[PSV] Zero Time Dilemma (Spike Chunsoft, 06/30/16) – 5,375 (New)

>[PSV] Zero Time Dilemma (Spike Chunsoft, 06/30/16) – 5,375 (New)
>[3DS] Zero Time Dilemma (Spike Chunsoft, 06/30/16) – 3,916 (New)


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I'm just sad it didn't bomb harder.
The only good game with a coherent story in the series was 999, hackikoshi is overrated.


How is it? I've played ever 17 and 999 and vlr.

>the third game in a series that didn't sell in Japan in the first place, didn't sell well in Japan

Color me surprised.

that's the western release date user..

>post your face when you bought one new day 1

I should get 5,375 (You)s atleast.


Are 5000 and 3000 a bad sales number?
I thought people liked the Zero Escape series?

June 30th is the eastern release date user...

Well, the game was shit.

I bet #OperationKowashitai outsold ZTD

this is the timeline God has abandoned

Let's get this shit started

Pretty damn bad. Zero Escape games have never been popular outside of Sup Forums.

And my fucking copy still hasn't arrived. Fuck Amazon for monopolyzing this shit.

Those watches were available at memestop as well

Yeah, because it's objectively a better game. You can cry all you want.

I know, but I thought that pre-ordering on Amazon would be easier.

This is the third time this happens in 2016. What the fuck is wrong with their shipping service?

>the only people who wanted it pirated it
>piracy is a victimless crime
Loving every laugh

Post yfw the game sold more on Steam than it did combined on both handhelds.

And all these handheld babies say their scraps don't sell well on PC.

b-but they already got paid by the publisher! it's not like it'll affect their ability to get funding later or anything

So, these are japan-only numbers, right? They're taken off the same list that has the new AA game on it, which is jap-only.

Japs have shit taste, news at 11.

But the game was shit. Doesnt this mean the japs have good taste?

danganronpa launched on pc and got dogshit sales, honestly pc babies deserve nothing


>A 40 bucks image set and a 50 pages book attached to those CGs doesnt sell well with experienced and educated costumers

Color me surprised. It should have been 15 bucks at most. No VN should be priced more than that.

I'm glad my never preorder strategy saved me once again

Yeah but OP's sales are only for Japan, retard.

>worldwide PC sales barely beat out Japan only console sales of an unpopular series

Anybody that was interested in that game read the SA LP more than 3 years ago.

Or got on on vita i guess.

This, rofl

Spike Chunsoft shouldn't have thrown pearls to pigs.

>posting japan sales
>shitposting this hard
fuck off retard

it sold fine on steam considering it was the 3rd game in the series with the other 2 games absent on steam and full price during the summer sale

Agree, the story is god tier too!

This game was steaming pile of shit. Worst wasted full price on a new game in my life.

Is this surprising?

Wasn't ZTD almost just straight-up dead before development? Like they almost couldn't make it because of how niche the first two games are.

And at least this is the finale, so we won't have another ZTD almost-death to worry about.

9K total sales in the first week is pretty fucking abysmal

I think even the Virtual Boy sold more than that

>Sales faggotry thread

Time to leave neofag.

Your kind has never been wanted here.

I never played any of these games, but aren't they more popular in the west? Do nips even care about puzzle games and the crap?

>Nauseating lolicon bait character dies

Well at least something's good about this game


it's pretty popular on reddit, too

Could be worse. I was reading the Tearaway wikipedia article the other day and apparently the PS4 port of the game sold less than 1k copies in japan.

I don't know what you were expecting, though. ZE isn't popular, especially in japan.

They don't died user, just back to their "place"
It's the typical "we defeated the enemy...but we need to go back because reasons" cliche

Funny enough, even if they remember who they are, they never recognize each other. Not even Shiida-Marth

It's just pure shit for both franchises

Fun fact everyone!

Amazon has the game in stock and is taking new orders. They have also doing so despite having not fulfilled their existing preorders, because according them "fuck you"

>Pirate it in 3DS
>Play it a while
>Pick a side of the coin!
>Pick the right side
>Wow you're free
>Game over

Well I win I guess?

It's only a victimless crime when it's a AAA title.

Pirating niche games is a pretty dumb thing to do, senpai.

While it is true that sales aren't an indication of quality, it is an indication as to whether a series lives or not.

>despite having not fulfilled their existing preorders

C'mon, shoot me; don't worry, I want to die.

It's the end of the series regardless. Unless it sold like hot cakes there's really no chance of them making a fourth game.

Those are the medicreate numbers which are taken from Japan.

anyone know how much Punchline sold

You didnt even play the game.



Oh, I thought you were trying to spell mediocre

Around 2000. Didn't make it to the top 20.

welp, time to learn Japanese

Not really surprising I suppose. The plot in the anime was drudging to get through.


The funny part is that it sold more on PC than on consoles.

And sonyggers says that PCbros don't buy games.


why do people like this shit again

it only sold more on pc that in japan
those are eastern sales

Was gonna buy on Steam but beat it on hacked 3ds and it sucked so didn't feel like buying. I've pirated every ZE geimu

They have complex motives.

>you live long enough to see the Zero Escape series die
Feels good Monokumbros.

It's funny how ztd were shitting on DR all the timw because they were thinking, that because of Danganronpa they will never received ZE3.
They ze3 in the end and it is a massive dissapointment, worse than first DR, not even talking about SDR2. Maybe now they will fuck off at least.

999 wah pretty cool though, but Uchi ia a hack who can only recycle these same plot twists from previous work. Kodaka is better

Japanese hate Zero Escape because apparently it's too scary for their shit taste. It's always been more popular in the west

> Outsold by casual shit
> That casual shit being the Harvest Moon successor
I'm not even mad, anyone can see that a mile away.

999 had a better story, but VLR was the better game overall. The story was fine as well except for the ending.