So now that the dust has settled, how does Sup Forums rate Pokemon GO?

So now that the dust has settled, how does Sup Forums rate Pokemon GO?

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Personally I enjoy it. It's everything that they said it would be.


0/10, can't use WiFi zones to play, mobile data too expensive

Reminder that all of the stops were imported directly from Ingress. That's how they have so many already.
In Ingress you can actually take pictures of landmarks and request for them to be made into areas of interest.
I haven't tried it yet because I uninstalled Ingress a long time ago and I'm already in a very stop-heavy city, but if any of you anons in barren areas want more stops, I think it's worth a shot to request some in Ingress and see if GO is still borrowing from that database. I have no reason to believe they aren't still.

man, i was just having a conversation like this with a friend last night.
"dude, mi phone says there's a few good catches a few blocks away from home, but it's in the park, and it's almost midnight. no fucking way i'm getting mugged, beaten and fucked for some pokemanz"
we had a good laugh and called it a day. and then i realize there's people stupid enough in this world to walk into no-go places for pokemanz.

Not everyone lives in a shithole like you user

includes such articles as:
>Cincinnati Zoo Gorillas Might Protest After >The Murder Of Harambe #Gorillalivesmatter

>Zoo Claims Gorilla Had Ties To ISIS

>So now that the dust has settled
Why do shitposters always start a topic with this?






There's a poke stop literally a block away from my house and I can't be bothered to visit it
Shit game.

>use incense cause it's 1am and don't want to go out
>no pokemon showing up
is this how it's supposed to work?

>have to actualy walk around like a fucktard with your phone in front of you to actually play it
it's shit

>can't think of a name, let alone one that won't be taken
>will be stuck here for hours
Why can't everything be like Steam where you can change names at any time?

>Pinsir close to my house
>it's the middle of the night and I need to be up early
goddammit it better still be there tomorrow

literally reskinned ingress/10

Absofuckinglutely terrible.

I started it, got to the part where I had to select a starter pokemon, and couldn't move or do jack shit.

Instant uninstall for me.

Wasted potential/10
Hopefully it makes enough money and has a serious upgrade one day

>Have a stop literally across the road
>wifi range doesn't go far enough to get it
I'm not buying data to get it, fuck this shit.

is there any way to scroll the map around and see where stops and gyms are in town? Or do I really have to go out and check every block of town myself?

I just wanna plan my route if I decide to drive around

so you guys can't afford $30 a month for mobile prepaid or what?

>Live in a nice neighborhood with the straight hood across the street
>This is acceptable because there are train tracks separating us
>All the Pokemon are in the hood
>Nothing on my side of the street

There have only been three stabbings over there this year, according to this crime map.

I only rate Zidane.

>all these pokestops locked in some tulip farm tourist attraction
Fuck you flowers, I'll get them one day, and those two gyms as well.

>going into parks after dark
that's where hobos sleep, user

Yeah, I have rent to pay, and I'm not going to give up food to play Pokemon.

Just drove around for 20 minutes. No Pokémon.

Meanwhile I'm seeing photos of people finding them in their fucking kitchens. Is it because I'm in a niggertown right now?

turn on your gps dude

My starter was in my bathroom.

Bulbasaur on my sink.

Doesn't work if you're moving faster than walking speed

not sure why.

why have you got a smartphone if you can't even afford a low cost prepaid to actually make calls with the thing?

Combat's weird, and I feel like people are gonna want direct PvP soon or they'll bitch that it's not the exact same as their dream of it was.

Fun though, I like making my Raticate own a church for a whole day.

to force you to walk, duh

>servers experiencing issues


this is a very good method to combat childhood obesity
of course it fails the second the kids get their drivers license

I saw a bunch of Pokemon around my house from my house earlier, now there's nothing. What gives?

A bunch of my pokemon got their asses kicked because I had no idea how to fight a gym. Is there any way to have them get up outside of using my revives? I dunno how rare they are, and I wanna save that shit.

Wait, you can't take names that have already been taken?
Fuck thank god I got the name Garth

I suppose that's safe in a way, can't have people doing this while driving, but the map around me is fucking barren and I had to access developer mode on my phone just to get the app to read my GPS signal.

I honestly can't tell if this is a problem on my end or the app's right now because it's been a mess so far.

What the fuck guys how do I use incense

Wait is this real? $9 for only access to social media sites? This is SUPER against net neutrality and is literally illegal in the US. Who is the carrier? Why haven't you called the FCC?

No actual battling sucks dick. I also live in a shithole with 1 gym and 1 pokecenter within 15km.

It's exactly the same as every other 'fitness buddy' type pedometer game that promises to "MAKE FITNESS FUN!" but just has a pokemon skin.


Nope, you have to use revives


I don't even like most of them anyway, their asses are gettin transferred

>low cost
>20 dollars
>for 1 gb
Text and calls are cheap, data isn't.

>"Mom why is that man a girl in my pokemon game"

>Aus roaming

I'm going to go ahead and say shitpost land

how the fuck does Sup Forums go from filling up piss bottles in their basement, to going outside and playing this mobile garbage

I don't understand you guys

How are they not literally rioting? What the fuck

the magic of GOTTA CATCH EM ALL

Its like one big low budget shitty shovelware pokemon advertisement and Nintendrones are playing in drones because they are thirsty desperate fuckers from the drought of games

I don't think it's been long enough for a "dust has settled" thread.

