Why does everyone hate him and call him useless?

Why does everyone hate him and call him useless?
A good genji is an unstoppable nightmare to face and is almost impossible to kill

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Literally no one says he is useless, unless a bad player plays him, which can be said about any hero. Fuck off faggot.

because while Sup Forums talks a big game and would have you think they are all quake pros, when actual balance discussion happens it becomes pretty clear most people here are very casual casuals in practice.

Genji has argueably the highest skill floor in OW (i.e. still not super high) which is well above what most of Sup Forums can put out. Thus people do shitty can think it means Genji is just shit.

In comp its just easier to assume the person who insta-locked Genji or Hanzo is bad and ask them politely to switch to someone who requires less skill or is generally more helpful. Both can be amazing, but you really need to trust the person behind them.

Give him the monkey dick.

pick one

Holy fuck I just had the most clutch fucking play. It was an escort mission on defense, I was mei and they were literally 3.2ish away from the goal and I popped my fucking ultimate on ALL OF THEM. Literally every single one of them directly in blizzard and genji ulted too and just sliced them to bits for the penta. It was glorious, best moment in this game so far.

It's a robot ninja. Of course people who use him are going to be to looked down upon.

Also his play style revolves on chaining combos like a real ninja. He's fucking hard to use and most idiots just picked him cause he looks cool.

He has top tier skill ceiling.

But a true master of Genji can probably carry matches and murder everything but a good Tracer and energy beam weapon heroes.

I'm absolutely horrible with him, can anyone give me any tips on how to play him effectively?

Because he gets shut the fuck down by top tier tanks & Mei.

Everyone that plays him thinks they're the unstoppable nightmare type. The vast majority are wrong.


Jump around like an idiot, when you get close or flank someone: right click, melee, dash

sweet mother of god i didn't even know that zaryas ult was a projectile

I have yet to see plays from him good to enough to say he has a high skill ceiling. It's literally e and shift spam and double jumping away when it doesn't work because I'm not retarded you stupid Genji fucks.

basically this, he's so small that people have a hard time shooting him just keep hitting double jump and wall running. Hardest thing is timing your cds so they dont run out when you're in the open.

>only gets kills with several other's help

Teamwork and all that but that's not really helping show anything.

so is mei's robot when she ults
and 76's healing canister somehow

What the fug

>be Mercy, healing Roadhog
>enemy Genji is just dancing around Roadhog, plinking him with shuriken
>Roadhog doesn't even turn around, keeps firing forward
>Genji starts hitting me
>get on the mic, "Yo Roadhog get this Genji off me."
>he fucking whips around and instantly chains the Genji out of midair and kills him

Worthless against Zarya.
Worthless against Mei.
Mediocre as fuck against Reaper.

i am scared guys

it's a team game, that's the point.

the only people who you're gonna be killing on your own are other flankers and people are completely unaware of your existence who may or may notherwise kill you anyway. Even then McCree can do that.

There are a lot of heroes that would've gotten more kills without the use of their own ult there.

IMO he is isn't bad at all, it's just that bad players tend to gravitate towards him. He becomes useless if he isn't played right.

Holy shit, I meant to say

And people who are completely unaware of your existence who may or may not kill you anyway.

Also what's going on here

No there really aren't and that genji got 3/5 kills 100% by his own damage there.

What the fuck

He probably couldve just gotten left click shuriken headshots instead of using ult, but he probably wanted to seal the deal after that one in a million reflect. Ultimate reflects are great but they hardly ever happen outside of Deadeye. Once you get into higher MMR's the McCree's learn how to hold their ult though.

>multi-canceled swift strikes

Every time, that shit is sex on the eyes.

Watchin it again, ult was the right thing to do

Well, it only makes sense that you know nothing of this natural phenomenon, what we have here is a herd of destitute english gentlemen a very common problem in england they often institute hunting seasons to control the population, but alas the queen breeds often and gives birth to many pls donate to help cull the population of english gentlemen.

for real though

"business men flare giraffe", "business men in grass", and "business men dark road" yield nothing

Because he has less DPS than even mercy?
Because, when 70% of the cast are sneaky flanking faggots, its actually a problem that this particular sneaky flanking faggot does less damage than the other sneaky flanking faggots?
He has a good toolset, he has survivability. But more than half of the chucklefucks that instalock Genji merely use it to preserve some kind of perfect KDA in some inconsequential corner of the map.

Do you know how often I'd see a Genji actually on the objective on offense? Never.
Do you know how often I'd see a Genji ever popping up on the topright of the screen? Never unless dragonblade was up.

When an objective needs to be claimed in 4 minutes, its a big problem when someone on your team takes an entire minute to harass a sniper to death. Its not about how awesome his 1v1 matchup with everyone else is, its about fucking objectives, and Genji players are allergic to that shit.

I have no idea, honestly I'll try looking it up.

Genji is only good at pubstomping noobs. He is literally 1v1 bro the hero.

A well coordinated team wouldn't get picked apart by him 1v1 or spray projectiles at him during his deflect.

While I agree with your point every second that sniper is harassed or dead is another they aren't shooting you in the head.

Genji CAN get on objectives and dodge like a coked up monkey he melts as soon as he gets hit with aoe he can't deflect

Unlike say Winston who can expand dong wherever the fuck he pleases

I've had decent success reflecting Junkrat grenades as they are seldom aimed at you specifically but at groups or your allies

Found it.


>people flame me for playing bastion in offence on comp
hes actually really good for clearing out a point with his ult and he completely fucks over reinhardt comps

But I'm just a level 60 shitter so who knows

So are we going to talk about the actual worst hero Zenyatta?

