Valve is about to get their shit fucked and wrecked

>“Valve is like a bar owner who lets people set up roulette wheels and blackjack tables in the back, sells chips to teenagers on their way in the door, and then makes people cash out at the pawn shop across the street,” Ward said. “Oh, and it has created a new game it owns and on which those kids can gamble, then lets the bookies take bets on it in the corner booth."

>“The fact that it’s Valve’s server and software instead of a bar, and Steam’s API instead of a physical roulette wheel and international websites like OPSkins instead of a pawn shop and Lounge instead of a bookie in the corner booth doesn’t change what Valve is doing: it has created a gambling ecosystem out of thin air, and its customers are getting scammed and losing money on rigged websites as a result."

>“Valve’s decision to unblock Lotto after this is mind boggling and I look forward to getting answers from Valve’s key decision makers on that,” Ward continued. “Or even a quote on the record from someone at Valve about the Skins gambling economy would be a good start. Valve’s public silence while privately helping gambling sites operate in the Steam Marketplace is unconscionable.”

Post your face when Valve will die in your lifetime

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is Valve?

it's going to be settled in the courts, if it even gets there, where i am sure valve has already had their team of lawyers plan for this sort of scenario.

This is only a problem because the people who run these sites are the scum of the earth.

The underage gambling thing doesn't bother me as much as the part where the owners are "gambling" on their own site (read: rigging it) and making videos/streaming about that site without disclosing they're the fucking owner.

>fucktardos visit OPSkins and have their money stolen



remember when Valve and Gaben were literal gods here on Sup Forums before? What happened to that rabid fanbase?

>Valve is about to get their shit fucked and wrecked
lmao. How much of your parents money did you spend?

The funny thing is... Valve isn't the ones who created the CS:GO betting sites. It's not like Valve was scamming anyone.

These lawyers going after Valve are idiots going after the wrong people. They should be going after the youtubbers who own the site.

>Retarded parents let their kids buy tons of CS:GO crates
>Get mad because their kids are retarded like them and are wasting money then throwing away the items they wasted money on.

actually valve is going to skate through this like they're coated in crisco

sorry kids, valve will become a major international multimedia conglomerate in your lifetime. (oh wait)

They stopped making games.

>calling anyone unconscionable

Wait how the fuck it's Valve's fault?

Read the fucking OP, it's their servers and API

i hate that shit, its stupid.

people play video games, companies make video games. hardware makers make hardware. No company is your ally, EVER.

if being nice = more money (good PR, fanbase) theyll be nice, if being asses (DLC) is more money, theyll be asses.


Last game was 5 years ago

For those who don't know what CS:GO betting site is in question. Watch this video.

He created the video game called Steam.

Read the fucking OP

because parents have to be mad at someone

Oh look, it's another "millenial makes a retarded analogy, that makes it illegal" thread.

valve just setup a marketplace that people can sell items on. people turned it into gambling. valve didnt do much about it like they dont give a shit about greenlight

I did, and I don't see how it's Valve's fault, I only see a desperate lawyer fighting for attention.

>Skins gambling economy
I've never played GO. Is he just talking about paying real money for virtual crates with virtual paint schemes for virtual guns in them?

>it's their servers and API

doesn't matter. in fact, it matters in valve's favor: ruling against them would hold engineering entities liable for communications transmitted across new avenues they created

the courts would not set this precedent

valve will never be taken to court over this

>hate the fake asshole Youtube and Twitch "personalities" who got their fame by being "entertainers" instead of good at video games (like pros or speedrunners) or building a community the genuine way
>the faggots who would sell out to anyone for a dollar and use the most obvious psychological tricks to goad people into subscribing and donating
>now those same people are making illegal gambling sites

I hope they go directly to jail, do not pass go do not collect $200.

Would losing a lawsuit get them off their asses and making games again?

So wait, parents get pissed that their kids are wasting money on rigged sites gambling with skins in a game that is 18+ rated?
As in, something they aren't even allowed to play? And it is the parents complaining?

>CS:GO kiddos can't imagine the idea of le based Gaben being in the wrong
They're essentially letting their players buy poker chips they create and then turn them loose on a strip full of rigged casinos that end up funneling money back to Valve. They've facilitated it, and despite doing this shit for years and knowing how cancerous it is, they also haven't done anything about these sites. Looking the other way is as bad as being activelly involved, which they're also guilty of. Valve and the cancer that they are on PC gaming, and gaming as a whole, are fucked.
Liking Valve and that fatass was always an ironic joke, much like PCMR. They've been kept alive much, much longer than they should have been by retards who took the joke seriously and thought everyone was being genuine.

Virtual skins that can be turned into a steam-only virtual money.

