jews selling juice.

Wumpa fruits are purple inside

>There are people who unironically don't like Strawberries
>There are people who have never tasted an Oregon strawberry.

Gotta buy the nutcracker DLC.

>they don't rape the competition with the multigrapes

get the fuck outta here\

they even have different variations for you people!

You can buy them seedless.

>not just eating the seeds
Don't be a puss, user.

Literal best fruit coming through.

Yes, they're real.

Yes, they're natural.

Yes, they do taste like cotton candy.

I hope you got that piece of fruit in the right kind of basket because otherwise your shit is all fucked up. Personally I swear by my green woven basket, anyone who has a blue woven basket is pleb tier, their fruits are rotten before they even get a chance to eat them.


There are still seeds in them just none of the black ones.

what are you gay

I really really like where this is about to go..

>more pay to win bullshit
just kill me already

You just bought the fucking banana eat it and find out for yourself, faggot.

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't use apples exclusively

this is why I've lost faith in fruitkind

Shit taste desu.

>not gathering the seeds and spitting them out like a machine gun

Good luck with having no Vitamin C in your system, faggot

step the FUCK back ladies

official tier list coming through

>spinoff is better than the original
Fucking how?

How does this have anything to do with video games?


Grapefags please leave.

Swap grapes and avocado and you'd be the most patrician man to ever live.

Move strawberry up a tier and add Tangerine class in top tier


>my waifu is Mid-tier
>He didn't play Lemons into Lemonade


You know the rules about making fun threads on Sup Forums! Better change this topic to Overwatch or get banned

It's called selective breeding, dumbass.

you've lived a lot longer than you should have ;-D haha lol

Where the fuck are the Kiwis, Mangos, Blueberries, and Raspberries along with other multiple fruits.

sorry I don't like to dish out vitamin C like an orangefag. I like to expand my pallet with the underrated fruits

Pumpkin is literally THE tank, plus, the jack-o-lantern path let's you spook-stun anything for an ungodly amount of time


>Any year
>not maining Fuji apple.

Opinion discarded

Gid gud faggots

Thread theme


As someone who worked 6 AM shifts 5-6 days a week in the produce department of a Walmart-sized Kroger for a summer

This thread is fucking triggering me

We need to go lewder

>He didn't even buy the DLC
Have fun with your incomplete banana

backwards fruit compatibility when?

You cool

You spelled Golden Delicious wrong.



No one is forcing you to stay user

but that is incompatible with the Dog DLC

this is making me laugh so hard for some raisin

Fucking never
Fruit distributors hate that shit
Reduces profits
They actively put the oldest fruit in the most visible places too
Good luck not getting scammed into buying inferior fruit, fag

This is why I pirate all my produce

maybe you'll find apeel

>no mangoes

seriously fags?

Switch mango and tomato and you're good.

I swear I get triggered every time I see this artist. I don't even know who it is but every fucking drawing has that shitty chromatic aberration. For what purpose?

A cat is fine too

Lemons are god-tier support that can compliment just about any build there is, but by themselves they're utter trash. You named like the single build where they're decent.

coconuts are the worst fruits of all what are you even talking about