New Overwatch Hero

Sombre coming soon.

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Sniper character do not belong in this game at all
Glad to see they're bringing the game in a horrible fucking direction

....So some kind of long range healing ability? I don't get it

>waaah no guns, no killing
I wonder if Mercy realises that by healing Overwatch agents she only prolongs conflict and suffering

>a healing sniper

Implying retards are going to switch off from Widow/Hanzo if nobody picks support.

Mercy wants the develop the rifle as a method for long range delivery of her biotic stuff.

However I'm assuming weaponizing it would use the nanomachines offensively. So I guess instead of immediate damage it'd be a powerful damage over time?

and she has a pistol.

oh she knows

The twist is
you snipe your allies

Remember that it's likely she is the one the turned Reaper into what he is through experimenting with the tech originally. She knows full well what can happen with it.

>a high powered sniper rifle firing bullets containing super cancer

That's not mercy's problem. the thing she takes issue with specifically is her Biotic tech being used to hurt people instead of heal

So she has no qualms about using a pistol but she wouldn't use a reverse version of her Caduceus staff that saps the life out of people she tethers.

Shut up you slut you made a cyborg ninja.

Can't wait for everyone to pick Sombre and miss sniping heals considering how piss poor average Hanzo and Widow's accuracies are.

This seems to be an early proposal during first overwatch as the file was sent to Morrison and Reyes.

I'm assuming maybe it never came into fruition until second overwatch, and reaper takes the plans for "Sombra" to use

well he was a ninja to begin with, she just made a cyborg

... with shurikens in his arms yea okay I see your point, Ms.Zeigler what you doin

They'll just make it like the Killing Floor 2 medic and have the darts track targets as long as you're aiming in their general direction.

its gonna be widow all over again
either they do shit all and lose your the game or that roadhog is literally unkillable because the god like sniper headshots him 500 health heals every half a second

that sounds about right.

It looks like Sombre might be some sort of plague sniper or something.


What if Sombre's attack is essentially Zarya's laser except super long range and requires a line of sight to continuously do damage over time?

It would pretty much be the opposite of Mercy's heal staff that slowly takes people's life down over time.

A healing Sniper sounds fucking useless unless it gives you OVER health.

There are a few characters that are already done and fully playable, I don't get why they don't just fucking release one.

>long range hitscan laser

nah fuck you it'd be impossible to keep a bead on anyone

Design an ult that Sombra would have to make her viable compared to Mercy or Lucio while being a PURE support ult

You can't. Ranged healer seems shit anyways, she would have to out heal Zen for it to be worthwhile. All these maps are chokepoints and tight areas so a ranged healer has no spot.

That's the point, that way she wont outshadow Hanzo or Widow and it would be an interesting new mechanic for a sniper.

Also support sniper anyways.


I mean the idea sounds cool, but I really don't see how they can make it worthwhile. I'm mostly interested in seeing what sort of ultimate they give her.

Mei was supposed to be a poison character originally :^)

all i want is a techy necromancer type dude that summons little skely omnics and drains health and puts dots on people and shit

Would have been a lot better than the fat cunt we have now

I want an anti-shield character that isn't Symmetra.



i bet she wont be op at all.

>another gimmicky support that won't be able to compete with lucio/mercy

Gives all allies lifesteal for the duration

Still less toxic than the current version. vid About commp

Seems terrible. Mercy saves a lost teamfight, and Lucio counters ults. Lifesteal does nothing when the other team has the advantage and everyone dies in 2 seconds anyways

>mercy uses the slippery slope argument
Give them a inch, they take the whole mile.

>has sniper rifle
>shoots like junk-rats launcher
>Ult is a shitty hologram


Someone must've been playing Xenoblade and gotten a kick out of it.
I don't think it's going to translate as well into Overwatch.

Oh I'll give Mercy an inch, if you know what I mean.

Please go in depth? I do not understand.

>so what, we're gonna heal her by shooting her?

No pls no

pls no sparks copypasta

I bet you ANYTHING it's going to be a sniper rifle that shoots heals over time and damage over time.
Left click pops a DoT and right click pops a HoT. The HoT probably autoaims at your allies a little. The DoT probably bypasses Rein/Winston shield, if not shields in general (fuck you zarya you whore).
Looks like she's got a grenade-mine of some kind? I'd guess it's a defensive emplacement like Venom Mine. Maybe it radiates a constant sonar effect like Hanzo's Sonic Arrow.
She'll also have a mobility move, of course, probably a climb-up-walls thing. I'd like it if hers could stop mid-wall and you could just sit there. That'd be fun.
As for her ult... if I had to guess it'll either be a worthless support Ult (something like your whole team gets a big HoT) or an actually useful offensive Ult (the entire enemy team starts ticking down for 20 hp per second and it doesn't stop for half a minute)

so shes gonna fire AOE heals

Oh I'll give her an inch of depth, if you know what I mean.


>headshotting niggas with full charged revive gun

fuck that game was fun

lets be real, the concept of healing bullets has been around for a while

That's not really something to be proud of, user. A one inch penis is abnormally tiny

>valve invented shooting people to heal them in video games
Really grasping for straws now.

