DareDevil Thread

Alright Sup Forums, How do we make a good DareDevil game?

Fuck that. Let's get a good Moon Knight game.

Like batman, but with Ace Attorney elements included.

Daredevil: Arkham City

how does Daredevil determine if he's killed someone or knocked someone out?

>He never played the Daredevil game
Pic related, it's fun as shit

Make it for the Virtual Boy.

He can hear their heartbeat.


Pretty much this

>Blind character with heighten other senses
Impossible, it wouldn't Daredevil like.

Care to explain why not? Genuinely interested.

You dont

>give the player vision via third person
Then its not really a daredevil game and you could put any hero there

>have some bullshit radar thing that limits the players view to make it an authentic experience?

Then the design is flawed and things like fights and level layouts get fucked because they can't be easily conveyed to the player

>game is just dark unless something is moving or making a sound
>things that move or make sound show a limited amount of vision around that area
>if no sound is emitted to get vision you have to use some sort of clicking echolocation thing to make your own vision
>you can choose to either make a loud noise to map a large part of your surroundings or a small noise if you're in need of stealth or something

See, I like that.

black screen, no ui, completely sound/vibration-based

would be better off making Cripple Simulator 2016 with various handicaps

OP said "GOOD GAME".


Fuck moon knight

More like Sleeping Dogs where it's a lot easier to end up getting your ass beat mid-fight

>Daredevil just belts out a loud grunt in a dark alley

Why is Season 2 so damn kino ?

Daredevil Ace Attorney. Court parts are Matt, Investigation parts are DD

VR. You see objects when they make a noise otherwise you're a blind man running into things, also allows it to be a budget title because daredevil is never going to sell 5 million units

There was one in development that looked good but sony and marvel had conflicting ideas which drove the team apart.
It's a shame, the leaked gameplay footage really looked good

Why can't we get a fucking Punisher show already
I know they're filming it but christ why is there a new actor in every medium?

i cant see it being possible.

Play Arkham City with the display turned off.

Best fightscene so far these past seasons ?

Got a video?

Because you'd need surround sound to play the game when you can't see anything.

I still think it's the hall way scene


or use his batons or whatever on eachother

that sounds cool