Envolve is now F2P game



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Saw this coming.

Maybe I'll give it a shot. Looked fun, but there was no way I was trying it with its price tag. I'm a poorfag, my mid-tier gaming PC is my greatest luxury and is probably nearly worth what my car is.

Also I don't wanna read the whole damn post but I'm willing to bet they didn't make characters free and you still have to grind or buy.

And nobody is surprised.

>surrounded themselves with yes men journalists
>got overly cocky and thought it was a smash hit
>now F2P
My fucking sides

Serves you right arrogant pricks

>Look at all these awards we got before the game came out and people got their hands on it


wheres my refund?

P2W incoming.

now battleborn please

How will they sell Evolve 2 though? Having a competitor for it that is f2p is too much

It was already P2W, you had to purchase extra characters

Unlike Evolve, I wouldn't touch Stillborn with a 10 foot stick

The best part of the founder status is people will know who got scammed by Turtlerock by the little "founder" tag by their username

>2K is the publisher of Evolve

>2K is the publisher of Battleborn


>Implying Evolve hasn't gone on sale for 5 bucks multiple times

I wouldn't have paid any more for it at the time. I ended up liking it tho.

Doesn't 2K own Rockstar or they are a subsidiary of Rockstar or some shit? They're drowning in money

>p-please play our game

i cant stop laughing, holy shit.

>broken asymmetrical multiplayer with laboriously long sessions
>no single-player campaign to justify lack of game modes
>P2W from the start

>now F2P with even fewer reasons to play!

Why bother?

>Planetside 2 is bleeding users

That's kinda sad.

Is the game even any fun? All I remember from the beta is that everyone here said it was mediocre.

It has a 2, but it isn't 2K, it's Take 2. I got confused 2, 2gh.
It's also pretty surprising it isn't dead by now. Last time I played the game literally begged you to buy a subscription and daily certs were ripped off of non-subscribers. Fuck that.

I will never understand it. The entire game is basically an upgraded version of a multiplayer mode that's offered in dozens of other games for free along with all the standard modes like DM and TDM. It's like if someone tried to make an entire game from top to bottom centered around CTF and only CTF. It doesn't make any fucking sense.

I remember people saying the balance was broken

Are these patch notes real?

Makes me glad I dropped Planetside 2 for being an unfun clusterfuck to play

Pretty smart move tbqh, all the poorfags and third-worlders that can't buy Overwatch will pick up Evolve instead.

Only people who can't hack it in real shooters play Overwatch

Mass battles at night were the shit, truly amazing.
You just had to hop in a sunderer and move with the battalion and fuck shit up, then move to the next base and rape it as well.
That game doesn't deserve its developers as much as Tribes doesn't deserve Hi-Rez.

This is literally TORtanic 2.0

>Game bombs at launch
>becomes profitable after F2P


shit, I'm fucking excited. I played the original beta and it was legit fun. but that price, tho.

hope we can have a comfy /vg/ for a few months before people get bored.

And yes they're real.

It's hide-and-seek and it's pretty boring.

>fight a noob creature
>you win because they haven't been fed, can't hide and kite properly
>you win even faster if you have a good trapper

>fight a good creature
>you will not find them until they become OP, which takes 10+ minutes to happen
>you lose if you don't have a good medic
>the match will never end if you don't have a good trapper

You're a founder now

lol evolve 2... good one m8

Actually it probably covered its costs. Console sales at 60 bucks you know

>every game has to be another TOR

I want neo-Sup Forums to leave

I dont get it, it seems like the perfect game for free 2 play, whats so funny?


Sup Forums being Sup Forums. this is actually good news. I'm sure a lot of people here will enjoy it, so going f2p was a smart decision.

The question is.

are they gonna keep the jewery DLCs? cause F2P or Not, P2W shit wont work

>ever not being P2W
Gotta incentivize them dolla-dollas, user.

>people got to experience our game, controller in-hand.

top lel, I see the problem.

is it true p2w? because I'm cool with wreckin' a bunch of credit card kids.

its heavily P2W

literally one monster costs 20 bucks


It originally costed like 60 bucks

Im going to pick it up

Name of this semen maiden?

is this only a beta, or is the full game f2p?

>The DLC shitstorm hit full force and washed away people’s enthusiasm, dragging us further and further from that first magical pick-up-and-play experience.

What the fuck do you mean. You unleashed that shitstorm.

So can you actually add it to your library or what? Not seeing the option on the store page.

Battleborn F2P when?

Remember the TORtanic?

Good times.