So, ideas:

Shift: Load Bionic Canister, essentially swapping between either Healing Biotics or Damaging Biotics
LMB: Primary fire will depend on canister loaded. Healing canister will heal a set amount of HP quickly over time. Could either be a low fire rate and high HP gain or the opposite, where you can stack multiple heals on one character for faster healing. Damaging Canister could instead deal damage over time to enemies hit, again you could stack multiple shots on an enemy to make a more toxic DoT on them. Initial damage is either low or nonexistent
RMB: Zoom ala Widowmaker. Not sure if any firing modes should differ

Ult: gives allies lifedrain

I'm not sure what you could use as an E ability


they nerfed her railgun's damage falloff, so shes a bit less busted.

>Been playing LBG in MonHun for the past two weeks
>Spend way too much time administering long-range suppository healing shots to my hammerbro because he keeps getting hit like a retard
>Now this is coming out
it's like poetry
it rhymes

>Brazil Overwatch twitter has a slightly different picture that includes Amari's name (Pharah's mom) in the to section along with Reyes and Morrison.

>how does a long range shooting ability work?

I guess nobody played killing floor. You literally just shoot people to heal them by certain amounts with cooldown. If you miss then you don't heal. That's it. It's useful as fuck in Killing floor especially since it's a game that revolves around a group of people like overwatch.

Blizzard pandering to the lowest common denominator, as usual.

Oh fuck Mercy being the ancient evil all long would be god tier tweest for overwatch. Making the conflict between repear and soldier and being the secret dark hand of talon. It literally would work.

What if it's like the UT shock rifle only with heals? M1 being a laser that heals. Good distance
M2 being an orb. Offers some healing but when shot with M1 it explodes for a good aoe heal bomb

brazilios dont buy games

>expecting people to reliably do shock combos on consoles

There have been so many times where I'm playing Zenyatta and I cannot properly heal my team because I'm pinned around a corner by a 76 or a McCree or whatever that'll pop my ass if I try to get out. Peeking out and applying a 90HP HoT was somewhat decent in those situations, however, and most of the time my team would clear the threat and I could come out, or sometimes I'd even get the drop on him when he wasn't focusing suppressing me and actually kill him myself.
I don't know what they have in store for Sombra but it better not make Zenyatta obsolete.

Im expecting poison damage. Would fit in of a defense/support harraser.

Pandering? In what way?

Doomfist when?

So Blizzard is just trying to distract people from the Competitive mode piece of crap by announcing a new hero?

>keep swap between healing and aids
>e throws the canister in the bottom right of the diagram with either poison or healing. think a grenade version of widowmaker/soldier things but the damage/healing is in one burst
>firing rate depends on zoom or not
>zoomed will be slower rate but high healing/damage
>unzoomed will be low healing/damage but very fast rate

>since its a mercy staff knockoff the shots are lasers and have no air-time
>holding a charge while zoomed will make the shot more potent, high burst healing but low uptime on constant healing

>ult should be a shock combo from UT

Holy shit I JUST realized they're releasing a sniper support when we literally already have one and it's debatably the worst or second worst character in the game
You guys ready to never see Zeny again?

>no damage
She better be amazing

if she doesn't constantly pester phara teammates about not finding a husband i will be disappointed

Guys what if her rifle doesn't heal and it's the little grenade thing that does
What if it's like a worse version of 76's heal but it literally just sits there on the floor forever
You can poop out an immobile Lucio with a smaller AoE every, like, 12 seconds
And the rifle shoots canceraids DoT bullets and nothing else

Supply Drop.
Aoe stun, drops healthpacks and armor packs for your team and shields up the area for a time.

>no fire weilding hero

What the fuck blizzard

Mercy makes several references to not wanting her Biotic tech being used in the exact opposite of it's intended purpose. Meaning obviously it will be.

Wasn't Pharah's mom meant to be dead or something?
Also isn't she as old as 76 at this point?
Are we getting a grandma character or is she an ageless vampire necromancer like Mercy?

It's only been known since forever that Sombra = Pharah's mom.

The odds are high that a certain 76 is her father

First I've heard of this

Pharah's mom's status is unknown. Dead, alive, or gone rogue, nobody knows yet.

>translating is now pandering

Sombra is assumed to be a sniper and Pharah's mom is confirmed a sniper. This is the only known correlation between the two.

I assume the healing mechanic will be
>Shoot enemy
>Friendly players around enemy you shot leeches life off of your target.

My best guess on how a fucking sniper healer will work anyway.

>Im expecting poison damage.
Would there be headshot damage multiplier?

>grandma character
that actually sound kinda cool

Blizz said they don't like DoT

>Genji's dash originally had a DoT on it
>removed it


Or she'll outpace them.
Ult makes the next 5 shots when used on dead team mates revives them.

Must be living under a rock, there is a reason they've shown so much of her, especially in the artwork. She is the only character in the original team poster that wasn't in the game yet.

That doesn't mean Pharah's mom is Sombra.

DoT's are shit in shooters you cancerous twat.

>A support I'd probably love to play and actually be good at since I'm a pretty good sniper in vidya (although I really don't like Widowmaker/Hanzo)
>Everyone and their moms will be playing her for months after release


What if she has a soldier 76 ult, but it's with a sniper rifle and she can force-confirm shots again and again

What about widow's venom mine

What do you expect? People not to touch the new hero at all?

If a widow or hanzo can actively stop the cart or people capping the point, I have no problem with you playing them. Most of the time people who take the role are just shit at it.

Unless she's mediocre/shit.

Then people will stop playing her real quick and fall back on mercy/lucio.

Trust me, Sombra is Pharah's mother.

What wow clone is this?