Is it true that video games started going downhill in 2007?

Is it true that video games started going downhill in 2007?

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You wouldn't know since you weren't even born yet

That's the year of the great casualization of the industry. Call of Duty 4 created the trend of modern military shooters and Portal created the trend of "gamer memes" that got way too out of control

crysis came out in 2007 so no

I would say in 06 but yeah, pretty much.

We will never live in the universe where EA didn't jew out Spore

BF2 came out before CoD4


they're still fine. you cherry pick and only remember the good from the past. not all the rubbish shovelware that came out back then. same for movies.

People are pushing back the date all the fucking time.
Just choose the year when you were no longer a kid, that's the year videogames turned to shit.

>We will never have another era of gaming that tops the late 90s and early 2000s

>they're still fine

nobody really believes this, right?

Yeah but CoD was on consoles. It had a fucking huge audience

No. It's 1982.

I'd say 2011
>Deus Ex HR
>Halo Reach
>Black Ops
>Your Mom's Pussy

>2007 releases
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
>Shivering Isles for Oblivion
>Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos
Fuck, I can't think of much else. Everything around that time kinda blends together. Post more great games that came out in 2007.


Everything started going downhill in 2007. Trump save us.

might have been a step down from 2k4 but it was still good
>Super Mario Galaxy

Halo Reach was released in 2010, moron.


i dunno, very forgettable year. those aren't even great.

2007 was the year PS3 got its first game.


did you not get the meme????

I know that's when you're mom starting going down my hill

No because KI:U came out in 2012 and TW101 came out in 2013.

Nobody is saying there weren't bad games before 2007 you enormous faggot. They're saying that there's no good games after 2007.

The only thing that separates a casual game from a "hardcore" nerd game is how many numbers it has in the game to represent you all the useless stats and shit in it.
That's why you nerds love Dark Souls even though it has shit gameplay. You love it because it has HP bars and a million numbers everywhere to make you feel more secure.
Whereas if Call of Duty had HP bars and stats for everything and numbers all over the screen you'd fucking love it.
Fuck your HP Bars. Fuck your useless numbers. Numbers are for nerdy fags.

That's retarded user

And yet you can't refute it.
Refute my claim without using "muh logic" because logic is for gay nerds and has no application in real life. If you refute it using logic you have already failed because you will prove yourself a nerd.

CoD is for fags
You look like a pretty vile fag to me
Quads only confirm

ok you got me

GTA 4 was 2008
Wasn't THAT bad tbqh

2010 monkey

it had the best music of any game in existence so ye



Yes, it's true. Right after your childhood ended everything went to shit.

Someone update this.

Only if you play AAA games exclusively.


Pretty much even though we got great games that year. It's more because 2007 was a sign of things to come. DLC was literally in it's infancy at this point. Little did people know the horror it would become later on. We also didn't have certain franchises milked to death just yet. Things actually were great in 2007. It's just that in hindsight 2007 should be looked at in a worse light now.

Also Big Normie Theory

No, video games started going downhill in 1995.

>Monster Hunter
Opinion completely disregarded.

Half of these games are just weeaboo shit.

>no Red Dead Redemption

>not RDR
>not even a mention

This is a shit list, never post it again.

RDR was dogshit m8s


yikes! bad opinions


for once a list i agree with

New Vegas was dog shit. Fight me.

Your mum's pussy was released in 1958, idiot.

It was more like 2011-2012 I don't know where this 2007 meme comes from.

Why would I? You're entitled to your opinion, just like I am mine.

horse armor dlc.
the beginning of the end.

Thank you Todd

Yes. That's when the industry got more consolidated, with only a few big companies controlling all the developers. It's when AA games stopped being a thing and the AAA/indie dichotomy took hold. It's when DLC really became a thing. It's when console games started requiring installations. It's when the industry got bigger than Hollywood and, as a result, shifted its focus toward appealing to the lowest common denominator to maximize profits.

>rubbish shovelware that came out back then
The reason there was so much shovelware in the first place was the same reason games were better back then - they were easier to make, didn't require 20-million dollar budgets, and they didn't all have to go through a huge publisher who wouldn't clear anything that wasn't guaranteed to sell a hundred million copies. There was shovelware, yes, but it was a small price to pay for the greater variety and overall quality games had back then.

Indeed. Along with all the other issues, that was also the time when feminists and SJWs really started setting their sights on gaming. When gaming became huge, it led to both lack of originality as the industry played it safe as well as annoying people barging into a hobby they'd always mocked before and demanding it change to suit their agenda.

It must be Hell to be as pessimistic as you two

But all that stuff is true.

agreed. thre was a shift in gaming that most people felt. games stopped being fun around this time.

didn't help that the economy crashed in 08 so companies were force to make safe bets afterwards.

things are slowly getting better but there are still issues that have to be ironed out.

Not really

no people just say it did because thats around the time they grew up and realized how much vidya actually sucks

It went downhill when that nerd fad started . Just look at the nomalfags here who don't know shit about games.