It just hit the states like 5-ish hours ago right? Some people probably haven't even gone out because of how late it is over there.

how the fuck would they know you're a man unless you walk up and talk to them like a creep you fuckin retard

i have to get out of my house to play it, its garbage.

>wanted to look at what the characters look like in-game
>cant change it

>implying I wasn't pretending to be a girl in runescape when I was 12 to sell my body for gp

Australian internet laws are fucked. I don't think net neutrality as a concept is as worshipped in other places as in USA, Canada and EU

Though my mobile carrier offers mobile data packages for children and students that automatically include charge-free roaming for Wikipedia, Facebook and Twitter even though I live in EU


>use incense because work is dead, why not
>catch 1 pokemon
>it's been 10 minutes

good use of incense, thanks game.

Kinda boring actually.

Same here senpai, living in the IE is suffering,

Protip: If youre over 18 and youre gonna walk around and play this make sure youre with friends or youre gonna look autistic as fuck

how do you get this shit to remember your login info? sick of having to type in my email and password every time.

Stop caring what people think.

>walk around the part of the town I live in because some pokaymons are around
>old lady who knows me asks if I'm feeling well because I look really confused walking around staring at my phone every now and then

I pay $30 a month and never run out of calls, texts, or data.
i get 1.5GB day and 1.5GB night.
I stream music over data.
The only thing that would use up all my data is if I watched loads of 1080p youtube videos or if I used my phone for tethering while

Even poorfag prepaid options should have enough data for gaming.

I just installed Ingress to try this out.

Pokémon Go is literally just Ingress.

I had 3mins left on mine after I took my dog for a long walk, so perfect timing I guess. Was hoping I'd get one more before it ran out, though.

>Finally get to log in to the game
>Finish making my character and catch my bro Squirtle
>The nearest Pokestop is almost a kilometer away
>Remember that I live in bumfuck nowhere and this shit is exactly why I stopped playing Ingress

I'm not walking around 110+F weather to catch some Pidgeys and Doduos.

>tfw pay $44/month for 3gb of data between 2 phones, usually use 90% of it per month with no youtube; accidentally watch youtube or twitch on it once for a few minutes and fucking goodbye data
Who the fuck provides you "daily" data? My contract is up in a few months and I'd kill for that shit.

Anyone else can't connect to servers?

Or you'll just look like someone who is looking at there phone

I'm 32, user. What if I'm in a place with a lot of people around and I make it look like I'm text messaging?

I already decided I can't go to my park even though there are like 9 pokestops and 2 gyms in a tight fucking area a 2 minute walk away.

Is there any chance I"m autistic enough that people are going to sense that whether or not I am playing? It might not really matter if that's the case.

Video games are a mother fuck

Then the idiots will get in crashes and die.

We Weedle out the stupid

are there actual Pokemon battles in it?
All I've seen is an even worse version of safari zone where you just throw a pokeball and hope for the best.


The parks around here are all state parks with mountain lions and coyotes and skinwalkers but it feels safer hiking around there at night than a city park

The minigame for throwing the pokeball is pretty frustrating which makes it seem enjoyable because it's challenging.

I can't. Before I was looking at a Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur, but the piece of shit crashed.

Gyms only atm. Battles are automatic and consist of you flicking your pokemon to dodge and hope for the best. The Gym Leader just leaves a pokemon there to defend it and isn't actively playing it against you.

i was just fucking around man
no one actually cares

>name too long
>name too short
>name is taken
I can't even think of a name. It's more of a username than a nickname like it says, right? What did you guys name yourselves, for example?

Pick the squiter when u do connect

At least you're not like me and your game didn't lag so that you accidentally picked Bulbasaur.

>not purposely picking the bro-est of Bro-kémon

Riverside/JV here, works for bruh

There's 5 Pokestops nearby.
3 in the middle of a cemetery.
1 in a church.
And 1 in a garbage dump.

skinwalkers aren't real user

>live in a place with shit cell service
>game turns into an unplayable mess
It worked fine when I was out, but otherwise it's awful.

Can I just drive to the locations rather than walk?

The Ghost Hobo Gym.


servers down for everyone?

kinda scared that I got banned for sideloading before it was released in US

Down for me

why not just make it regular wild pokemon encounters with the regular battle system?
It would still be simple enough for casuals and make for a way better product than whatever this is.

They could even offer items and TMs as micro transactions or have players fight against other people for ingame currency if they come across each other.

That would literally make them billions.

If you keep saying that you'll anger them.

I wonder if pokemon go lets you capture skinwalkers and other spooky beings lurking in the world

Anyone know how to get it so save your login info so I don't have to enter it every time?

yeah they're down
>people are sneaking about right now trying to catch pokemon only to be kicked out of the app

Because they literally just reskinned their existing Ingress app.

I tried to get a gym four times at different times of the day and every time the servers would refuse to let me kick the shit out of those punks. The last time I tried I walked a little out of range and it begun working again.