Game has DLC exclusive achievements

>Game has DLC exclusive achievements

>morons that care about achievements in general

>Game has an achievement which requires you to play the Mac/Linux version

>2017 - 1
>caring about achievements

what the fuck, is this 2009 or something? who the fuck cares about achievements anymore? it's pure autism.

>game has achievement for playing co-op
>no friends
Yeah ok.


-the two of you

>game has achevements that would require you to get cooperate with other people to perform a very specific task for you, say, get an American Archeologist to extract an Egyptian ruin while a German Archeologist is within 2 squares
This would probably take at least 3 hours to set up, with turn lengths and all that, and someone's probably going to fuck it up

come on now user, i'm ashamed to admit that i cared about cheevos a few years back, i was young and stupid. some people just grow out of it eventually, you know. it will happen for you as well.

i'm also against hillary.

>Finish game with close to 100% all trophies
>6 months later, three dlcs come out
>Down to 70%
Fuck me

>Kill 5000 enemy players
>game has had dead multiplayer for years

Steam achievements: Not even once.

Playstation trophies and Xbox achievements YES!

>game has achievements for doing something repeatedly
>doing this repeated thing actively gimps you in the long run, or makes endgame experience worse

Fuckin Dragon's Dogma and that stupid "hire a shit-ton of pawns" achievement. WHY WOULD I DO THAT, MY PAWN SETUP IS PERFECT.

>Battlefield: Bad company has an achievement that involves killing 10002 online players
> i actually got it years ago

that's literally easy dude, just hire, dump and re-hire one pawn at a time

I will never get why people care about cheevos so much to the point where you literally cannot release games on major platforms without them anymore.

>game has achievement for being top of the leaderboard

some devs actually fucking did this.

>sadly gokarts

Killzone was guilty for this shit

But that would make sense, new content = new achievements for that content.

Shogun 2 did this.
Fuck you CA.

>game has online multiplayer trophies
>servers die within a week

>game has achievement for killing a developer

>Game has ANY achievement that can't be obtained through local play with the base game.

>kill 999 things with X
>kill 999 things with Y
>kill 999 things with Z
>complete 99 busywork things


What the actual fuck, did my thread just got autosaged?

Battleborn in a nutshell