>his latest videos have only 300k views, down from the ~1.2 mio that he used to get at his peak
Is this fedora's reign of terror finally over?
>his latest videos have only 300k views, down from the ~1.2 mio that he used to get at his peak
Is this fedora's reign of terror finally over?
Other urls found in this thread:
Once he moves from escapist he'll be alright
he never says anything really interesting anymore
his reviews are now more about making sexual allegory than actually insightful discussions
literally who
I stopped watching years ago.
It felt like watching the same thing over and over.
his judging by the cover series is actually pretty funny, and i remember enjoying his let's drowned out series. i feel like zero punctuation has overstayed its welcome though.
>he only got 1.2mil views per video at this peak
Wow. That's actually weak af. I always thought he was sort of a "big dog" in online video game media.
>his reviews are now more about making sexual allegory than actually insightful discussions
Not to nerdshame, but ever notice that only people that don't have sex rely on heavy amounts of references to it in their writing?
thats good for average youtuber idiot. only 1% can manage for consistent 1M
i have been consistently watching him every week since 2013, and i binge watch older episodes every other day. I couldn't care less if he's popular or not, he's just my guy
He's been doing this shit for like a decade.
Nothing lasts forever.
because he sucks
I'm in my senior year of college now, but I feel life ZP stayed when I was in middle school. Could it really have been around that long?
Who the fuck is this nutless fuck?
yeah thats whats i was thinking, maybe his missus aint putting out like she used to ?
>every other day
Are you literally autistic?
his reviews were really fucking witty. now they aren't shit, but they aren't all that good.
I stopped watching after he declared Undertale game of the year.
This guy has a ton of sexual references in his writing and I honestly don't believe he has sex ither
i don't give a daamn
I read both of his books
I liked Mogworld, but Jam was kinda meh
Once he got into the whole "progressive" bs I stopped giving a fuck.
He actually doesn't wear the hat any more; neckbeards in cargo shorts ruined it for him. If you listen to Let's Drown Out, he's actually a pretty cool guy.
its the problem with the fact that he made a specific product that was popular instead of forming his channel around himself. look at AVGN, he gets like 2mil views on his AVGN videos but all the other shit on his channel gets nothing. meanwhile markiplier just derps on camera for 10 minutes and no matter what gets millions of views.
I respect what yahtzee did more but he did the wrong thing from a business standpoint. now he has one thing that sustains him that is faltering and no one is interested in anything else he's got. he should have appealed to the autists/children by making stupid noises and yelling in short bursts instead.
>eceleb bullshit
Fuck off.
>Planescape Torment: The Shitty British Knock Off
i dont care much for his "zero punctuation" schtick but his "lets drown out"series is comfy as fuck
It's hard to tell how many views he got at his peak because the videos weren't hosted on youtube.
What are you using for that 300k views? Youtube?
Because you must be aware his core fandom watch him on escapist. And read his articles on escapism.
If you watch his latest videos or his LPs, he's actually anti-sjw.
he's the one who does this shit. anyone who was on the internet in the 2000s should recognize this.
Seeing his old attempts at Duke Nukem total conversions on Let's Drown Out makes me question whether he really works in the gaming industry in any relevant capacity due to how bad they are.
Does anyone know what company he actually works at in his so often mentioned vidya writer role?
no, but i notice tons of jealous people on the internet suggesting anyone they don't like has some kind of sex problem
you wouldn't happen to be a sexual predator would you
He makes games himself, he's not a writer for a video game company, he writes articles and makes videos for the escapist. Some of his shitty games are sold on steam but most of them are free.
I normally agree with the guy but he's so insecure it hurts to watch his let's drown outs. Constantly reassuring himself, tooting his own horn and at times it feels like Gabe just plays along so he doesn't kill himself.
That expression reminded me of
The only writing he's done specifically for video games has been for his own as far as I know. Also, apparently he was asked to do some writing for Duke Nukem Forever, but they ended up not using his stuff.
