So does this actually suck, or is Sup Forums blowing it out of proportion again?

So does this actually suck, or is Sup Forums blowing it out of proportion again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>star ocean
>only one planet

It's not terrible but it's not great. It's ok and the story is just ok as well.

Is it $40 new good?
I want something to play, and it's either this or #FE.

>buying wii u games

it's not like 90% of SO1 and 2 don't take place on a single planet or anything

and not even a futuristic planet, just JRPG planet #213

Both. It's not that great but not as bad as Sup Forums says it is either.

Some of the complaints I've seen about the game is stuff that has been in all 5 games. I get the feeling that the people saying it's the worst thing ever are just neo-JRPG fans who never played an SO before but just buy every JRPG on a current system.

Dude c'mon, there's quite a few fun games on it.

>Having shit taste

Okay game with great graphics

shit game. Star ocean 4 is better

Just play 1 and 2 again.


Don't say things we can't take back now.

I already beat it.

The story is good until the missions where you have to defend someone with waves of enemies. Unlike most wave battles, these are infinite until you can kill all enemies at the same time. Most attacks are single target, so you absolutely have to rely on your special attack. Otherwise, it's game over.

The reason you have to defend them is because they are trying to break into a lab, where one of your kidnapped party members is. This same party member becomes the focus of the entire game, the rest of the game is rescuing her, over and over.

I went to ot having the worst expectations.
My only complaints is that they will never fix spam AIR RAID to win and the plot goes 100 Miles per hour so the game is on the short side for a jrpg.
The rest is alright, the potato faces are surprisingly well animated.

Yes, it's bad. The soulless kind of bad.The reviews are actually too generous with the combat. I'm a long time fan of the series and while most say combat is the only redeeming feature, I think combat is an embarrassment. Spamming is too efficient especially when you get to fighting boss with 12 million HP, and there really are no alternate play styles at that point. The game never punishes you for not playing by the rules. Guards, and weak attacks are not efficient, and you can't cancel attack animations. Once you unlock berserker, the game becomes a press-circle spamfest. No changing party leaders, no skipping cutscenes, no changing weapons showing up on your character. Areas of maps are blocked off and there are only 7 maps. Protect Anne escort missions are horribly designed and killed all fun I could have with the game even after I beat them.

You can craft overpowered weapons about 6 hours into the game that carry you through the whole thing.

While Star Ocean 4 had retarded characters, and terrible voice acting I can at least watch that stuff with a shit eating grin and enjoy it for being bad. These characters have dead personalities dare I say no personality at all. So it's not the cringe kind of bad but the boring lifeless kind of bad.
I did not really have fun with this game. While 4 had a terrible story and english dubs, it was at least an enjoyable bad game. Star Ocean 5 just feels incomplete, low-budget soulless, and bland.
The nostalgia is the best part of the game.

It's really hard not to buy it because of dat ass

It's not awful, just not great either. Just one of those games you beat once and then forget about.

And I'm probably a minority, but I kind of like what they did with the story and focusing on one planet. Instead of always playing as the Federation guy who crashes on an underdeveloped planet and fucking around before flying off again to save the universe, you play as the guys living on the underdeveloped planet just trying to live your lives and not even worrying about the universe or anything until some space fuckers drop in and ruin everything.

Has some parallels with SO3 but re-imagined as if Nel was the main character and Cliff and Fayt just came out of nowhere and brought the galactic war with them.

Gameplay is average, graphics are awesome.

Honestly, if you just change Star Ocean 4's dub to Japanese? Yes it is better than 5. Can't believe I'm saying this considering how much I hated that game.

I beg to differ but I thought Relia being the centerpiece of the plot was dumb. The other characters are never given too much reason or meaningful backstory to care abut her. They just exist, along for the ride, doing their jobs. I'll probably forget this plot in a month.

>game is released on PC
>suddenly it's a 10/10

Even her hair is thicc.

Does anybody else really hate the generic "J-fantasy" setting and aesthetic?

Star Ocean really blows it too, because the gimmick that supposedly sets it apart from other JRPGs is that it's like a futuristic space-travel setting, but looking at these characters, I could barely tell them apart from characters from a Tales game or some other generic JRPG with a pseudo-medieval swords and sorcery setting

No, this doesn't excuse WRPGs for sucking Tolkien's blood dry like vampires.

It sucks as much as I would suck on Fiore's sweet, humongous titties.

I kinda disagree with this dislike the game=never played the series mentality. It's a very weird game and feels far more experimental mixing the old with the new, than previous Star Ocean games. I guess I'm in the minority because I've played Star Ocean games 2 through 5, and this is by far my least favorite.