What is his problem? The other 2 healers (Lucio and Mercy) were the most played heroes in the most major tournament in June, while Zenyatta was not played ONCE.

What makes him so bad and how can he be improved?

>HARD MODE, No HP or Movement changes

Signs that a person plays a game casually but thinks they are good:

>a good ____ player would...
>I've never once lost with ______
>I've never once lost to ______ (with ____)
>_____ is a real monster in the hands of a good player
>_____ is fucking cheap
>_____ is fucking OP as shit

his healing rate is laughably fucking bad despite it requiring LOS similar to lucio. Make his healing and discord linger longer when people are outside LOS by like a factor of two and he'd at least be comp viable


Wonder what this has to do with radio head and 9gag though

maybe increase his hp a little bit and his ms 10pts

second discord orb
discord's already +50% damage on an enemy, having two of them could outrank mercy's damage amping capability pretty easy

why is there no way to go invisible on battlenet reeeeeeeeee

>a character in a team game only does well with his team
Such a novel concept.

Oh, it's a song from the new album. Is that the music video or something?

It was posted by radiohead, and one of the links I got when searching was some guy freaking out about it being posted so much to 9gag.

What is 2CP? Two control points?

Overwatch booth when?

Sounds like it, competitive players hate those maps for some reason.

Child pornography.

I thought Volskaya was well liked?

Even Torb puts out enough damage to have killed them all in the same amount of time without popping his own ult on top of it.

Just go winston or even symmetra and he is easy.

>snowball industries

>Get multi kill
>My warrior spirit BURNS.

I respectfully beg to differ

10/10 solid fucking tanking

>Using Genji

Why use Genji when Tracer does his job so much better?

what's wrong with it?

Playing him well results in a shit load of ults per round. You haven't seen a good genji.

Tracer is the biggest grab bag for me. I swear I wreck face or just make a 5v6 till I switch.

Do you have the normal graph that shows overall character use?

>pick one
Genji. Time to win the match.

Literally the orange bars and the line graph represent overall usage


Tracer doesn't have the range or defensive capabilities

Why use Tracer when Reaper does her job so much better?

>Why does everyone hate him and call him useless?
>A good genji is an unstoppable nightmare to face and is almost impossible to kill
>A good genji

Answered your own question

its very easy to bumrush and win 1st point and then immediately go to 2nd point and just spam ults for a free win and the defending team cant respond fast enough

Whenever I play Tracer I really find myself wishing I had any fucking vertical maneuverability whatsoever. Genji can double jump, climb, dash up. Tracer can only really move on the horizontal plane.

But this isn't true. His mobility is negligible. His range is even worse. And he can't harass.

Hue. God, I miss the old vidya meme videos... Whetever happened to that guy who did the Giant Dad Dark Souls one? He still making shit?

how do i mccree effectively

you don't McCree

Yeah it kind of seems that way. At least it isn't Hanamura or Anubis
What are the Pros' favorite maps?

I don't understand how people can say Genji is good, he's literally the only offense I don't like playing because his overall damage is so mediocre.
>BUT BURST, muh RMB melee dash
>One Reaper shotgun can do up to 140 damage, fucking 280 if you blast someone's head up close
>Soldier 76 can nail someone with a rocket and a 3 headshot burst at the same time for 222 damage, even at range if they're not moving much, love doing that to dipshit widows
>Also Mcree
>Aint shit against people that have played arena shooters or TF2 cause Scouts
>Against good players it's only useful for the split second you activate it(only the first time too if you're predictable) then it's just a stall tactic
>Reaper, Tracer and even Pharah have options to flank too
D.va is to Winston as Genji is to Tracer.

is he really that bad after the nerf

Start watching Taimou

People slpurg over Seagull all day (who is good btw) but compared to Taimou hes childs play. Taimou, Talespin and Seagull are all worth watching if you wanna learn how to Genji. Pay attention to thier flanks, hiw the moge when they're fighting certain targets and which combos they use.

Stun headshots

get really damn good with headshots.

really good.

like flick your wrist and headshot type good. at medium - close range thats 140 damage instantly.

>getting hit

Plus any offense character is light as fuck. Tracer gets 1 shot by most people too.

The character isn't useless, it's the players that are useless. I've seen great Genjis, but he has the largest amount of faggots who are completely garbage with him and do nothing all game.

its because of dragonblade being such an effective ult, and becoming more effective with an allied lucio or zarya,
and yes other ults are amplified by zarya's aswell but dragonblade also ignores rein's shield if he gets vacuumed in

>A good genji

Sure. The problem is that every single retard who plays the game thinks they're "a good genji"

Protip: You aren't.


I'm literally better than 90% of all Genji players and I can still safely say he's nothing but a pubstomper, if the enemy has any degree of coordination and the right picks (Zarya, Rein, Winston, all are very often picked) you're just shit out of luck, you're reduced to a fly who annoys the enemy at best.

It's because a majority of genji players are horrible with him

X-Files level shit here, what the fuck

Is this found in battle.net?

A good Genji can carry the shit out of a team

unfortunately I've never met that Genji


Time to post autism more like

I play him occasionally because he is fun but that's not allowed in Overwatch. Besides that I think he's pretty good at killing Widows when they are on hard to reach platforms.

So Zarya is tsun for genji?

How do I beat genjis that are good

>completely useless outside of his ult
>gets shut down easily while his ult is active
>winston/mei/symmetra shut him down hard

Every time I have a genji in my team we either lose or carry him.

Zarya is a good choice considering he can't deflect the beam and she has a smaller hitbox than say Reinhardt. Roadhog too if you can get the hook combo.