People complain the steam sales get worse every year but more games keep selling and Valve keeps making more money

People complain the steam sales get worse every year but more games keep selling and Valve keeps making more money



There's simply more games on Steam with each passing year as well as more releases. You do the math.

The sales don't get worse, you just own all the games you're interested in

More people start using steam

Of course they made more money, they barely gave discounts on anything.

explain this then

Normalfags outnumber everyone else. No matter what informed people complain about is irrelevant to the great masses which flock to purchase shit.

Older games get bigger discount as opposed to recent ones. There are many recent ones.

not to mention games don't go on that much of a sale anymore.
In the past, if a game wasn't at least 75% off it wasn't worth buying.
Now a days, the only things that go off more then 50% are trash tier games you'd never want to buy anyway.
Steam sales suck ass, they aren't even fun. You just go on the first day of the sale, see wht the games cost, and ur done. No waiting, or searching for hiden gems, no hoping that game you want drops real low in price.
Just "oh it's 30% off... wow saving 15 bucks thanks gabe you fat greedy fuck"

greedy devs that realized they fucked up put lower prices to pander the audience. For example, Payday 2 and a lot more failed indie games.

>No community event
>Sales unchanged from day 1
They're objectively worse.

You say that but even fucking Fallout 4 had a bigger discount than fucking Oblivion.

Every game I planned on buying was cheaper on sites like Kinguin and G2A. I didn't buy a single game from steam this sale but I still bought 4 games during the sale.

Now that is just bad.

Because they stopped doing the special daily offer deal bullshit. People don't need to wait anymore to see the lowest discount for the games and don't feel like they've wasted more money buying games earlier.

Also means that you're not pressured anymore into buying a dozen cheap ass game for BIG SAVINGS that end up never being played.

That supports his post you idiot.

>tfw the lowest game on my wishlist was fucking Dynasty Warriors at 66%, the game that never gets good deals.

You know things are fucked up when Koei iof all companies s the one that had the better prices.

>sales don't get worse
>here's an imagine showing it was worse

What does that have to do with games owned?

Not this guy but the sales are really shitty for a few years now

a.) More normies come to Steam every year
b.) Every year more shitty low-cost/low-price indy games get added for people to spend $10 for a dozen and then never play them

Devs have realized they cant sell games for 5 dollars and be successful

no they realized you can sell the same amount with a 50% discount. That's why there aren't as much 75% discounts anymore

This place isn't the group games are made towards anymore. It's "normies".

>average discount was lower this time
>this time

That's one of the main reasons I haven't bought a single game during this sale.

Yes? So how does it not make the sale worse?

50% discount on average is worse than 66% discount on average.

Because it wasn't worse. This one had no voting and lvl up minigames and no flash sales. It was no clusterfuck and still had tons of great discounts.

True. a first timer could get Portal, HL, Deus ex, Mirror's edge, Dishonored, Bioshock, Elder Scrolls, DA:O, Whicher, Fallout, System Shock and a ton of other good games for less than 10$ each. It's ridiculously easy to build a good library nowadays.

I've no doubt it makes them more money, and more people buy more games on it

but it sho isn't fun anymore >:[
just another sale like any other in the world, but it's a corporations and corporations are gonna corporate

>and still had tons of great discounts.

>last sales
>didn't really want anything
>still bought 3 games
>this sale
>wanted like 15 games
>didn't but a single one because none of them were under 50%

Thinking about it I haven't bought a single game on steam since that sale. I just buy stuff of key sites and shit like that.

because you already own all the stuff you like

>50% discount is good now
fuck off devs, i never spent more than 10 dollars on any game on steam.

Then how come every game I wanted and didn't have that I checked up on had a fucking awful discount?

Not even any only games. Like 5 year old bargain bin trash had shitty discounts.

steam has gotten much more popular, that doesn't mean the sales are better.
There's a whole generation of kids raised on Pewdiepie that are just getting their first laptops for school and are finally able to buy that shitty indie/meme game they saw LP'd

I literally forgot to buy anything during this summer sale. I own over 900 games on my Steam profile though. Every sale I just see "owned" on every page.

What good shit did I miss? Did any new games go on 50% sales or something?

I'm in a similar boat, I bought a few games out of curiosity.
Corpse Party, Momodora something something and the cheaper MSF game.
It's kind of refreshing for me to buy games I haven't researched beforehand or tried to get cheap on keysites to be honest.

About the only good dead was the new Doom at 40% off.