But these retards are trying to posit that since there are unrelated folks who are willing to trade the skins for real money, it's suddenly valves responsibility.

>Read the fucking OP, it's their servers and API

Are you retarded? Valve didn't create the rigged gambling websites you dumb fuck. What you are reading is clickbait article that blames valves for those gambling website.

Watch the youtube in and you'll learn who really are the creators of those gambling websites.

I had a lot of fun betting items for dota pro games. In fact I understand why a lot of people enjoy betting on sports.

Couldn't say I cared nearly as much about losing as I did winning.

>it's Valve's fault I got scammed by russians

that's sort of like blaming the table on the fact you got ripped off by a card shark

the only possible benefit I see is the industry as a whole is forced to back off this loathsome RNG gambling model SO MANY greedy publishers have adopted to make a sleazy buck.

so youre saying its ok to steal from children? kids do lots of stupid shit that doesnt mean you can go ahead and rob them especially if the shit could potentially be rigged.

No there exists a fully fledged gambling economy outside of Gabes Jewtastic crate garbage.

But my games will go away if they die


No, it's going to bankrupt them. They're going to have to sell their company to the highest bidder, and that's going to be EA. We will never get HL3. Steam will be fully converted to Origin.

Nah, they'd just invest in more toasters and MLP toys.

>Uses an analogy that retarded

Looks like Valve can just relax, because the opposition is Lionel Hutz

Any mainstream journos coming to the defense of Valve?

They were completely asleep at the wheel while this shit went down.

>making statements

It took the collective wrath of the dota 2 community to get gabe to call 2gd an ass on reddit

What hope do these idiots have

So what? How the fuck is Valve responsible for someone's misusing their API? Also, last time I checked, when you login in a third party site using your steam account, there's a clear disclaimer telling you that you are entereing a non-valve site.

I just don't follow.

>literal nobody has opinion
>"Valve will die in your lifetime"

If that was all it took, everything would cease to exist

it's more like blaming bicycle for gambling problems.

>. Looking the other way is as bad as being activelly involved, which they're also guilty of.

Wrong and wrong. It's okay to hate valve, but at least do it for the right reasons.

>FBI Raids Valve HQ
>Finds no evidence of HL3

It's not like being wrong stops people from acting like they are right. Don't bother using reasoning.

>mfw Valve defence force ITT

>They're essentially letting their players buy poker chips they create and then turn them loose on a strip full of rigged casinos that end up funneling money back to Valve.

Hey man want to come to my card game? you can only pay using toilet paper.

Are toilet paper manufacturers now liable for the gambling?

It's sad that Sup Forums wants to have valve, one of the companies that has honestly done the most for modern gaming. Get big and teens automatically hate you, just the way of the world...teens hate any large entity because large = "the man"

>an opinion is equal to suing a company via class action lawsuit

If you are 35 or under you're still considered a millenial.

>“Valve is like a bar owner who lets people set up roulette wheels and blackjack tables in the back, sells chips to teenagers on their way in the door, and then makes people cash out at the pawn shop across the street,”
What a shitty analogy.

Valve is more like the pizza arcade that has cool ticket prizes that everyone wants, and the scammers are people who are setting up shop next door.

Valve is not responsible for actions done by others outside, even if those others are using Valve's tickets and prizes that were earned inside the arcade.

I can sue you for shitposting on Sup Forums.

How do you think that is gonna work out?

If you're going to make a retard analogy at least actually understand gambling laws.

These kid didn't bet their items on games; They bet on a e-roulette table.

>the only possible benefit I see is the industry as a whole is forced to back off this loathsome RNG gambling model SO MANY greedy publishers have adopted to make a sleazy buck.


I'm fucking amazed more developers/publishers haven't ended up in court sooner.

Never mind the third parties running scummy sites, the developers and publishers themselves are engaging in some pretty heinous business practices.

>It's a Sup Forums doesn't know what they're talking about so they mindlessly scream "It's over" episode
Best episodes desu

>people are actually stupid enough to get scammed out of money or skins by literal third-worlders
They deserve it.

Since we are on full shit analogy-mode.

If I get scammed out of real money, the federal reserve is actually responsible for it? Good to know.

Well somebody has to take responsibility and parents opted out a long time ago.

I'd wager that I understand the laws more fully than most people in the discussion here and my analogy is valid and simple, not retarded. The analogy in the OP is, however, invalid.

valve cannot and will not be prosecuted. re: the class action lawsuit, they will probably give the lady $1000 and tell her to stfu or soemthing.

With Half Life 3 due to never come out I couldn't care less if they go under just as long as I get to keep my steam games.Either way I hope this prompts them to make games again.