Most previous Star Ocean games are VERY main-character focused. We had Edge with his project Hope powers and Fayt with his ethereal powers used to combat the executioners.
As the story progressed, from the perspective of a Star Ocean fan, I kept thinking, so when are we going to learn more about FIDEL? You never get to know most of these characters, it's all just Relia, Relia, Relia. I would rather get to know cheesy, corny, anime characters than bland,bare bones ones that you never care for because the story never focuses on them. That's the issue. The game is all about save Relia. Everyone else just feels like an afterthought. This felt very different from previous Star Ocean games. Thought more people would notice this as fans.

>Call your series Star Ocean
>Every game takes place mostly on an "underdeveloped planet" so they can shove in medieval fantasy shit as well.

I hate that SO MUCH.

Play #FE hands down. It's better even though it's flawed as well. I don't often agree with reviews but they were mostly right this time. Take it from a hardcore JRPG fan, who isn't afraid to criticize shit when he sees it.

Easy as fuck to pirate as well, WiiU "hacking" is hilariously simple and risk free. Also gets you the slightly less fucked version.

The game isn't the "this game flat out sucks" kind of bad. It has a TON of small issues that slowly add up over the course of playing, and make the full experience barebones and below average. Think of it as eating a plain bowl of oatmeal for dinner, while starving beforehand. If you're starved for JRPGs and have NOTHING better to play, go ahead, but this should be at the bottom of your list. Personally, this is the worst kind of game for me, because I actually like corny, emotional, expressive characters as long as there are meaningful developments. You'll find none of that here.

Anyone identifying themselves as a hardcore something or other usually isn't worth listening to.

It's a generic JRPG, that's about it, nothing to really hate about it, nothing to praise it for either, you play it once and forget it.

Visual cues, timing and the bonus bar don't really matter in the combat. You eventually resort to combo spam with two buttons, and while you do this expect the DRUNK CAMERA the zoom awkwardly up and down, and all over the place.
You can see it here in this video:

Has literally never played a Star Ocean game in his life

Yeah but Star Ocean is know for focusing more on the protagonist or at least developing him/her. Fidel is a poorly expressed, poorly developed character with no real personality. Unless self-insertion is your thing, he's even worse than Edge, who while annoying felt at least human.

>choices for JRPGs right now are idolshit or Mediocre Ocean 5
You know what, I think I'll just hold off on scratching my JRPG itch until Persona 5.

Focusing on one planet is fine, but focusing on only one character was not. The game is literally, you find Relia, just randomly decide to protect her because Miki goads you and some bullshit with your dad. The rest is HELP ME FIDEL, while saving this loli over and over again. I went into this blind so I thought the final boss was the end of the first half of the game and there would be some twist afterwards. Nope. That was it.

Star Ocean 3 is my favorite game in the series

Hey, I'm the "hard-core" guy.
Ok, I see your point so let me re-phrase. I am not "hard-core" in the sense that I think I am good or anything at these games, but I have been playing this genre for 14 years, from my worst experience "unlimited saga" to Xenoblade Chronicles X. I'm not going to try and say yeah, trust me, but i have played a wide spectrum of JRPGs in terms of quality.

Yeah but that's the thing that I don't like about this particular Star OCean. To me, forgettable is far worse than something that's "so bad it's good." Star Ocean 4 had horrible characters but I actually remembered the game more because to me they were everything that was wrong with Anime.

Marketing of this game:

>>The Stars await us!

>>Play Star Ocean 5

>>Beat the main story

>>So....when do I get to the super tech-y planet they always have the previous games?

Same. SO5 is better than 4, but man, am I fucking disappointed. I dunno, I just expected another SO3. Regardless of the twist in SO3, it felt epic - kingdoms felt like kingdoms, there were proper dungeons, you had more than ten skills, missable characters, resting at an inn gave you a chance at special PAs...There's nothing to discover in SO5, it's (so far, the Goale just blew up up I assume, because the cutscene showed nothing, never even got to see what the Goale looked like in-game or anything) the same five or so overworld maps over and over again. Worse, everytime I hear a song from SO3, I keep thinking how much I'd rather play that on PS4. I mean, it's not the worse game ever, but I just feel so let down.

>no costumes
But it was supposed to be good like 3

Just replay 3, 5 is mediocre in the worst way where it isn't even worth bitching about. Fuck, games like the original Drakengard were terrible but still made me finish them and remember them, SO5 has nothing going for it.

Kinda jarring how the character designs look when you take a closer look at their eyes.

Pink and white hair girls look like they belong in camp 1 game.

MC, and dark green and light green hair girls look like they belong in camp 2 game.

Blue and Blonde red streaks hair dudes look like they belong in camp 3 game.

Pretty much this. Its offensively mediocre. Nothing about this game stands out and it isn't even a bad enough game to be memorable for it like SO4 was.

Star Ocean 4 is bad but in the corny, roll your eyes kind of bad. Star Ocean 5 is the worst kind of bad. It's the underwhelming forgettable kind of bad, that will just fade into nothing once you sink your teeth in the newer JRPGs to come.

Well, one thing will be remembered.