Fucking almost everything from the PS3 launch can fit this.
Fuck Lair
Games that feel bad from the first second that you move your character
Dragon's Dogma desu
I knew it was shit from the moment I touched the analog stick
nariko making the playstation all-stars roster tells you everything you need to know about sony-associated IPs
neither of the games you mentioned are launch games, dickhead
and scrapped putting Dart from the Legend of Dragoon in it. They should really invest in a sequel for LoD; people are literally cry for new JRPGs.
Heavenly Sword is great you dongus
no it's shit
Witcher 3, loved the game but fuck the PC controls were shit.
Dragons dogma was unplayable for me.
Not really
Everyone fire up an emulator or a N64 start Donkey Kong 64 pick Lanky and take one step
hah it's like running a modern game on my lappy
>people saying this was great in the wake of GTAV just to be contrarian
>bought this, haze, and some other shitty game day one
Learned my lesson about buying consoles day one. At least time crisis 4 was fun
Personally, I preferred the driving in this, but the on foot controls were pure ass
4's driving definitely felt better. In 5 it's a little too forgiving, especially in the corners
>b-but actual graphics!
So what the fuck is this game?
uncharted 1s aiming is wonky as fuck
Incredibly slow and boring assfaggots made by Epic
I enjoyed fighting against an army. The 7th gen never really had any games to scratch that itch
Oh good, I was worried it might be something moderately decent.