>roll a die
What did it mean?
Roll a die
I want this as a username now
>not gannons face
one job.
What's the best achetype, and why is it Super Quants
>all combiner robots are power rangers
>implying super quants aren't literally power rangers/sentai
I bet you think Kozmo is just generic space stuff too
You're going to buy her pack aren't you Sup Forums?
>turbo big guy or die
At least play a deck that's good if youre going for that bullshit.
Something like
Only if I can fuck the cute Destiny Hero boys
>Vylons will never be good
I dont know. What pack is it?
Will Lucifer work for you instead?
Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers
>more Dark Magician support in August
Doubt it. so far none of the cards interest me.
What kind of cards interest you then?
>Abyss Actors
Performapals and deskbots. The list i'm looking at isn't complete so i may change my mind and buy a few packs if any spells or traps catch my interest.
>Both Lunalight and Cardians came out before Abyss Actors
It has been a long road.
It means check this
>Pictured is things that that don't do shit if you roll or a 1 or a 6
Deepest lore.
Here is a present just for you.
What is the point of this card? At best you get luck and make your opponent discard a TT or solemn they were holding onto for some reason. At worst it's a free +5 for them.
You can use it in mill/deck outs, it just exists for gimmicky shit like gift card.
Will there ever be a card as fun as thousand eyes restrict ever again?
Have you seen Treatoad? It's like Cyber Dragon Infinity meets TER that floats into itself.
what's the most convoluted card in Yugioh?
There's probably some pendulum shit with 20 stars, a convoluted as fuck name and a full movie script worth of text.
>tfw no handheld yugis with xyz summoning
simulators just don't cut it. I love starting from scratch with shitty starter decks, collecting until I can build all the good decks
If you're only talking about card text, then it's a tie between Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon and Nirvana High Paladin.
If you want some janky bullshit card that takes an unnecessary effort to summon, most of the protagonists' boss monsters are like that. I think there was one that you could only summon if you had 1000 or less LP and your opponent had almost all theirs.