The rest was about the same as before, or a lot of the time, worse than before.

Fuck you too Todd you curly haired fuck.

>being poor

Now divide those numbers by how many users actively browsed steam during those sales for a number that's actually relevant.

Dooooom was off a lot for just coming out. Batteborn was almost free.
GTAV was on sale for a lot.
Crusader kings 2 was on sale for so much that its dlc cost quintuple the price of it.

>True. a first timer could get Portal, HL, Deus ex, Mirror's edge, Dishonored, Bioshock, Elder Scrolls, DA:O, Whicher, Fallout, System Shock and a ton of other good games for less than 10$ each
Not even true. Fallout was like $7.50 for the complete edition a couple years ago, was over $12 this year. Lots of those games were cheaper in the recent past as well. Fuck, I bought DA:O on console for like $4 years ago, why is it still double that, on sale, on Steam, in 2016? These sale prices sucked, period.

Meh such a shitty sale really. The only good game I got was probably just AOE 2.

what about the summer before that? I bet this one just better than the last one but not better than the ones before

Prove it, let's see that steam calculator boy

>>Larger consumer base
>>More Games
>> Reasonably popular games not being sold dirt cheap

I think that a lot of companies have learned that there is no need for them to lower their prices to that extreme they did a couple of years ago. I would guess that most games released relatively recently don't sell three times more for 2.5 than for 7.5 for example. I would guess that both indies and large publishers have realized that they seldom sell enough to make it viable for them to have such low price points.

I was waiting for SF5 to get a bigger discount but didn't happen thus didn't buy it.
Gonna buy it from other place.

retards with money waste it , thats how
this primary anyway

This. Also more people on Steam too.

Good, no one's looking to lose money off of you. Go and be a third worlder somewhere else.

>People complain the steam sales get worse every year
Only edgelord faggots who try to fit in on Sup Forums do this.

retards keep paying more for games than they should

>bought 4 games
>refunded 2 of them
>valve has stopped making games
>they do nothing but make controllers and shitty vr demos now
>steam is full of shovelware and weeb shit
fuck you valve i'm done with you shitheads

>pls let me pay more for your commercial products!

Sup Forums never ceases to be exceptionally retarded

>wishlist is 30 games
>summer sale 2016 rolls around
>only bought 2 games
>1 of them wasn't even on my wishlist
>awful discounts on the rest
>some didn't even have discounts
>no gimmicks, flash sales, or community events

Refunds truly were a blessing and a curse.

> ranting about weeb shit
> on an imageboard for north korean socket puppets

I didn't even buy anything this sale. Not now when certain devs jack up prices of games and put them back on "sale" for the original price.

This desu senpai. I refuse to buy any game that only "slightly interest me" for less than 51% discount. Even more so if they're filled with DLCs.

>finally a game you wanted gets a decent discount
>but it has a lot of dlc
>dlc is only -20% or 33% off and all together cost about as much as the game itself on discount

yeah no fuck you

Now say Thank You Denuvo for saving PC gaming

I didn't buy anything. I barely looked though, there are games coming out in the future I'd rather save my money for.

>Steam sales suck ass, they aren't even fun. You just go on the first day of the sale, see wht the games cost, and ur done. No waiting, or searching for hiden gems, no hoping that game you want drops real low in price.
This is really what killed sales for me. Yeah, I'll miss some good sales because I'm not around for all the flash sales, but it all adds to the experience. And sure, some argue "it's just a sale, it doesn't matter if it's fun or not" but flash sales lead to better discounts if you could catch them in time so they were worth it. Not to mention the whole cards routine is old at this point compared to what they used to do.

That's actually better than devs who never put their DLCs on discount. Usually I'll buy just the base game at big discount and wait to play until I get the DLCs at a lower discount.


That flash game they had last year was pretty neat but this past winter and recent summer sale were pretty meh.

Also with the market being ruined thanks to steam security you can't pop cards for extra cash during the sale, you would've had to do so weeks in advance

Bethesda is especially notorious for this shit. It's still cheaper to just buy Dishonored GOTY than to buy two fucking pieces of DLC I want.

> trying to make an anti-weeb argument
> on an image board for chinese shadow play

They made more money because the sale percentages were lower. People got tricked into the Summer Sale frenzy without realizing they were spending more.

>no uncracked denuvo game sold more than 1 million copies.

Lower sale percentages and fact publishers have started jacking up base prices by 25-30%.

