Any hidden gem for pic related? DS recommendations thread

Any hidden gem for pic related? DS recommendations thread.


999 and Ghost Trick are Sup Forums DS staples, if you haven't already played them

>its another thread where nearly every game recommended is on the Sup Forums wiki
gonna go ahead and just post the best DS game

only listen to half of what this guy says, 999 was great but ghost trick is overrated tripe


Any good jrpgs for ds?


Radiant Historia

Listen to Advance Wars user. Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict is great. They're the same game but Dark Conflict has the better translation from what I've heard, I never played Days of Ruin.

Also the Kyle Hyde games (Hotel Dusk and The Last Window) are great detective stories that do some neat stuff with the ds and play kind of like Shenmue-light.

is this a trick question

I don't kn ow if they'd be considered hidden though.
Sands of Destruction.
Luminous Arc series.
The Nameless Game.

They're not really hidden, but they're not that popular.

Not "hidden" at all

Not a "gem" at all

Thank you, Thread King. Your input is always valuable.

That AW ruins games looks so different. Is that from different developer? Does it had plot?

Clash of Heroes

It's been ported to everything though

Wario Touch

Luminous arc 3 when?

They toned down the crazy stuff for the sake of balance and there's a new setting that's just generic post-apocalypse anime tropes shitfest. It plays really damn well, just there's not much in the way of colours.

Wait, Class of Heroes has a DS version?

I already said in my post that everything "Hidden" that will get posted here is 90% of the time already on the Sup Forums wiki. If its not there its either something untranslated or not that good.

>Sands of Destruction.
>Luminous Arc
Legit shit outside of being fap bait.


Fossil Fighters/Champions
and Monster racers are good monster catching games

You should forget that and just buy fallout 4 or the new skyrim!

How is the ff12 game?

pretty good. But i've never managed to beat it. Last mission is just an onslaught of odins or something

I remember there is a patch or something? Other anons can confirm?

Your milage may vary but Fossil Fighters Champions, Beyond the Yellow Brick Road and Theresia are all not mentioned very often and decent. You just need to go off the beaten tack and ignore the people that pretend the entire Universe doesn't know that Solatorobo and 999 exist.

Your point? It's really hard to find top tier games that aren't either already popular or NEVER EVER tier. They may not be perfect, but they're still relatively unknown and at least average.

Pic related is also really great hidden gem.
Screw you all, I'm proud to have made my girls become stars.

I was trying to recall this one.

already played the first one but will check out the other 2.


Both Izuna games.
