Every game after this was casualized crap. Fight me.
Every game after this was casualized crap. Fight me
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Far Cry is a bad series, but 2 is the best, followed by Blood Dragon.
Far Cry 2 was a tip-top open world FPS shooter that was actually challenging. I can't think of anything that really compares in tone and overall feel. Even the fire mechanics were great.
I'll give you that, but if you weren't raised with a PC capable of running it, then you wouldn't have been able to play it when it was released.
The graphics settings are very scalable, it even has a DX8 mode.
Honestly, besides Heros of Might & Magic and Doom, I wasn't aware of the scale of games on PC at the time.
today OP was not a fagot
The only good one was the first game by Crytek
I'm not alone
I thought the 1st one was largely boring and that Primal mode or whatever was dumb bullshit.
I vaguely remember Far Cry 2. For some reason nothing about it sticks out on my mind, except setting grass on fire and trying to ambush passing jeeps with a flamethrower.
Malaria was annoying, and the Open World wasn't exactly full of content that justified its existence.
It would have been a great game but it was held back by
>shit-tier fast travel
>vast, empty world
>diamond hunting
What was wrong with diamond hunting?
And malaria?
Far Cry 2 is a game I can respect.
It just has some annoying flaws that really bring it down
Fags who rush through the game without doing side missions keep running out of pills and yellowing out.
>needing diamonds at all
>needing weapon rooms at all
That was the main reason to ambush caravans, to unlock more and better weapons from the gun merchant. I had a lot of fun thinking of ways to ambush those damn caravans.
I also forgot how great the AI was for it's time.
Now, I did say it was unnecessary, but my teen ass loved setting up IEDs or sniping with RPGs for new hotness just as much as I loved going several missions relying only on pickups.
>diamond hunting
forced you to play marco polo with briefcases to buy all the weapons you want to try
was an interesting idea for side quests but forcing you to take your pills regularly and get refills on the game's time was annoying
>summer of 2014 after senior year of college
>living at home before going to medical school
>dad too cheap to run AC
>sit in sweaty attic room in boxers with a dingy fan blowing on me while drinking warm whiskey and playing Far Cry 2 on hard
>windows open in an attempt to cool down my sweaty dominion
>the sounds of crickets and gentle breezes combined with my sweaty asscrack, pits, balls, chest and hair add to the immersion
>feel like a real mercenary
>100% the game in like a week
>comfy times
Added to the challenge, though. Not many games severely limit your resources and force you to adapt to the lack thereof.
I wish I had this kind of time to play vidya. Don't get marred/get a girlfriend/partner/whatever, the sex isn't worth it.
The buddy system was glorious.
Ubisoft should have developed it further, not thrown it away.
>Map isn't really that open and to get anywhere you have to go through checkpoints
>Can't just drive through them like a madman otherwise they chase you in jeeps forever
>Clearing out checkpoints and doing a full 360 turn makes the enemies respawn
If there was ever a game that needed a HD release it's fucking Farcry 2 so they can patch all these problems the original game had and add small shit that adds to the experience like more animals like predators and shit. I can't play the game how it is now.
>that comfy feeling when your gf likes to watch you play vidya
>The buddy system was glorious
>my buddy got downed
>"no worries, I got meds n shit"
>he doesn't get up, his numbers were up
>no choice but to euthanize him
almost shed a tear. He saved me numerous times
>Ever giving the sex
Don't bother getting one since your hand will put out far more consistently
I've read they didn't give the animals death animations because they didn't want the player genociding them.
i really loved the world and setting in 2
also the mortar was by far the most fun weapon in the series
this game had so much potential its crazy, if it had STALKER level of modding possible it would still be played today
How do you genocide something that's programmed to spawn in the players vicinity indefinitely? They'd have to go out of their way to make it possible to hunt animals to extinction.
>clear an outpost
>return not even two minutes later
>it's populated again
>enemy ai is complete shit
>they just aim at you through walls
>some just sit there trying to shoot through the walls
>this makes sneaking impossible
fc2 was shit and very annoying to play
It's the other way around and I hate platformers. Forces me to play Salt & Sanctuary. Fuck my life.
I honestly don't even care that much about sex anymore, I'd rather play vidya, watch movies or read.
I bought 4 recently and all the problems with 3 are still present, except they didn't have an interesting antagonist this time around. Why the fuck does Pagan Minn have a British accent anyways? Is this game supposed to be in India or Nepal?
I just mean't they didn't want people to shoot the animals, I guess.
The AI was great for it's time. They'd go out to help a friend when you sniped one of their friends, if they were chasing you in a truck and you got out and hid, they'd stop, get out of their jeep, fan out and try to find you.
we'll see. i'm installing it again to see if it was as bad as i recall. i just remember being fc2 being a huge cock tease that never quite got me there
>Why the fuck does Pagan Minn have a British accent anyways
he is from hong kong
setting for 4 is based on Nepal
That's what I thought, but it sounded like every NPC had a Pajeet accent to my ears. I figured it was on the border, thus why the Himalaya mountains are so close.
The only good one was Instincts.
So much fun playing this game on the 360. Modded maps and game types in a console game was dope as fuck. Sunk hours into this games multiplayer
Do people still play this on Xbox Live?
If the stealth wasn't completely broken, and you didn't have to drive out of your way to certain copypasted houses out in the middle of nowhere whenever you wanted different weapons and ammo, this game would be 10/10.
>people think the original far cry was good
You know a series is of dubious quality when there's a toss-up between FC2 or 3 being the best.
It's odd how the most memorable Far Cry experience/s I have are playing FC2 multiplayer on laggy servers with crazy custom maps.
After enjoying that so much I made the mistake of pre-ordering Far Cry 3. Didn't even finish Far Cry 4 and definitely wont be playing Primal, almost forgot it existed.
>Every game after this was casualized crap. Fight me.
A lot of them are.I agree. There are a few exceptions unless we are talking about Far Cry games only, than yes with no exceptions. Far Cry 2 is the best one.
Ain't gonna lie the console games were fun
> map editor
> build maps with my friends and i then play predator mode on a custom map on 4 player split screen all night
times were simpler
>stealth wasn't completely broken
The stealth is perfectly fine,what are you talking about?
>you didn't have to drive out of your way to certain copypasted houses out in the middle of nowhere whenever you wanted different weapons
You can always pick up the weapons of your enemies.Having your weapons delivered at secure locations makes sense.Still they could probably implement an aerial drop for the cost of diamonds.
>get refills on the game's time was annoying
Pills were infinite until you actually had the mission to get a refill pop up then they became limited to 1 or 2 (can't remember because it was never a problem for me). Those missions only popped up after doing a set amount of story missions.
>Why the fuck does Pagan Minn have a British accent anyways?
Because, as the game tells you, he is from Hong Kong. Given his age he would have been from Hong Kong when it was still under British rule. If he is educated then it is very possible for him to have a non-Chink accent.
Besides Pagan Min was far more tolerable than, "Ain't I such a clever writer, let me shove this down your throat" Vaas.