>Video Games
Uh huh. Sure thing, sport, keep telling yourself that.
Sup Forums is purple.

because flash sales were fucking retarded.
they only had a select few games be on the flash sale instead of just having a sale on a large selection of games

People fall into routines.

Numbers don't lie. Everything was discounted lower overall than last summer sale. Just because you don't "feel" it's cheaper doesn't mean it isn't.

Steam calculator doesn't take into account when the game was bought.

You got that backwards, you fucking retard. The "average" discount was lower this time. It was 50% this time and 66% last year which was already worse than the years before it.


less and less sales outside of the "events", meaning peaks but also flat nothing the rest of the time

By those numbers:
Recent sale = $7.22 per game average
Previous sale = $4.85 per game average

The prices are almost double what they were.
That's why the sale is shit.
Great for Valve, sure. Worse for us as customers.

Only corporate dicksuckers or shills can be happy about this result.

>console converts, who are already accustomed to the taste of shit, think these shit sales are great
>new converts every year
>worse sales
>gabe jewell profits

>Gaben and Steam become memes
>normies find memes
>"omg praise gaben xDDD"
And sensible people don't buy the games while normies and underages keep thinking that the steam sales people memed about years ago are still the same.

You have to be beyond retarded if you think the sales were going to be able to exist in a sustainable PC market. They were there to get people to warm up to buying digital and create a userbase.

Doesnt prove anything, what new games had come out during last sale, what new games came out this one?

Sales fluctuate massively year on year based on what came out recently, for all we know last year was a shit sale because of no games.

I love sucking corporate dick.

Go get some better respect for these developers faggot and leave this place forever.

Prepare your anus for the next garbage Steam sale which is probably the christmas/winter sale.

>sjw indie devs
>greedy big corporation professional lying bullshitter
>and fucking Phil "Choke on it" Fish tier cuntbags

Fuck off back to your amateur dev general, dipshit.

Funny how anime games have the weakest sales, but your ass probably laps them right up despite weeb companies copypasting for full priced sequels.

Maybe devs could get more sales by making better games?

Valve doesn't set the discount prices for the games they don't own, anonymous.

I know it's fun to blame everything I don't understand on Gabe, but when a game is on Steam then that doesn't mean it's owned by Steam.

You know the key premise to the free market?
That competition will inevitably lead to the best products for the consumer succeed and thus free market benefits both sellers and buyers?

Yeah, it's a big fucking lie.

The only reason they get worse is because most of us have already gotten everything we really want over the years, and need to wait for new games to go on sale.

Easy, you just offer stuff at a lower percentage.

Like something use to be like 85% off in previous sales, but this time it was only 75%.

I know there was some stuff in my list that was actually cheaper back in February and December, and I really think lots of developers are baking on people falling for the hype without seeing how low some stuff has been in the past.

Then there were probably lots of people paying for stuff with something like level 30-15% off. Which were probably new titles that will just sit in someones backlog while other sales when they go 40%+ off happen.

Think about it, with flash sales you really just monitored the games you were interested in and would wait until the last day of the sale to buy it if it never went on daily/flash sale.

No flash sales means no chance of prices going down. Since people know prices aren't going down, they're less cautious about buying. Since they're less cautious about buying, they just get what the fuck ever they want on an impulse day one. Now, since they got all that shit on day one and the sale's still going, they start looking around the market more and then compulsively buy more. The sales are worse every year, but Valve still found a way to maximize profits by minimizing sales.

The amount of pathetic faggots in this thread...

>whhhhha why aren't games discounted enough for me to be able to afford them

Just kill yourselves, the games are much cheaper than they are full price and you still moan?

Simply epic.

Skyrim was sold for $10 this year


>Valve makes their own PC market with Steam
>Becomes so popular and profitable that nearly every developer plans PC releases to get in on the market
>Largest yearly selection for PC games ever
>user still isn't happy because he can't get games he can literally get for free anytime he wants for $5 each

I only bought one game this year

>Skyrim was sold for $10 this year
The legendary with all the DLC.

Steam spy is a paid shill nowdays

opinion discarded

Is that supposed to be bad, because that sounds good

Ever heard of inflation you dumb faggot?

No the base game was being sold for $10

It is half off I, but every sale before that it went down to $5 for the base game and $10 for the legendary

That's not Valve's fault though, they don't choose the prices you know?

I'd say they are doing that because once you buy Skyrim (with the DLC) you automatically get the Remastered edition that they are working at, so the price went up a little to make up for that.

But hey wait a second optionally I could just shitpost like you and post graphs that I don't understand, right?