ITT: Things you are grateful for having been cancelled.
ITT: Things you are grateful for having been cancelled
Are you sure that's really a Doom game and not something else?
Isn't this Hellgate: London?
Every news article on it seems has the same footage and screenshots.
Id seems to have put a lot of work into it before scrapping it.
A demonic post apocalypse has potential
especially over the done-to-death zombie post apocalypse and fallout shit
if its development lasted that long one would think it must have had some potential
should have renamed it, i'd like a not shit hellgate london
whaling on the guitar
stfu user
Comparing this to D44M, what the fuck would the demons look like?
Also can you imagine Doomslayer in a CoD campaign when people start talking?
On one hand releasing that would certainly have killed the franchise, on the other hand, the bantz that would have come out of Sup Forums would have been hilarious.
There is no fucking way that this is real.
The backlash for "rebooting" Doom into a generic military shooter would be fucking unprecedented, I can't the idea got as far as them to start actually designing the models and shit.
I can't believe*
has anybody posted metroid prime federation force in this thread yet?
in before >but it hasnt been cancelled
I dont care it shouldve been it still counts
I wish Diablo 3 would have been cancelled
What is that music?
There's no way that this is real
At Doom's Gate played by a crappy guitarist with crappy settings
it was meant to be an RTS like Halo Wars apparently
I'm imagining most of your enemies would have been zombified/possessed human military men, it would have been very boring.
>That guitar
The fuck was that?
>CoD of Battledoom
i wish they canceled the one they released, too
That actually looks much better than the shit we have now
Oh fucking knock it off. Don't act like DOOM: Cawadoody Edition would be better than NuDoom.
>Taking a frogposters bait
>There is no fucking way that this is real.
I'm pretty sure it is. I remember reading an interview a few years ago that featured Romero explaining that he had already seen what the next entry in the Doom franchise looked like, and that it looked a lot more cinematic compared to previous games. Seems to fit the Call of Doom leaks to me.
Also the inclusion of the Super Shotgun near the end of that footage is a big giveaway.
>I don't agree with him
>Must be bait
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed I take it.
>it was meant to be an RTS like Halo Wars apparently
If they remade "Hell on Earth" but kept the gameplay intact it would be fine. But this looks like it would just be "Call of Duty with Demons", it has to still feel like a DOOM game while taking advantage of a futuristic post-apocalyptic earth.
Or better idea, how about a fucking apocalyptic Earth? Why is everyone so interested in what happens after shit hits the fan rather than the events that make shit hit the fan?
You know with the current state of Capcom and the Media, they'll probably try to please the "westerners" by giving Tron pants.
>le dumb Sup Forums garbage face
proof dumbass
Why didn't you attach a photo of yourself?
I'm so glad we were never forced to suffer through this.
>western games
>Had the dash/kill mechanic that Mighty No 9 uses.
literally nothing. if it turned out bad you simply don't have to play it.
I remember this.
thought it was a joke.
But that actually looks pretty cool, kinda like a Megaman themed Metroid Prime:Metal Gear Rising bastard child.
>its ok if something I enjoy turned into because at least I can just ignore it
Fallout 3. Seriously, Bethesda saved fallout from being one of the last breaths of a piece of shit dying genre.
The shotgun in that trailer is identical to the one in DOOM 4.