Disabled gamers anonymous

Got my left thumb amputated from a work injury, I can't use my left hand at all and am on leave from work, games were my only hobby and I can't even good a controller or use a keyboard.

Just went to an arcade though about a week ago and has a shit ton of fun playing time crisis style games. Played star trek one that was absolute shit that your pistol only hold about 8 rounds and the reload only registers when it wants to, but it had a comfy place to sit and nice sound.

Anyways what's some games I can pay one handed.
Are there any of you that are disabled in some way? How do you get around it.

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Asking for one handed games you two handed entitled fuck, check your hand and thumb privelidge

you got 4 other fingers right

Why do you have a hook in your thumb

Can't use his hand yet apparently

Any Civ Game, Dwarf Fortress, Final Fantasy Tactics

Also this exists, one handed SNES controller

Watch out for Kenny, he's a complete asshole.

just play phone games like that bowling one

The controller

Knights of the Old Republic
Trails in the Sky

You just need some kinda contraption to still be able to use space, can't be that hard

Can't think of any one handed games.

If you find a game where you don't need to use the left shoulder buttons, you could try using your left palm to move the control stick. It'd take practice but if you have elbow or wrist control its doable.

play turn based strategy games, mouse only is sufficient there

Here have a pity (you)

I hope your other hand gets maimed as well. Attention whores deserve no mercy.

Trying to mess with the other four will make my thumb move slightly and hurts more than the conker tease at Microsoft e3 while back

yeah, he can use analog with index finger. maybe add a strap so it stays on it easily?

Thumb looks smashed, bone sufficiently fractured that it'll never heal right = amputation

Pretty much any turn based game. Advance Wars and Fire Emblem come to mind. Really just about any jrpg.

Any classic RPG or roguelike. You can probably play a lot of games that are heavily dependent on mouse movement too.

Play turn based games.

swifty only have 9 fingers, look at his succes


darkest dungeon plays pretty well using nothing but a mouse, really comfy game

Why not just get the prodecure where they move one of your big toes to replace the lost thumb so that you can use two hands again?

All these anons shitting on the guy with an injury.

Fucking summerfags.

Get in contact with Ocean Marketing™ for their badass Avenger Controller.

Hey user, I realize this is expensive (this guy handmakes every one), but this is definitely something to look into to take your hobby back.

Diablo 2
Torchlight 2
Marvel Heroes
Baldur's Gate

That really sucks dude, the best thing is to not give up hope.


This guy only has one hand but still manages to play, its not impossible

Hey user its expensive but look into the stinky footboard. Remap it to wasd and you can play anything.

Darkest Dungeon

Get one of those single-hand rpg controller and enjoy JRPG all year long

You mean superior Wizardry and Might and Magic with just the keyboard

>console shooter skill ceiling is so low, that even one handed people can play them effectively

Top kek.

time to experience some of them visual novels.

And turn based dungeon crawlers. Turn based anything, really.

Try DS games:

Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan
Phoenix Wright
Hotel Dusk
Trace Memory
Advance Wars


Don't be a faggot OP.


Op here, thumb was sheared off in piston like apparatus. Just the tip from bottom of thumbnail onward, it was luckily reattached but the breaking process is long, bone was sheared off in the process and the metal hook is holding the the two bones together so that they can fuse. You can see them separated near the top. Even my left hand fingers can't be used since moving them causes pain on my thumb

Thanks for the suggestions, rts was never my thing but I'll definitely try them out now.

Fallout 1 and 2 are extremely easy to play with one hand.

When will you people learn that this shit isn't for disabled people, it's for CoD fags which let them use B, X and Y without moving their thumbs off of the sticks

learn to use your index as your thumb and then make the next finger take the job of the previous one.
it takes time, my cousin did this and he actually manages to beat people on console shooters now.

How many on leave days did they gave you?

Creating a glove that connects to the controllers joystick and learn to move your hand to move the stick. Like, it has a fake thumb that snaps to it and you make palm and wrist movements.
Just an idea.

>When will you people learn that this shit isn't for disabled people, it's for CoD fags
>CoD fags

so disabled people


>Cod players
>not disabled

They would only amputate the last joint in that situation, and he'd still be plenty able to game without the last joint of his thumb. My brother lost his by not being careful around a saw, and he still games just fine both on PC and console.

Also amputations aren't disabling in the slightest anymore. Just get a good prosthesis.

It's been three weeks already, can't go back until doc okays it. Could be another 4weeks, people keep asking what happened and I tell them I got an exotic contagious virus called uros boros that ate the inside away while I slept and woke up with it in the ground.

You can play Diablo 2 with a mouse with 5 buttons by reassigning abilities.
This too.

Should've said that it completely saturated your hand.

