Xenoverse 2 Thread

What are you hoping for in the upcoming game?

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To not be shit.

Let's try to keep it within reason.

I want Namekians to be better than all of the other races.

Better gameplay that isn't button mashy and sponges for enemies
Everything else about xenoverse was great

To come out already so I can see what'll be next. One Xenoverse was enough for me.

anybody here plays dokkan

Already saw indepth gameplay.
I no longer have a reason to hope because they didn't do anything I previously hoped for.

It is 100% Xenoverse 2. Nothing has changed.

me, waiting for gogeta

They already were in Xenoverse 1

>tfw sitting on 244 dragon stones

When is gogetas banner?
>Tfw only 117 stones

I think someone said it was on Friday

To make android race great.


>super armor meme on boss makes him hard XD

Only broly should have super armor, the rest is just BS

I think super armor should be a scaled thing. If you're too low a level for the boss, then they have it. If you're too high, then you have it. It'd be a good way of showing how powerful characters become.

130 stones for 4 multi summons UHHHH it better ducking hurry up I need my gogeter

>4 multis
Nice you probably won't get him with global rates though

Global rates?

Just gonna use the reroll app famicom
The global rates are shut compared to JP dokkan just look at pic

>did my GSSR summon
>got pic related
Is he good?

>reroll app
Link pls

bigger stages

can someone bring back /dbg/?

You need root and it's android only but root is one click these days so it's way easier

when XV2 releases, now is not the time

eventually, we'll be able to talk about XV2, Fusions, Dokkan, and Super.