Why is this game instantly more interesting with a modern take on the classic weapon pose? I already played through it once and had an absolute blast, but this makes me want to run through it another time.
>doom thread
Why is this game instantly more interesting with a modern take on the classic weapon pose? I already played through it once and had an absolute blast, but this makes me want to run through it another time.
>doom thread
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Now they gotta update the game so you can see Doomguy's entire model.
those comparison pictures are shit because not every game was like that in 2005.
Personally I think it looks dumb, it looked dumb, and it's okay to have it on the left or right or whatever.
you look dumb
>people still pretend that the original Doom is still in any way good or playable in this day and age
Sick of this meme to be honest.
I actually shoot better like this. They need to being this feature to the multiplayer.
Didn't they also replace some animations with recreated original Doom versions?
Dumb frogposter
There's no use arguing with such people. The term "nostalgia goggles" exists for a reason.
Go play pokemon go
Are you fucking retarded? Classic Doom is more playable than most first person shooter games that came after it.
Yeah, the shotgun cocks like it originally did.
But it's 2016 now, why doesn't every game have that?
Played it recently. It holds up. Especially the first episode where the level complexity is backed up by texture variety unlike the later more mazelike indistinctive levels.
I don't consider the "classics" sacred, but I don't consider them bad for being old either.
Doom might have been a completely different game on release, but with mouselook becoming standard and regular community support it's evolved into a fast-paced action game with great level design and aesthetic.
Doom 2 sucked tho I'm not defending that one. Fucking second-rate expansion pack of a game.
Backward ideas about immersion in the industry.
If you are not playing on console the crosshair is needed.
The original doom had autoaim out the ass, this does not.
fucking foot fetishists
is there a way to remove the retarded tacked on modern progression system yet?
no buy then
If they are doing this, I am expecting a facial hud soon.
Don't use it?
OG Doom still holds up, it's fucking fantastic
Doom 2 however is litterally super secrit wall of spooky monsters: The Game. The additions are cool but the level design is shit
Call me underage, but the first time I ever played Doom and Doom II was when the BFG edition released on Ps3, and I thought they were fun, much better than 3, and surprisingly long. Easily some of the best FPS to have ever existed, and influential for good reason.
I was just playing Doom today and having a great time.
Fuck you.
What is this?
Is it an option now
I haven't played doom in a week
New option
Doom 2 is better than 1 in pretty much every way.
The weapons are a little too big in this mode and it makes me feel uneasy.
In every way? It's the same fucking game in almost every way, it uses the same engine with the same assets in the same setting with the same enemies and the same weapons (bar 1 or 2 additions).
Enemy placement and level design is MUCH worse. It's worse than like 2 of 3 of the Shadow Warrior Expansions.
Doom II is basically Doom: The Lost Levels
There's far more enemy variety, more weapons, and fuck you because the level designs are far more interesting. Knee Deep in the Dead is better but overall Doom 2 is a much better game.
>one or two additions
>Hell Knights
>Pain Elementals
>one or two
Hi John Oliver
There is one thing that Doom 2 gave us that is better than most things in Doom 1.
Screaming rocket Skeletons.
Is there more enemies on nightmare? I feel like there's not enough on hurt me plenty
Old DooM is great.
Heck when one of the creators still makes maps for it you know it holds up.
New D44M is just corridor after corridor with door locks that lock you in every time there's a spawning monster.
I think they just respwan on nightmare difficulty.
and super shotgun
>Brutal Doom
Dumb frogposter.
Doom's simplicity makes it perfectly playable even today, both with and without enhancements from source ports. Compare it to System Shock, for example, which has a complex but utterly retarded control scheme because back then people didn't know how to make anything better.
I like the physics it adds to the game, but the take downs or glory kills as they are called in D44M are cancer and I hate them.
Brutal Doom is funner than 2016 Doom
in tech and video games terms, every year is a leap forward, at least it was for a time from like the 90s to the mid 00s
Why does every "reboot" nowadays always have to realistic-ify the media, redesigning the outfits and look to be more "tactical" and "more realistic". Why cant the style and look stick with original Doom's bright colors and basic doommarine outfit and shit but with just better graphics.
Also DooM is a 3D game, not a 2.5D.
also i dont like thje futuristic weapons in doom 2016 i wish they were just normal grindhouse guns like in original doom
>there are people who unironically frogpost in 2016
not really, but kinda, it has variable height, but the map structure is 2d in design, true 3d space can go any direction, like making a cube with a map, than a 2d blueprint with some height
>redesigning the outfits and look to be more "tactical" and "more realistic"
I imagine part of this might be because higher resolutions and higher polycounts means you can cram more details in equipment, and if you don't have a billion lines and indentations and whatnot people will complain that the model looks like something from a billion years ago.
>true 3d space can go any direction
So a 3D game with a flat game word and no ability to jump isn't a 3D game? Besides, it's possible to move in all 3 dimensions in doom, take a look at that webm for example
What I wonder is, why does every new entry of a franchise that hasn't gotten a game in a relatively long time called like the first entry of that franchise?
>God of War
>Need for Speed
>Tomb Raider
What's up with this trend?
