Going to college later on this year. Considering on taking my xbox one console to my dorm. Should I? Will I have time to even play? I am afraid that I will get too distracted and not getting my work done. I am also afraid of getting it stolen.
Any previous experiences on taking your consoles/game devices to college?
Josiah Jones
College is piss easy, it's just tedious You'll have plenty of time for vidya
Zachary Wood
Yes. Don't play vidya and shitpost all day every day, but you will absolutely have time to vidya.
Landon Johnson
The only acceptable games you can play with other people at college are mario kart and smash.
Jeremiah Martinez
Aren't you at college to party? How will you party without a console?
Nathaniel Murphy
Well since you're going to college you're probably gonna bring a laptip with you so the xbox won't pose a bigger threat then the laptop. With that said just be sure to manage your time and get your work done before you play vidya. As long as you're organized you will have plenty of time to play vidya. Also expect your neighbors to congregate in your room to play.
Jordan Green
You are fine, little one. As long as you lock your door when you leave your room it won't get stolen. Just dont end up like me and get a bunch of shit "friends" who you wish you never met.
Hudson Parker
if you read ahead in your classes instead of just trying to keep up you will be perfectly fine
Benjamin Adams
College is easy... For those who take Liberal Arts classes lol. I'm majoring in Nursing.
Wyatt Robinson
Lowkey was planning on taking my N64.
Gabriel Cook
Yeah. Like this dude, I'd be more concerned about property loss or damage. If you have roommates, you'll need to consider damage. If your roommates have friends, you'll need to consider theft. If you don't have roommates, you'll be fine. You won't have friends to worry about.
Tyler Ward
I requested to stay in the most social dorm at the U that I will be attending where majority of the dorms have their doors open. I guess i'm royally screwed then lmao.
Gabriel James
I will 100% be having a roommate. Like I told the previous poster, looks like i'm royally screwed.
Jeremiah Cooper
Footlockers are good friends in such situations, if you have space for one.
Anything you want to have around, and want secured when you're not, you just stash away and keep it padlocked. Someone can cut the lock of course, but if it comes down to that, you should probably demand a change of room on personal safety grounds anyway.
Xavier Perez
Make sure to copy down the serial numbers of any important electronics you own. Your campus police might check local pawn shops every once in a while if they're like the ones I had.
Also be sure to lock your door. Drug users will steal anything, such as the time I had floss stolen from me.
Jacob Thompson
Footlockers is a great idea. Dont want to sound like a lazy ass but the idea of once i'm done vidya and having to put all the stuff back in the footlocker bothers me. Same with pulling it out and going thru the trouble of connecting the cables and power cord so i can start vidya sounds irritating. I wish i can just leave the system there connected and ready to go. Just turn on the console and vidya whenever I want to but nope, cant trust no one.
Zachary Martinez
Kek! Floss lmao! Who steals floss? Lmao. That is too damn funny. The desperation of some people huh?
Sebastian Bell
Thanks everyone for the advices btw!
Juan Miller
You're on Sup Forums so you'll probably spend all your time shitposting on Sup Forums and barely ever play vidya. Speaking from experience (been a student for 7 years now)
Asher Bailey
You'll have a better idea of what you can and can't do once you get there and settle in.
I'd suggest having the trunk or footlocker anyway if you can, just because it's always a good idea to have a secure space when the room isn't your own. But if people seem chill and respectful enough, and there aren't any real problems, you might still be able to keep it out. And if you can't, you'll be glad you prepared.
Just be careful not to mistake the sociopaths for chill people. Dorms breed buddy-thieves like the showers breed athlete's foot.
Easton Bennett
First time ever posting on Sup Forums. I'm getting awfully comfortable.
Henry White
I should have somewhat of an idea of what I can and cannot do once I move in. I will most likely end up taking a footlocker if I do take my console. You can bet your sweet bottom I'll be wearing sandals while showering to avoid any contact with the dirty floor.