There need to be a Star Wars game like
> pic related
There need to be a Star Wars game like
But there are plenty of shit star wars games
So Knights of the Old Republic?
TOR is honestly the closest thing right now and it would be ok if it wasn't an MMO
this. back when ME1 came out it was obviously KOTOR reskinned as generic-sci-fi-babylon-5.
No shit OP but they refuse to make KOTOR 3 which is what that would be.
TOR is garbage and should have never been made.
Modern Bioware would make a worse KOTOR than KOTOR 1
What we need is a Star Wars open world, fps, rpg, flight sim, etc, not a shit point and click adventure
it was made by the same devs Bioware
Better ask EA nicely, then.
You're pretty bad at using meme arrows, OP.
Also ME2 is bad.
But you got KotOR 4-5-6-7-8-9 instead :^)
No we don't want EA to destroy Starwars anymore than they have all ready the Battlefront reboot was bad enougth
There needs to be a Star Wars game like
>pic related
>literally just play as Vader wiping the fuck out of the Jedi Order
>tutorial level is killing younglings
Battlefront was bretty good all it lacked was content. Also the class/loadout system
Wouldn't it be "Knight's of the new republic" seeing as the series in general was rebooted
muh gender diversity blacks can do anything women can do...
It didn't use the fuck awful pseudo-turn-based d20 system and it was built on a decent licenced engine instead of the in-house abortions Bioware came up with.
It was very different from NWN / KotOR.
Alright, what do we know so far?
And the inability to find a server to join period
Then get Obsidian to make it, like they did with 2.
Is it a standalone game or just another Battlefront?
KOTOR 1 and 2 had plenty of powerful women, both politically and in the Force. I dunno why SJW pointedly ignore that.
> early ingame footage :'^)
It's Jade's new game.
Is that 1313 resurrected or something new entirely?
New. Don't know if they plan to salvage something from 1313.
thanks. now that i think about it, i don't even remember what studio 1313 belonged to
>While being developed in-house by LucasArts, Star Wars 1313 was undergoing an integrated development approach that involved Industrial Light & Magic, Lucasfilm Animation and Skywalker Sound.
Thanks, Disney. Uncharted clone or not, quit jewing us out of SW games.
First post best post
A Mass Effect MMO would be bitchin'.
>choose any race
>choose from multiple classes
>work together, or alone
>multiple ways to make money
>multiple ways to have fun
>Mass Effect Combat, KOTOR gameplay, and EVE economy
>spend some extra time working on it, so that it's better on launch than TES: Online, and doesn't get a stigma
>spend a good few months updating it, instead of hardly paying it any attention
It would be great.
who are you quoting?
Well memed