Is there anything more satisfying then watching wannabe e-celebs get utterly BTFO?

I thought these sites actually bet money for the items

So what if they do? Has basically nothing to do with valve. Once again, it's like betting for any other item. The manufacturer of the item is not at fault.

It's certainly above having just an opinion. He's doing an action. You act like class action lawsuits have never worked in the past.

is it whoever the fuck makes runescapes fault when one of those twitch whores flash their tits to a bunch of teens in exchange for in game gifts? Is it Wizard's fault when I make chubby nerd girls suck me off for cards?

Valve has managed to become a pretty shitty company in a lot of ways (in fact, ruining counterstrike with skin shit is one of them), but this is one of those things that isn't their problem.

No. It's skins in, skins out.

You go pick a match, you pick the skins you want to bet. You send the skins to a bot then wait for the results of the match.

If you win the bet, you get your skins back plus extra skins worth the value of your winnings.

Real money never passes hands on places like CSGOLounge.

Their argument is that because some other sites exist which directly trade skins for money (no betting involved) suddenly Valve and SCGOLounge, etc are responsible.

Who cares, the old Valve is already long dead.

>people pointing out how idiotic this is
>DURR HURR Valve defense force

Not that we should expect any better from smug anime girl posters but come on.

Valve has been dead to me since 2009.

Steam is the cancer of PC gaming.

>libtards trying to punish innovators because they want companies to do their parenting for them

so what else is new. they should all fuck off and go to africa where there are no risky digital items to gamble with.

because age ratings generally aren't legal restrictions, only recommendations

Good, fuck valve

So is Steam going to die?
Is this the death of PC gaming?

>tfw switched to GOG years ago and don't have to deal with Valve's bullshit
Based CDPR saving PC gaming

Steamkiddies are all to blame, fuckin retards buying using their parent's money, being irresponsible during fucking Steam sales and now getting assraped by some low tier scammers.
Fucking retards.

stop false flagging

They lived long enough to become the villains.

Oh my god that has to be one of the most retarded analogies I have ever read.

yes, steam is going to die because a lawyer is begging for attention about his dumb lawsuit


No, no money. Just skins, for example


>Go to the website
>Pick an upcoming match
>Pick your team, and choose the skins you want to bet
>Watch the match
>If you win, you'll get your original skins back and then a monetary equivilent of bonus skins worth whatever you odds were. If you bet a $1 skin on a 2:1 game, you'll get back a $2 bonus skin as well.
>You leave with your skins


>Go to website
>Register your skins into the system
>Give them to a bot
>Just like real life lottery, some people will win big, 99% will lose
>If you won, you get your winning value worth of skins given to you

These sites do not have any direct money involved at all, it's all skins.

But their (retarded) argument is that because a site like exist, which are an against the Steam TOS third party buying and selling site for real money, suddenly Valve, CSGOLounge and other sites are breaking the law, even though they are not affiliated in any way, nor do they allow this with their terms.

I don't like VALVE, but why should I care about LEGAL UNDERAGE GAMBLING?

You're saying a lawyer with a vested interest in earning money from performing a suit against Valve called Valve a mean name in order to turn more people to his side?


What dies this have to do with liberals, you retarded cunt? Seriously, we're talking about video games and you have to insert "those gosh darn LIBERALS!" into this... BECAUSE FUCKING WHY?! Does your life revolve around politics so much you can't even go into a non-political discussion without bringing up the fact you're a cum-snorting Sup Forumstard? Or are you looking for some comfort by shitting on a completely non-related group so you can seem cool?

I don't fucking get it. I don't get how faggots like you can just fling out buzzwords as the boogeymen to give shit reason ALL. THE. GOD. DAMN. TIME.

Get the fuck off Sup Forums and let your brain actually heal or fuck off back to your containment board and never come back, you fucking tool

And it's coming from a lawyer, too. Let that sink in, this man went to law school.

Paid mods

Buying hats is for retards

it's certainly in the top ten

Thanks for the Non sequitur.
We're talking about CS:GO you dumbo.

found the libtard

If your shitposting is ruining my reputation, it could go well for me.

So is watching H3H3, but that doesn't stop Sup Forumseddit.

He's playing his own lottery. Gambling the judges/ jury are retarded enough to fall for his logic. He's probably smart enough to realize this is stupid. He's just hoping his opposition is dumber.

Found the retard.

cosmetics are for retards is what he's saying
which they are but at least in tf2 you actually look different in cs:go all you can really tell is that they got a pink gun or whatever not that it's some dumb ass 4000$ gun or something


Fruit in cookies is pretty gross.

Such a waste, both the fruit and the cookie are rendered useless.

It's like adding soy sauce to a bottle of coca-cola.