What's the verdict?
What's the verdict?
while this thread is here whould i buy one of the atelier games... are they good
Give Rorona+ on PS3 a try it's one of the best ones and is one of the cheapest ones so you don't lose out on much if you don't like it
It's bad like all other gust games. Just buy the art book since that's all these games have going for them.
Ayesha is on sale right now for like $15
You really can't go wrong with any of the Vita games. I wish they put the Arland Trilogy bundle on sale, though.
Game was released just after GUST announced a superior girl and her totally-not-mimi best buddy
don't even need to ask family
Still not as good as Meruru. Wait for the plus version do you can get Logy as a party member.
They already confirmed there will no longer be Plus versions, just DLC.
>plus version
>released a vita version on the same day
Will never ever be more plus versions
Very weak entry in the series, mediocre combat system and flat characters.
But I'm a Duskfag so what do I know?
Wait for shallie plus and firis
Easily best one so far. It's done by Ayesha's director so the whole feels like a complete package that was well thought out. It does the whole explore and learn aspect really nicely.
Only on playstation so it's shit, once it hits pc it will be 10/10 look at neptunia v2
>on PC
I enjoyed it a lot but the new alchemy system needs work
Also the combat system feels a bit like your not in control
What is this sudden anti exclusivity meme
Sophie is my favorite alchemist in the series
I want to fuck that book, so she has good taste
The max level in the game is 20 and the changes made to gathering and learning alchemy recipes makes it a slog. Then in the end they pull a literal deus ex machina
As someone who likes the Tales games would I find Ayesha to be fun?
Atelier is turn based
I can dig turn based. Are the themes and characters similar, though?
>I wish they put the Arland Trilogy bundle on sale
They did, like two months ago. It was 40 dollars for the trillogy if you had PS+ and Logy was on sale too for 15. With this I have the complete collection of vita games since shallie+ isn't out yet in NA but that game is shit anyway.
I haven't really played Tales of, but the general themes in atelier games aren't about saving the world or stopping a big bad like other jrpgs, it's usually about achieving a goal that matters to the specific alchemist.
Like in Ayesha you're trying to find your sister whose been missing for years but in actuality she was abducted by some multidimensional being
I'm sure she makes for wonderful bedtime reading.
I quite like how they handled progression. Feels like a proper world to explore as opposed to simply moving from one level to the next. I unlocked those fields and recipes faster than I could actually check them out.
>you're trying to find your sister whose been missing for years but in actuality she was abducted by some multidimensional being
That sounds pretty neat, I'll look into it some more. Thanks.
It's more character-based with stories usually focusing on your character's troubles rather than the world's troubles. It's also girlier than Tales. There's a lot of character interactions like in Tales but they're more focused around the main character interacting with party members rather than party members interacting with each other, since the main character is usually the only character guaranteed to be in your party (For exemple I don't think Keith ever say a single word to Juris throughout the game).
I would gladly "read" her by candlelight
He means the PS4 senpai, if it's MS or Nintendo it's OK.
Hey there was an atelier on 3ds but it was just another version of Rorona so it'll probably never be localized
You're supposed to be filling her up though. She's got plenty of space to work with.
Rorona = Meruru = Ayesha > Sophie = Totori > Escha > Shallie
That i feel the need to buy a ps4 for Atelier games.
I bought a vita for the plus versions of the atelier games
No regrets
It was also shit
This too, i guess i will go for a vita then.
You should try finding a copy of the escha+ from third sellers quickly before it becomes super rare.
It's the only Atelier+ game to have gotten a physical vita release in the west so far
What was wrong with it?
Escha+ Limited Edition*