You now have to put up with everyone calling those games different names.
>that pistol in D44M
Seriously, what were they thinking?
Not sure. I only played on Ultra Violence and Nightmare, and the enemy count remained the same. So my guess would be no. They just get much more aggressive, are harder to kill, and do more damage. Oh and they learn to lead their shots on Nightmare. Projectiles are much harder to dodge because of this.
inb4 enemies are infinite height and you can't stand on them.
DooM is 3D deal with it.
its a complicated thing that youd have to be like an actual programmer to break down, and i am not
Thought the same when I started Doom 3 up back then.
The Beretta was perfect.
I think the Doom 2016 armor looks sick as hell, but the demon designs are disapponting
enemies WERE infinite height, that's a source port
I like it, removes the need for a crosshair and makes the game feel even more like quake
But having less detailed junk would mean they could've pushed those wonderful console hardware limitations in places that actually matter e.g. the enemy count
I liked the Revenants, Mancubus, Pinkies and Barons of hell. Everything else seems off, I agree.
I don't really like the imps and maybe the Cacodemon looks awkward since its eye doesn't have a pupil but other than that they're very solid and pretty faithful to the original.
The word indeed "were".
Not anymore.
While DooM evolves, other games including D44M devolves.
I never played it as a kid and I admit I had a bit of trouble getting into it recently when I decided to give it a shot and see what all the fuss was about.
But after tweaking a few Dosbox settings, getting proper WASD+mouse control set up, and figuring out that the game is most fun on Ultraviolence, I had a blast playing it. I have a pretty low tolerance for poorly aged mechanics, so I'm confident that the game play still holds up today.
Poast you're gunfu
The only demon design that I don't care for is the Cyberdemon. The original design and even Doom 3's design looked far better. But the rest look fine. The Barons, Revenants, and Lost Souls turned out great.
I'd like to use more modern FPS games use centered aiming. It would be pretty neat.
ADS doesn't count. I mean always centered.
pinky looks like shit though.
doom is 2D with raycasting
It's a marketing trick. Most of kids today haven't played the original games, and a title like Doom 4 might be off-putting to some of them. Rebooting the name along with franchise makes it more clear that playing the previous games isn't required to play the new one.
Doom doesn't even support level over level like the Jedi engine did you idiot. It doesn't even bother to try to trick you into thinking it does like Build engine games did. It's a great game but being able to move vertically does not a 3D game make.
you're moving goalposts, when doom was programmed and released, in 1993, the tech was limited to only some height variability, but not true Zaxis, all monsters were infinite in hight, any monster above you could still MELEE you even if you were way above them, map design was 2d in nature, with height variables in the actual game space, contrast to quake later on, when maps are built in a 3d space
Is that the sawblade launcher thing from Strife?
Doom doesn't use raycasting, though Wolf3D did
It looks like a pinky. All they need to do is get rid of the stupid armor and it would be fine.
First episode of Doom > Doom 2 > The rest of Doom 1 > Doom 4 > 3
There's your problem. It's not exactly authentic, but you get a much smoother experience with minimal tweaking required when using a source port like zdoom.
Well technically all display methods are ultimately 2D, but the main thing with the 2.5D games were that they couldn't support overlapping maps. Which led to a lot of teleporting for the Duke Nukem community maps that faked it.
But you're using a modern source port. Modern source ports such as ZDoom or GZDoom or whatever fix all sorts of bugs the original Doom had, and they change a lot of original properties that DOS Doom had such as the infinite height enemies. And not to mention, one of the source ports, GZDoom, renders real 3-D floors.
Add Final at the very end and 64 equal to 2 and I'll agree completely.
>literally, LITERALLY comparing one of the most lauded games of 2005
>to one of the most lauded games of 2013
Yeah no wonder FEAR did better, they're not even the same quality or production values
t. (but he's not being sarcastic)
>Great tier designs
Baron, Pinky even though they're more red than pink, Revenant
>Okay tier designs
Imp, Mancubus, Hellknight, Cacodemon, Lost Soul, nu-Archvile, Spider Mastermind
>Belongs in Quake 2 or 4 tier designs
Cyber-Mancubus, Possessed Soldier
>Trash tier designs
Cyberdemon, Hell Guardian
why didnt they atleast add the head at the bottom of the screen
ignore the shit out of it and spend what you get. The game doesn't shove it in your face most of the time and the few upgrades that you do get actually help. I'm playing through on ultra-violence right now and having a blast.
Maybe you're saying that because you're a fucking faggot that's using a different version of doom that runs in a 3D engine.
You're fucking retarded.
What about Unwillings?
Add in a hud that shows Doomguy's face looking about , and you have a deal.
Congration on all the (You)s.
they both did fampai
They're fine, I don't really consider them enemies due to them being such a non-threat and would prefer traditional cliche zombies i.e. what Doom 3 did
Have any anons made any recent .wads/SnapMaps they want to share?
I know I'm the minority, but I actually liked nuCyberdemon design. Great boss too.
Hell guards are indeed generic as fuck tho
No, Doom used a technique based on binary space partitioning