Next: Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Later: Silent Hill 3!
Next: Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Later: Silent Hill 3!
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Anime is banned from this thread.
Rate the Dinocity run.
dude a bath
Shooter is on route guys, please alert them I don't want to see anyone get hurt.
That audience
quads confirm
how bad are the srg threads?
Nice bis, brown dude.
How was the demons crest run?
Why does the crowd seem so sparse? Like constantly? Still early in the week or something?
They didnt read my tip
>10 dollars i will be refunding
What a fucking joke run
Ty is such a shit game, I can't wait to see how broken it is.
dudes in front row have the aesthetic
Dudes, I'm trying to watch this at work
How the fuck do I get my laptop to connect to this shitty 820.11g internet, dudes?
I though 820.11n was like backwards dude compatible
Nice, dude
t. squid
Go to bed OP user its 2:30am and you've been doing this all night.
So he got second place?
bonus stream senpai
those were the days
>mfw Ty is up next
>SH3 and RE2 being played
>after midnight
fucking bullshit, guess I'll watch these later on youtube
Not subtle enough dude
Just file a dispute through PayPal instead of charging back. They should refund you in a few hours.
literally godawful. starting an /srg/ thread should be a bannable offence.
>people are giving it a 10/10
That black guy looks like he's going to steal the projector.
Nah dude.
Check yo self before u wreck yo self.
I know this isn't exactly allowed, but if the mods are here, please, fucking please help out Sup Forums. They are being fucked over right now because the mods left us alone. I'm fucking tired of it and me and a lot of other people just want the fucking board back to normal. I don't care how you do it, but please, help us out in any way you can. Thanks.
Yeah but who gives a fuck lmao
Then an N64 block early in the morning. Good thing we had those shit indie platformers all day tho.
>100% run is actually just 98%
I don't get it.
Based dubquads saving us from weebfags
>He think SH3 and RE2 are scary
Did it wrong.
Should have said
"Are you kidding me? My wife's son loves Demon's Crest. You are doing so awesome, dude."
how do i do that since i dont have a paypal?
Maybe if you had put 'me and my wife's son'
>implying Sup Forums mods will do jackshit when they can't even be bothered making Sup Forums not shit
did you see that fist bump? That was a code to meet him in the bathroom to deal illegal drugs and fist each other.
They are getting raided by /lgbt/ and /r/ cuckold
Fuck Sup Forums.
Shitposting crossposting stale meme forcing niggers reap what they sow. Shit board deserves shit moderation.
the joke is my wifes son
up the maidens dude
goodnight Sup Forums
>all those empty seats even during the day
Guess they're moving to a smaller location next year
muted and went to other tab the whole run.
> People are too busy autistically trying to win the animal war rather than funding cool challenges
Sucks dude
>Driving test isn't much different than a speed run
>he didn't use the paypal form for donating
do a chargeback then, but it'll hurt your credit
he looks nude in the thumbnail
holy fuck qt girl in the back by the open doors
Right and it was too obvious the way your wrote it
Nice get dude
why are you still up?
I wasn't I plying they're scary, I'm pointing out some well known games that would actually be fun to watch are at absolute shit hours
>possibility of it getting super small and comfy again
Oh god please let it happen.
My dudes, post pizzas for the euros to enjoy.
Twitch chat
>pays attention to the run
>reacts accordingly
>genuinely funny
Sup Forums
>porno spam
>only tranny posts get replies where everyone pretends they never saw post-op cosmo
>5% of the replies are about the run
>complain about everything
>not recognizing ty the ty the tasmanian tiger
You're a fucking retard man, noone really goes for world records at this event, it's done for charity. Kill yourself.
Stop trying to ruin this awesome moment, you fucking attention whore.
Did that guy sitting there get kicked out by those nerds lmao
> Scripted donations
That dude in the middle is a big guy
>Sup Forums complaining about getting raided
Back in my days on /x/, we dealt with worse far longer. Suck it up, buttercup.
are they cheering at him for slapping her
quads has spoken
holy fuck did he just
Stream closed
What the fuck is wrong with his voice?
>Sup Forums
Wow I thought this guy was ironically talking like a retard
oh boy here we go
oh boy
>his real voice is still terrible
Can you tell me about the treedog?
Ohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo
>you will never get ruthlessly destroyed by the runner
why live
>ty the Tasmanian tiger
Thought nobody played this game
he sounds like bentley from sly cooper
This run is RUINED.
Are the female-looking creatures actually female? I don't know what to believe anymore.
>this entire night of runs
just pull the fucking plug
Oh yes, off to a good start