Do you ever buy a game and really like it but you just stop playing... and every time you want to theres an invisible force compelling you to do anything else
Do you ever buy a game and really like it but you just stop playing...
i always have that problem with resident evil 4, i think it's one of the best games ever made but i get so tense whenever i play it cuz i'm a big wuss
i've been really wanting to play it lately but i can't bring myself to do it
I know exactly what you mean. It's not any game in particular, just whatever I'm into at the time.
When I eventually get to playing though, I won't stop for some time.
What part? I'm a bit of a wuss with some games (RE7 demo, for example), but what is tense in RE4?
oddly its persona 3 fes. i got the robutt girl on my team
I only ever have that problem with open ended games. That's really the only positive of linearity, your goals are always laid out in front of you compelling you to achieve them
Im like this with anime i really want to watch
Same here, can't think of anything besides those regenerating fuckers.
yes, about 10 years ago until about 3 years ago
looking back it was just autism. get off this website dumbfuck
I've done that to nearly every game I've played in recent memory.
I end up playing for 20-30 hours then I drop it for many months and when I come back to it, I end up deleting the save and starting over because the first playthrough didn't leave that much of an impression on me.
The last time I actually completed a game was gta iv and that was 6 years ago.
I also end up doing this to every anime I attempt to watch.
I'll always end up dropping it after the 6th episode or so. Even if I was really enjoying it.
Maybe I don't want it to end?
>Last finished game was 6 years ago
>can't even watch 6 anime episodes
Not just a noob, but a noob in the next fucking level.
How you even has disposition to breath oxygen?
So far for me it's the game Bully.
Tbh, I don't think I like it all that much. For some reason playing it makes me feel really fucking uneasy. It's a part of my backlog and I've gotten through the first couple of chapters, but even still something about the game is a major turn-off.
I paid like $10 for this shit. If I don't finish it I'll hate myself forever.
Actually yes, many times. I feel like I just don't enjoy most games like I used to, they always have to feel fresh so I'm always starting new shit.
I don't know what you're trying to say, user.
That you're lazy as fuck?
Even huge casuals do better.
There's a obvious difference between / and your entire post .
I'm not lazy. I'm saying I've felt that "invisible force" that prevents me from continuing a game past 40 hours.
For a specific game, that's okay, but for every game in the last 6 years and even including anime - no, you're just outright lazy and probably has ADHD or something like that.
I have a FFXIV subscription burning a hole in my bank account, even though I haven't played in two months. Even though I really want to.
Yes, you posted it. I have a save just before the final boss too.
It's not my fault tho.
Getting older automatically causes this. I think it has something to do with a lack of neurotransmitter output when it comes to doing things that don't naturally provide feelings of worth and accomplishment.
Fortunately my shrink put me on meds that have helped me tap back into emotional refreshment in regards to almost everything I do.
And after a certain amount of time you decide that if you ever come back to it, you might as well start from the beginning, which only makes picking it back up more difficult.
Years later, you finaly get to play it, and it's pretty fun, but you imagine how much more precious it would have been if you had played it early in life and had developed feelings of nostalgia by this time.
I was playing Cyber Sleuth earlier and I dropped it immediately since I forgot what the fuck I was doing in my Farm Islands and was stuck on the last chapter
Yeah, for a lot of games. For example, about a decade ago I tried out JA2 and PS:T and thought they were really good but recently started feeling depressed and couldn't really concentrate on strategy or immerse myself in the story because of a lack of energy. 10 years later nothing's changed, I still haven't been able to muster up the energy to play them.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I always stop after the first Rachel section, then re-start the whole thing when I feel like playing it again.