Steam Regret Thread?

What do you wish you had bought on the steam sale but didnt?

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CS GO and Terraria
Didn't have money in my account until today.

Rainbow six Siege

Stardew valley

Postal 3

Grim Dawn.

You guys keep praising it and it sounds up my alley.


>requires uplay

same reason I refunded rayman legends
fuck that shit

Dead game, literally, impossible to find a game, and bots are retarded

>Darkest dungeon
Hur this is some hardcore game for ultra hardcore master of strategy
>first spider in the dungeon crits you and leaves you vomiting inside your pants and mumbling about your dead parents begging the lord for forgiveness while eating your own feces.
>open a book, spooky jesters scares you to death, you have a heart attack, enjoy grinding that character again.

Kinda regretting SFV, but not entirely, it's fun, but online is god damn repetitive, everyone just cheeses to the max all the fucking time, it's not really a pleasant experience or something I enjoy doing for any period of time. Lobys with "friends" are ok tho, when you avoid cheesy friends.

I bought Saint Rows 4.

Wished I didn't, game was fucking garbage.

Played it a lot today. Was worth the money. You can mix classes together to make hybrids. Right now I have a demolitionist (guns and bombs) mixed with and occultist (necromancer, plague bearer, poisoner, and dark magic).

Only complaint is pretty small user base as far as i can tell. Hard to play with randoms so you need friends to play with. And there's not enough info on what shit does in game, you need to go to their website to get a full guide on how things work with each other.

Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts

I remembered I like hunting games.

The talos principle.
This game has a very specific fanbase

The deals the entire sale were atrocious. I expected EYE to drop down to $0.99 because that's how much I paid when I got my copy two years ago.
I would've gotten the latest Momodora game if it had 75% off

This war of mine

I bought Bully and it runs like dick. I have an hour played and that hour was all just trying to get it to work properly.


Broken sword 5
I'll wait tho

Nothing really. Either the stuff I wanted was new so no/very little discount, or it was discounted a decent amount but still not enough to consider buying. I'll probably buy more once the winter sale rolls around.

Happy to say, there's nothing I wish had bought but didn't. A week ago I hyped myself up for Fallout 3/New Vegas by watching LPs of it religiously and mulling over whether or not to buy it. In the end I didn't because I deemed the discount not good enough for such an age old game. But I now realize I wasn't in my right mind last week, I'm just realizing how much fucking work it'd be to play the game the way I want to, getting flashbacks to being over-encumbered in Skyrim and remembering how buggy and ugly the games were from when I pirated FO3.

My problem is actually the reverse, where I bought games I regret but I just refunded them. Dying Light and Layers of Fear.

nigga how? I bought it too and all I did was download the 60fps exe and changed the proprerties so it runs as an admin and on xp sp3. Took like a minute to get it set up.

It's a decent game, but that asshole they added with the rifle shield is total bullshit.

No idea, I never have problems with old games but for some reason I have bad fps and input lag.

Rough as fuck
I get a weird input jankiness when sprinting though

Dragons dogma dark arisen, warhammer 40k space marine.

I'm legitimately disappointed I didn't buy Garfield Kart during it.

90 of my 100 steam games

Worms: Armageddon. Bought Revolution since it had more players but half of the weapons are locked behind DLCs.
Not like it's a big loss, worms games are on sale like every month.


>Pre-ordered Red Orchestra 2 and Total War: Rome 2
>both games were near unplayable at launch and i got bored of them in less than a month.
im so retarded for pre-ordering

its not a bad game
i really liked it, you just need to be into portal-like games
although desu the atmosphere and sense of progression is nowhere near as good as in portal
Just look at my most recently played game

Spent my last $9 on this




Really nigga

Tabletop Simulator and Speedrunners, my friends cucked me out of their purchase plans

I wish i made a thread on Sup Forums about The ship remasted.

Its a dick load of fun and it was 6 bucks and came with the original

shovel knight, else heart.break(), ori and the blind forest, oxenfree
discounts weren't good enough

I spent it wishing I had money.

Wish I could afford all the Nep games and Dood, but could only buy one Nep game.
It'll have to wait for the next discount.

>that message in the end

Rocket League.

But I got it for 12 bucks on a 3rd party key site.

Fun as fuck so far.

The only game I bought was Subnautica and it's great.

I learned several years ago not to buy games during Steam sales unless I want to play the game immediately.
If it's a game I sort of want to check out but not really, it will always be on sale again in 3-6 months.

for what purppose

It's a fun game.

At first I regretted choosing L4D 2 over Dark Souls but then I remembered I already have DS on PS3 and only wanted the PC version to fuck around with using cheat engine on, but
I didn't want to get VAC banned

Steam Link

I bought the Steam Controller as a joke because it was cheap ( 40$ ) but I'm actually loving it and now I'd like to play some shit in the living room with it. I've got no laptops to do the Steam In-home streaming so there's that

DaS doesn't use steam servers or VAC, dumbdumb.

So overrated by this fucking board

I know, but it still would have been a waste of 5 dollars and it probably would have gotten bored very quickly

>impossible to find a game
You what? Where do you live? Try widening your regional settings, even set it to global since you apparently live in a third world shithole.

Ladoscureros 2

I did the opposite. Spent all my money on the Steam Sale, then my friend offers to swap his PS4 for my old 960 that I'm not using. Now I have no money to buy PS4 games.


>wish you bought but didnt

Then avoid Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. It's by far the worst.
SR 3 is the best I played.