The only writing he's done that was video game related (before The Excapist) was on SomethingAwful back in the day and a webcomic he did that he's embarrassed about.
Planescape torment is about an undead zombie who on his quest to kill himself discovers the world he lives in is actually a video game?
I find it funny that this is probably the only thing of his that he will really ever be remembered for.
He was another one of those "us gamers" ecelebs that rose to prominence several years ago. There was no way that wave was going to roll on forever.
As far as his actual product, what's there to see? Yet another game "review" youtube clip? Some cheap animation? Jokes spoken in pressured speech so you don't have excess time to consider if they're actually funny or not?
Perhaps he should rework the show into actual reviews/critiques and not just "point out obvious flaws while making irreverent yet still dull jokes."
I do appreciate how he manages to talk about American politics in most of his newer videos. Because nothing is quite as fascinating as a british guy living in australia's opinion on america and who should be their president!
>progressive bs
He makes a moderately leftist comment once every five videos or something.
I'm very surprised he gets that many
I thought this guy disappeared around 2010
he wrote several books, owns an allegedly shitty bar and does some other things. I'm pretty sure he already said he doesn't need to keep making ZP videos, he makes them out of habit and I'm pretty sure out of contractual obligations.
>owns an allegedly shitty bar
Didn't he have to close that thing down?
Did he start the "pants on head retarded" or is it older than that?
Bar closed down due to a lack of patronage. I'm pretty sure board game with dice man has hit a dead end in his life and that his reviews have become shit from spoonyfication (the reviewer falling into a depression and lacking the self-confidence to make good reviews anymore) rather than success.
>actively makes jabs at the tumblr crowd and how they affect games develpoment
>has kept doing the same thing over and over, unchanging, for years
>complains when others do the same, claiming they're just riding on nostalgia
He lives in Brisbane, my home city and I see him around the place every so often.
I even said hello to him today because this was the first time I had seen him wearing shoes. All the other times he was in jeans and thongs.
He really is nothing special, just another one of those jewtube personalities that could have been really successful and interesting but never tried hard enough.
Don't most people watch on The Escapist? How would you know the number of views on there?
Either way he's been around since the release of The Orange Box. That's plenty of time for people to get tired of his shit.
Still the only reviewer that's honest.
Literally who
>>Perhaps he should rework the show into actual reviews/critiques and not just "point out obvious flaws while making irreverent yet still dull jokes."
Oh yeah, that should help him stand out more, idiot.
Isn't he moving to the US to live with his GF?
Is there a prerequisite that being a game reviewer/ game-centric youtuber that you have shit fashion sense and shitty facial hair?
Razorqueer is weird
He has based opinions on some games then he goes full retard on certain subjects so hard that you just have to hate him
Like most Sup Forums memes he started it
He is
It's a trillby
I still watch Zero Punctuation when it comes out and I find there's always at least one gag per episode that I get a good chuckle out of.
The Escapist probably wants him to do it forever cause I'm pretty sure 80% of the people visiting that site come just for him
In Yahtzee's defence he is basically the proto fedora lord and did that shit including wearing a trench coat in the 90's. His Coldsteelesque OC's are great.
Considering he has another series going now, most likely
>200k views on a week old video about a month old event uploaded yesterday
>compared either against most hyped garbage of it's time or a top 5 that has been up on channel for a year
>looking at ZP statistics on youtube at all
Yahtzee is doing fine and will continue to do fine for a long time. Naturally the numbers will decline, but it will take like another 10 years for ZP to lose any kind of significant viewerbase, probably even longer considering the consistency of content and lack of any kind of competition. Yahtzee is pretty much the only reviewer in the middle ground between braind dead funneh videos for underage and 40 minute autism about shit that you can figure out by playing game for 5 minutes.
fuck off yatzee
He has a GF now? That's nice. Last I heard he was claiming asexuality due to sheer disinterest in human contact.
