ITT Games that we will never see again

>capcom will never remaster this game
>emulation is your only option

Don't say that man. Don't say shit like that. That's not even fucking funny.

>How fucking GOAT was the second one though? A million times better than the others.

The third one was fun just for the sillyness of having Jean Reno running through a demon infested feudal japan.

sequel never
series is as dead as Onimusha

Has anyone emulated the first onimusha game? For some reason i get a loud screeching sound everytime i try playing it

I played all the Onimusha games on console. Truly epic shit. I'm afraid of big-budget games now. So many titles have been canceled or were cut short. If it was to ever be re-made I sure hope it stays true to how the good ol' days were.

this game was short as hell


I have. Haven't had an issue with sound but I did run into a problem where 3D objects would show through the pre-rendered scenery. I switched to Open GL and that fixed it.

The first game is a classic, and the second was more of the same but with less horror.

The third game was trash, and the forth doesn't exist.

Oh come on, the third game was fun.

You are literally retarded to not think there is a new DMC in development

They can't afford to pay for the actor likeness they used in Onimusha

It's why 4 was so fucking horrible to the story

No sound issues, get the newest emulator or pirate the PC version

and ya you gotta switch to software, Onimusha 1 doesn't emulate as well as 2 for some reason


The greatest, I use him as a recurring anti-hero in D&D whenever I can

just wish I could actually do the voice

>Jean Reno only speaks at the very beginning and very end of the game
>Character is actually played by the same VA as Leon from RE4 for 99% of the game
>Been baited by the back cover

He didn't say they weren't doing anything at all, he said there were things he personally wanted to do but there were no plans for them yet. Also Masachika Kawata literally never worked on a DMC game or Dragon's Dogma so why would anyone consult him on the future of those series

brb I'm gonna go ask Ono when's DMC5


And for the record I don't believe it's happening either.