Buying content doesn't give you any inherent advantage

I'm pretty sure that all the monsters and classes are balanced, so unless the classes that are paid for are significantly stronger than the base game ones, it's hardly P2W.


>envolve is now F2P game
as it should have been from the start

>Buying content doesn't give you any inherent advantage
Yes it does, the fuck are you smoking?

is path of exile actually decent?

Please explain how paying money gives you an advantage over other players as opposed to just limiting their class choices

Never wade into this kind of territory. It's pure masochism. Do not go to official forums for any game.

This is surprisingly accurate.

Good, fuck 2K with a rake


>limiting their class choices
Right fucking there, dipshit. You have instantly what other players have to, you know, play for [X] amount of time to get.

Yes if you like the genre, but there's no chance in hell you're going to nail your first character(s) build(s) unless you follow any of the ones you find on the internet.

You aren't fucking "paying to win" then, within a match, no amount of money you throw at the game will guarantee you a win.

Paying money simply advances progression faster. P2W isn't the proper term and has entirely different connotations. If anything it's "pay to advance at a significantly faster rate", it won't necessarily help you win.





Did they take it off the store so that people stop buying it for the moment or something?
I can't seem to find it. Guess I have to wait until it reappear on the store to get it and play.
Game looks fun but the whole paying scheme was so retarded.
Surprisingly, it's the only decent Diablo clone right now in the market. It's also free.

Anyone? Not seeing the button to add to library.

That is... amazing.

What should we name our Sup Forums guild?

interesting, now I'll actually try it.

>yfw there are people who have just bought Evolve on steam sale

F2p Overwatch When?


Jesus christ, look at that sheer amount of gibberish f2p speech. Damn, wish I bought Evolve so I could enjoy all the Silver Benefit Perk Skins, Founder Edition Coupon Code Badge Subscriptions and especially those juicy Upgrade Pack Ultimate Collection Collectibles™

>You have access to content others don't because you paid
>Not an advantage

If you're playing against other people who aren't paying, you have the advantage.

>Surprisingly, it's the only decent Diablo clone right now in the market.
Grim Dawn is better


>Founders Badge of shame for those 5 of you that bought it.
>Now everyone will know how big of a cuck you are

Fucking why.

Overwatch has no paywall, freemium, unlocking or really any kind of similar garbage. There's some custom skins that don't interfere with the game at all and nobody with their head screwed on tight gives a shit about them.

Also the game is actually popular, well made and has nothing to really fear.


>Two modes, online-only
Enough of a reason right there.

But that content that you pay for isn't necessarily stronger than the classes available to you from the beginning. You'd only be able to play as a single hunter or monster at a time, ones available for unlocking to F2P players, that are just as balanced as the classes available to F2P players off the bat. It literally just gives you more choices and cuts out the middle man. It may be content that F2P players don't have initially, but the point I'm trying to stress is that the content you can purchase is still on the same level as the base unlocks. They aren't better. Hence, not P2W.


Calm down, we don't know how hard it will be to get enough "Silver Keys" to unlock content.

It has less players than fucking FTL, an offline game. Seriously what the fuck is going on.

>well made
lmao fuck no. even evolve was better than that turd

Cuz I like free things

>showing off all those best of e3 awards

I guess they have to show something that shows praise.

>It literally just gives you more choices
Which is why you have an advantage
>and cuts out the middle man
The middleman being playing the game?

Oh user, need buy all those DLCs and cosmetics because i love Turtle Rock

>This post has more replies than Battleborn has players

FTL was released DRM free too, so there's probably double that playing it. So like 6x the Battleborn players

Is the Kraken glitch still in?

IIRC devs said something about "lol stats are still 50/50 in pubs we don't care"

>More well made than Evolve

kek, are you seriously comparing a CryEngine game to Overwatch?

They're countdown ends in 12 hours, probably starts then. They removed it from Steam today on top of that countdown for the last few days so everyone was guessing F2P already. Probably only did the forum post to try to get ahead of the potential shitstorm from their 10 fans.

Looks pretty calm though, I imagine the people actually using those forums are diehards.

Yeah, it's stupidly expensive, but it's making them money. Why switch to f2p?

I enjoy it immensely. I see it as a sort of sequel TF2 never got and never will get since hats are more important to Valve than developing new games and new ideas.

I really tried hard to hate this game because I hate Blizzard and Blizzdrones. I thought it would be handholding garbage, turns out it's a fucking arena shooter with actual depth and a huge skill ceiling.

Why that sudden drop in Path of Exlie?