I've not even vidya's for the past few years and would still watch all his reviews for a laugh. Only recently have I cut it down to the games I've actually heard of.
As for the second point all the other content creators I came to like after discovering them through ZP have already moved on so yeah probably.
That's just posturing, he emigrated to Straya for pussy in the first place.
>his reviews are now more about making sexual allegory than actually insightful discussions
And you claim that is a change?
And all he did was complain about straya being garbage for anything vidya-related
watch his 2 most recent "zero punctuation" episodes
almost entirely sexual metaphors
Well see hes strange about that, his relations with his gf is long range since shes AMERICAN and before her he was acting like a bitter virgin, but now he apparently had girls since working on the trilby games.
I dont think his smerican girlfriend is real, gabe is just being a good friiend and not admitting hes a total loser.
I like his videos but this is from his most recent No. 9 review:
>Whereas the only guarantee with a Kickstarter project is that lots of people want it, or at least, claim to want it. In my experience, most people don't really know what they want.
>A lot of people said they wanted Britain to leave the EU, but were quickly rethinking their position after the country was taken over by a character from Sesame Street and the value of the pound dropped like a conservative prime minister's trouser's at a pig farm.
>>>>>""""""Moderately""""""" leftist
That's what factually happened to the UK, even some people regretting their decision shortly after the referendum made world wide news. The only political coloring in that comment is calling Boris Johnson a clown.
Actually it's been fascinating watching his views shift from left to right.
You don't have to be on the left to think Boris and Dave are eejits
>The media says something so it's factually true! There is no such thing as bias if it supports something the WORLD WIDE NEWS reports.
there's retarded and then there's (you)
He used to have a column in a game magazine.
>gabe is just being a good friiend and not admitting hes a total loser
Nah, gabe is the kind of person that would rail him in every video if there was any kind of doubt about his gf.
Yeah the pound collapsing after the referendum and some people literally stating they regret their vote sure must be a liberal media conspiracy.
Can you go now?
Totally not World of Warcraft fanfiction on a meta level: the book.
He literally doesn't care, he said on his Drown Outs that he gets paid a salary from The Escapist, and will only change things up if ZP is forced to finish by The Escapist.
I prefer his Drown Outs, him and Gabe can be a funny couple when they're not busy being insufferable, miserable pieces of shit.
Still sold well. Still earned him shitload of cash.
Stay salty your fanfiction is at best posted on some obscure forum
Chill out Sup Forums, it was just a joke. I highly doubt yahtzee actually gives a shit at all about brexit, let alone have any strong opinion on it.
I watch his videos after i beat the game cause it's funnier that way. And i haven't played any of the recent reviews.
>Yeah the pound collapsing after the referendum
Was always going to happen. Stop being dumb. It recovered and everything that Osbourne warned us about turned out to be lies.
>Some people literally stating they regret their vote
Opinion polls showed that more people regretted voting Remain than voting Leave.
>anytime sex is brought up
I can't stop cringing, the shit they say is actually embarrassing and mildly concerning.
The Escapist really went all in on the pc gamer crowd.
I'm sure the kind of person that thinks of console gamers as lesser beings will keep visiting them.
That is moderate in today's society. Radical leftists in Britain literally think elections should be banned because people picked an answer they didn't like.
His channel sucks ass, though.
His views are still left, he just doesn't like sjw bullshit which is in some cases a butchered extreme left.
Are you dense? You can rationalize the events however you want because you agree with the decision but it's literally what happened after the referendum, that's my point.
Just because you have some strong personal opinion about it doesn't make Yahtzee's comment hardcore political.
>Was always going to happen.
No it wasn't you crazy shit.
His reviews were always funny to me, but I only always reviews of games that I played.
And it's been long time since I could watch his new videos.
I wonder why he isn't simply on youtube.
>escapist libels star citizen
>gets sued into near-insolvency
>still has a website and forces yotsie to keep making videos
No one would go on escapist site then.