
Why does this weeb meme series gets a while Memelands doesn't?
Shit's selling as no.1, beating out RoTK at that.

because it's the same reason why #FE gets away with stuff despite being worse than Neptunia

>claims that microtransaction, safe series title, memake, stagnation are driving people away
>Launch with more than 30 dollars worth of DLC.

Microtransactions aren't the same as DLC tho. While the main Nep games are safe series... they do change it up with side games that have entirely different gameplay.

Some of the DLC are potions and shit. It's literally micro-transactions. As for the DLC thing the game is referencing the current state gaming in general, like day one DLC for EZ money they don't need. Then it does the same exact shit with 30 dollars worth of day one DLC.

>Some of the DLC are potions and shit

those are usually free

>because it's the same reason why #FE gets away with stuff despite being worse than Neptunia
but Neptuina was not localized by Nintendo

Neptunia is a niche series, I don't think the kind of guy who plays neptunia cares at all about memelands.

Most neptunia DLC is either bonus characters or broken weapons.

#FE may be decently received, but its original lines and contents got butchered by Nintendo of America
Neptunia VII may be memetastic, but it just turns Nip memes to NA context.

Those should all be free and already part of the game. I dont' care if the game was out earlier and the DLC came out later. This is the PC definitive version and they already developed the DLC, it should automatically be included

It has cute girls and also sick nasty Sup Forums memes instead of using family guy tier dialogue

You may be able to use that excuse if the mainline Nep games don't run on PC and Borderlands 2 not being on PS4. Those aren't the case.

dont tell me you are one of 'hardcore 4channers le reddit steal our meme' guys?

>Those should all be free and already part of the game.
All of those came after the game was done.

Because unlike with Memelands, when I play Neptunia I don't feel like I'm dying on the inside


because it was already developed before the PC port.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
But why do you feel entitled to receive a different treatment even when the game is already cheaper for you? This is not some bonus chapter or anything like that, it's just fanservice characters and broken weapons that serve no purpose to the game but just to make fans happy.

This. Nep doesn't spew memes for ironic shitposting. Nep is really there to try to put a smile to all her buddies who ought to be gay instead of being miserable.

because the DLC was already developed. It's fucking cancerous to pay for stuff that was already developed for the game

Then dont buy it, speak with your wallet

Kind of funny how that /n/Gamindustri isn't really the driver of dank nep memes. Sup Forums and /nepgen/ are.

>There are people that unironically thing those games aren't shit
I mean, I have seen people say that Senran Kagura has good gameplay so probably there's no ending to the bottomless shithole.

>stop liking what I don't like

Yes, yes that's exactly it. Especially when I see the reviews and 99% of them are just people giving full marks with comments like:
>I'll rate this game ten neps out of ten noires, tehe!
I mean, what the hell is there? What's the appeal?
Is it the horrible and cachophonic synthetic music?
Is it the gameplay that for once is literally straight out of a ps1 game or even worse?
Is it the 'story' and puddings?
Is it for the cute grills? But in that case, why not just download a couple of official arts? Isn't that the same shit?

It feels like a slice of life anime in video game form

Just leave, no one needs nor wants you to understand, go play you cowadoody or whatever the fuck you want

Oh. Actually this makes lots of sense.


don't bully the Sup Forumsutists

>Using the Call of Duty argument in defense of Neptunia
Don't you dare compare a triple A influencial and ground-breaking series like CoD to this K-on shit.

Where can I find the spanking pictures?

Well at least they're always on the most up to date memes

I'm starting to enjoy the first game now that I have Noire. I guess I just don't like Compa or IF.

I will cut straight to the point. Neptunia VII is actually good as it discussed Sega's own troubling reconciliation to the legacy of the Dreamcast.

Dreamcast was never able to harness its forward-thinking idea of netplay and net games at a time when dialup 56k simply isn't capable of delivering the level of play that you can get in local co-up, which is important if you want a real online community. Dreamcast couldn't connect to a LAN with Ethernet for one, so there's no way to get around the problem with that dialup.
More crucially, Dremcast had no games at launch in Japan. Sega grew tire of hardware business at that and the debate raged while Sega almost died from bankruptcy in the inability for Dreamcast to recuperate those losses stemming from the disappointment of Saturn. The lack of DRM on Dreamcast made it easy to pirate as well. There was no way to stop piracy to undermine it.

Uzume ingame is like that. She failed to really harness the great promise that she had, leading Gamindustri to fall to anarchy as her control slips away, causing her to forcibly put herself to rest. Gamindustri went against her and she was powerless to lead the very Gamindustri that gave birth to her and she didn't have many friends to count on. So she offed herself while harboring huge huge resentment about how it all came to be.

And of course, PS2 came to the scene, driving a nail to the coffin.