OP is a fag go blog elsewhere

Any RTS, point n click adventure, almost all RPG, anything turn based, most ARPG, a lot of MMOs.

Especially if you have a mouse with lots of buttons.

Also always keep your eyes on your hands when working with machinery, you idiot.

I lost the last joint of my left ring finger when I was 7 or 8. A kid pushed me down a shale stone cliff and I got cut up all over pretty bad. Thanfully they were able to reattach that finger. Now it's just kinda stiff and not flexible, and often feels cold even when it's not really cold.

Fucking shale stone is sharp shit.

Most controllers only let the left hand use an analog and two buttons, a xbox elite controller would be sufficient by just mapping the LR / LB buttons to the lower right hand buttons at the bottom when his hand heals, that way he could still play with the index finger on the analog.

Here is current pic, I haven't washed off the blood from the incident. I keep it to please the blood God

If this motherfucker can speedrun a metroidvania on one-hit-death mode with one hand, you can play whatever the fuck you want with a fucked up thumb. Git gud.


Disgusting nigger get shame it didn't cut off your head.

>tfw have to wear glasses


Switch Sup Forums to Sup Forums, problem solved friend have a nice life


No one cares. Go blog somewhere else.

Most porn games are designed to be played one handed.

Just learn to suck yourself to compensate.


>guy works in a factory and suffers an accident
>DIE YOU FUCKING NIGGER SCUM BAG - Said the worthless Neet.
We get it reddit, you like to pretend you belong here, do me a solid and drink down some drano.

>Got my left thumb amputated from a work injury
>that x-ray

lolwut there is no reason to amputate from that unless that isn't actually your x-ray

G'day reddit!

Inuit Alaskan you double nigger

Fuck off nigger.

Play as an emperor with the maimed trait in CKII. Only need your right hand for the mouse.

Legacy of Grimrock 1 and 2, can just use mouse to play it, if you like something that looks like dungeon master

>saying SHEEEIT is somehow the same as "Disgusting nigger get shame it didn't cut off your head."
Calm yourself, negro

AKA Eskimo Pie fuck off with your blogshit, faggot

whatever memer, i've see a stub with no limps playing gs:go with just mouth and arm stubs

>>guy works in a factory and suffers an accident

"Accident" where he's the one to blame. If you can't watch where you're putting your limb, don't work in a factory.

Honestly the only "accident" where the victim isn't at fault is if you're working on repairing a machine and you've properly locked it and some tool just unlocks it and starts it anyway. Which I've had happen. Beat the fucker mercilessly. Seriously had that shit marked, tagged, locked and he just takes that all off and starts it up. Still mad to this day.

You're an asshole

Do you like fighting games?

>gets called out on being a subhuman
>g-g-g-go b-b-back to r-r-r-r-r-reddit!!

Get an arcade stick, playing fighting games

Get Steam VR

ur a homo

>Legacy of Grimrock
god damn, Legend of Grimrock*
bit tired this morning, forgive my typo :d

Some arcade games are really good for one handed play, like all the classic pacman games don't need any buttons. Get yourself a copy of those if you haven't already and just get good.

It was amputated in the accident, and reattached by a surgeon

The toy cow I've got rolling me toilet paper, life isn't so bad

we as humans have a unique body part: thumbs
it is how we hold things. and do you use a controller with your index finger? no
without thumbs, what are we


And nothing of value was lost. Also do you really expect me to believe that a nigger had a "workplace accident" when they don't even fucking work? Nice try dumbass.


Bumping just cuz there's an insane amount of summerfaggots in here who got lost looking for the league of legends thread

Good luck OP. RPGs or mouse+kb

Brolylegs would destroy you without using his hands, he's trascended feeble humanity, soon he won't need to touch anything to interact with the world.

That's why I am extra careful when doing anything with my hands thad poses even a little risk.

kill all coalburners

Oh ok, dope should be workin fine in a year then

At least I'm not dead. I used to know a guy who repaired the machines at a paper products factory. They made cardboard boxes mostly. Those machines don't forgive, and they didn't forgive him. He got cardboardboxified.

I'm actually deaf, my favorite game is Silent Hill 2 and I always hear (haha, I know) how good the sound design is in it but I'll never know.

Total war games could be played with one hand. i mean you just lack a thumb so you have a good chance at most games man!



is there any more of her? she cute

Check your phantom pains, faggot. I'll be over Herr aging vidya

Ha, you are pathetic.

C'mon faggots, Op is only asking you to lend him a hand

>I can't even good a controller or use a keyboard
one of my friend is missing 3 fingers and he can use a keyboard to play shit just fine. you'll be fine friendo

Dude you've still got one hand fully functional and 4 fingers on the other. How are you unable to do your own toilet paper?

You're just using your baby injury to get attention. Just like this fucking thread.

Go fuck yourself.