>no Bully
>not even in 2008, for the Scholarship Edition

Shit list.

>good anime died on 2005
>good videogames died on 2007
i dont know if i can handle any more of this, all things i love are becoming shit.

Bully was shit m8

I have played zero games released after 2004. The last "real" game I played was Paper Mario: the Thousand Year Door.

Have I missed anything or is it all shit every day?

no because 7th gen was the peak of handhelds

>fallout NV its the best of 2010
stop reading there and discarded your opinion.

no you missed a lot


Not pessimism you fucking underage faggot.

1994 saw the release of

Super Metroid
Mega Man X
Final Fantasy 6
Donkey Kong Country
Earthworm Jim
Star Control 2
Mortal Kombat 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
And about million other verified masterpieces.

Needless to say it has been a decline ever since that simply because nothing could ever top it.

something i noticed its that list containing a lot of weeb games, favoring the Vita a lot, even if its probably the blunder of this decade.
but the single fact that Red dead redemption its not even on the top ten on its release year or just being mentioned at the bottom, its more than enough to reach the conclusion this chart its its full of bullshit.

Read the text at the top m8

It was the best of times
It was the worst of times

Why are rockstar apologists so aggressive with their blind fanbiyism?

Does it trigger you that somebody doesn't like their bland, cinematic openworld shit?

> only 6 months left until 2007 was a decade ago

It was also the year before the PlayStation was released. Well the PS1 was released in Dec 1994, the tail end of the year.

lol no its easily 2008 and its not even close

>gta 4

those three games alone triumphs any game that came out in 1994

>Each and every choice on the following lists is entirely subjective and im not making any claims to the contrary.
that explains why there is so many weebshit on it.

1999-2005 says hello

True, rather a coincidence that.

Eat shit.

That's almost six years and I'm still not sure it trumps 1994. Look it up, I'm only just scratching the surface, the best KOF was released too.

games are ok, it's just you can't find shit cause you suck balls

What are some of the best games for 2016, Sup Forums?

Everything has gotten worse since 2007.

2007-2008 was the years from hell

The Xbox 360 came out in 2005
2007 was a year after the Wii and PS3.

Last gen was about milkiong the shit out of IPs as much as possible and making games easier for casuals.

It also showed how fucking pathetic Microsoft and Sony are when they half assed making Kinect and PS Move to try and get that Nintendo money.

This gen also saw an increase in vidya prices because "development costs were high" as in publishers were overblowing budgets to make ugly movie games (see the majority of the PS3 library) or shitty indie art "games".

Of course this was also a time of big success were huge jews like Blizzard and Activsion merged to create the biggest asshole publisher, worse than EA (EA at this time, even though as shitty as they are, actually invested into new IPs with Mirror's Edge, Bad Company, Army of Two, and so on).

Also the fact that the 360 was basically the main console for the west kinda fucked Japanese developers, and several of them either closed down or eventually had to merge with other big publishers.

Last gen also encouraged Sony this gen to sucker people into paying to access their console's online features.
>Sonyggers in charge of making lists
No thanks.

Doom, Overwatch, DS3, Uncharted 4. Not bad so far.

>lists are full of pc and nintendo games as well as a few microsoft ones

Okay, user.

>Also the fact that the 360 was basically the main console for the west kinda fucked Japanese developers, and several of them either closed down or eventually had to merge with other big publishers.

Most Japanese developers died off well before then. Data East, Taito, Sunsoft, Jaleco, Nichibutsu, Crea-Tech, and others essentially vanished once the PS1 was released. Only the AAA Japs survived (Square/Enix, Capcom, Konami), the only thing the 360 did for the Japs (rather, the aforementioned trio) was make them approach multiplatform development, a practice that became standard in 4th/5th gen.

Gaming died when 3d became the norm
Games all became the same with 3d environments, trying to copy off of all of eachother and only samey shooters coming out all the time and unoriginal platformers with bad controls. They also universally lowered the framerate of games to below 60, when it used to be the standard

Not really, you intentionally picked bad games like Wind Waker over legitimately good games like Galaxy 2 to make Sony's meager lineup look better in comparison.

Arguably this, though the rare niche 3D game will be very good and unique.

Or, y'know, taste is subjective and mine differs to yours.

Not everything is a conspiracy against Nintendo m8, and not everyone is petty enough to care about consolewar bullshit


'07 was the year you started browsing Sup Forums.

>you intentionally picked your taste over mine

Not him, but shut up.

Video games have been doing great. Try playing the older games and you'll realize how shit they are.

>Bioshock Infinite not #1
Shit list

The best three Castlevania games are Super Castlevania 4, Castlevania 3 and Lords of Shadow.

>B-b-b-b-but you can't call me a Nintendrone LoS was on teh PS2!!!

Please don't tell me you take that picture seriously?

When ever kids started getting nostaligic about the 90's instead of the 80's

what are you prattling on about now?

What games you hyped for?