Compa is great though
Not in battle really, but she's adorable

Compa a semen toilet

>Noire looks shiny in Nep VII

CSK founder and Japanese magnate Isao Okawa, who stuck through with Sega through thick and thin would save SEGA at his own expense with a deathbed donation, and he forgave Sega's debt to him at his death. That's who Umio is.

With that, Sega successfully transitioned to be a publisher, at the expense of its own capabilities as a gaming studio and of course on the corpse of the hardware division. That's what Neptunia VII has built itself on, and it's more relevant today than Segagaga by far.


I hate when this kind of shit happens, still memelands is a worse game, deal with it.

>Didn't care about megadimension at all
>See picture of the new transformations
>Skintight suits
I am conflicted, I both want to have a Next Form Nep all for myself (a Blanc is fine too!) and BE a Next Form Nep.

Don't open, heart attack risk

I don't really get the Sega girls game but then again I also hate the designs for the girls compared to Neptunia's more subtle references.

None of it is 'day one' DLC as it was on PS4 10 months ago dipshit if you're regarding the steam version. As for the PS4 version, they literally gave shit for free and then patched in new characters that you paid for, none of it being day one.

ITT stupid niggers blaming Compile Heart for literally doing nothing wrong

because weebs will buy anything


Sexualization of neps was a mistake. Noire's game did it right with the chibi artstyle by making the neps cute, but not sexy.


Man all I see is someone enjoying a video game and actually having fun.... isn't that what video games are meant for?

I'm going to sexualize neps until my dick falls off

I will be harsh and say that SEGA couldn't really allow itself to look hard in the mirror in their anthropomorphic Sega Hard Girls. They can lampoon their games while muse about the laurels of their library and little quirks, but the hurt from the death of the the hardware division isn't addressed.

Nep vs SeHa spinoff is more like an olive branch, without how pointed the jab of Uzume's whole story being so front and center to criticize Sega. Hell, the end of Nep vs SeHa is more or less Fallestia writing it so that is finally able to live with itself over the more critical view on the events leading to the demise of the hardware division to the heritage of Sega's ecosystem at its peak.

The only time I've ever wanted to fug blanc.

>not wanting to hug and fug Blanc whenever you see her

>copypasta material for why CH/IF is DEEP.

at the very least it's an interesting read, there are some pretty good, actually deep themes to be found in the writing of the series but most people either ignore it and focus on cute girls or don't give it a chance at all,from what I remember the meaning behind Conquest ending is literally "this is what happens if someone wins the console war and other companies give up"


I am hoping that Blanc's issues can be addressed. She's got so many. The death of Iwata and the pivot to mobile gaming for the conglomerate deserve to be worked into her story.
Neptunia V didn't discuss the whole story well. PuruNep was disappointing in that sense. I actually hope that there will be another SeHa crossover where Blanc has to interact with SeHa, especially Mega Drive and Genesis.


FUCK THIS GAME IS SHIT. Overwhelmingly positive my ASS. I thought this game was supposed to be a parody of JRPG games but it's even less fun than ANY JRPG I've ever played.

I need to impregnate noire

>being this much of a sonygger.

who is this land whale?

You should ask Win10 box that.

One of her sisters is just a Mini-Me, ok i get it, but why does the other look like Noire/Uni instead of Nepgear?

Because it literally is her. They're all called Vert and act the same way because they're just shards of herself pretty much. I was a little disappointed when I found that out.

Pantsu cam when?

Pretty much what happened at E3 this year.


Of course not, how old are you, 30?
You shoulf be edgy and fucked and play games with grumpy face calling it a shit.



>what happened minutes later
mods please no ban, I censored the entire thing

Nep is a meme confirmed by histy


you just need the right approach

At least they're self-aware.

Uni is my UNIverse

More like boner risk.

is that so?

Because Neps are godtier comfy fun. Neps are also the perfect combination of sexy and cute which helps their cause.


I want to FUCK Uni.

>It's okay when Nep does it!
Reminder that nepshitters are a fucking disease

Toeing the line of fap risk

Excuse me?

what's stopping you?

Did I stutter?


I actually played on the Dreamcast on 56k and it was fine, PSO was very playable and fun to play online.
The main thing that really undermined it is that there were hackers everywhere (it was still fun even with them around, desu)


I can't help it.

Look at that butt.

Absolutely nothing! Thanks user

Borderlands from what I saw forced memes everywhere in your face while Neptunia doesn't
if you think everything in Neptunia then you sir are retarded because that pic does not have any memes in it

Good, do it for your goddess


So if shares are faith in a goddess.
What does love and lust make?

Because I should have a very large backlog to give to Blanc.

>getting NOL'd

But Neptune's is the best.

they are above shares, similiar to how NEXT form stands above HDD

What does her butt smell like?