

>What are you most looking forward to?
>What are you least looking forward to?

Other urls found in this thread:

For me personally:

>Profession quests
>RNG Legendaries

>What are you most looking forward to?
Pandaren girls
>What are you least looking forward to?
Anything that isn't focused on Pandaren girls

I don't know OP, I play on an rp server so I don't focus on actual game content much.

Keeping up with autists endlessly grinding their artifact weapons to stay competitive.

Legacy server announcement

Modern wow is objectively bad

I'm most looking forward to playing other games, and least looking forward to Sup Forums getting flooded with shill threads.

>Nostfags whining

If they restore mortal strike to 50% then I'll return otherwise I'm looking forward to not playing yet another shitty expansion

>qt elves

>doesnt matter, I ain't playing.

>The Nighthold raid looks really good
>layer upon layer of RNG with loot, legendaries

I'll only return for real if they fix the realm faction imbalance.
My server is literally 10:1 Horde to Alliance. All my capital cities are dead.
In b4 reroll.

It failing spectacularly.
A gorillion Demon Hunters

>More Dr.Graevling stuff
>Sargeras not showing up

It being inferior to FFXIV, as always.

Looking forward the most to mythic dungeon+, finally end game content that isnt only raiding.

Not looking forward to trying to find a new guild that I can join to raid with that isnt complete garbage. It hurts my soul when I find a new one to join in on progression and they are stuck on normal hfc.

I also dont look forward to having to find a new way to farm gold for the month sub(In that regard, garrissons will be missed for the free sub). You americans are lucky having to pay half the gold price for the tokens as europeans.

rng legendaries
rng titanforge upgrades
mythic+++ dungeons

>What are you most looking forward to?
The end of WoD
>What are you least looking forward to?
The start of Legion

My Tyrande


That slut jaina who thirsts for orcish dick

>What are you most looking forward to?
The next expansion called The Retaking of Argus where we will get more excuses for blue goat porn
>What are you least looking forward to?
2 more years of 2 raid tiers: only one weapon model per spec boogaloo

free transfer nigga are you dum. Check the faction ratio and merged servers on your next shithole realm before transferring duh

ret paladins
ret paladins

Im looking forward to marketer fuck off the Sup Forums and stop posting

>at least op pic name changed

Collecting transmog gear

Was looking forward to melee hunter but it seems all messed up in its current state.

i WAS looking forward to DH but then i played beta and their dps is SHIT

>steal a bunch of good ideas from XIV
>armor sets looks still like ass

Why not copy that from XIV? Their armors are varied and give a lot of transmorg potentional as opposed to having the same fucking robes since vanilla.

The game finally dying

>not already having all the gear you need
I, for one, am looking forward to freeing up these 11x28 slots of bag space on each of my characters

Solo cata raids every week on heroic 25m you make like 6k from it so 24k gold in a month.

The game engine is over a decade old m8. It pretty much can't process anything that isn't a texture slapped over a naked body. That's why I'm looking forward to the drawn porn as opposed to the in-game models. WoW isn't getting much prettier unless they start over from scratch which they will never do at this point

they LITERALLY added modeled gloves/legs/boots this expansion

i get your point, but you're half informed

>mfw tokens cost 90k+ for europoors
Make that times 4. A goddamn second job is more time efficient at this point.

>they LITERALLY added modeled gloves/legs/boots this expansion
That's still essentially deforming the character model and slapping a texture over it. That's why robes still don't have actual legs under them up to this day. You can't get anything decently looking with this, however much you tiptoe around it. Also the engine still has no way around any of the ugly clipping.

>no more easy garrison gold

Whats the fucking point, Demon Hunters Damage is so fucking shit it's the lowest fucking DPS class in the game

Arms or Fury Warrior for Legion?


>legion will only have one raid

>people still claim that MoP wasn't the best expansion since TBC

Nope that was wrath, easily.

>b-but muh wrath babbys!

Started in BC

>What are you most looking forward to?
Resisting the urge to go back
>What are you least looking forward to?
Ultimately failing and putting down money on what is basically a job

Have you started to download the prepatch yet?

jaina dying thrall dying maiev dying sylvanas dying
illidan dying

>What are you most looking forward to?
Survival hunter.
>What are you least looking forward to?
Every other spec in the game. After trying out the class changes on ptr/beta, none of them are really enjoyable to me anymore. It's bad enough that, despite otherwise looking forward to Legion, I probably won't buy it at launch and doubt I'll enjoy it enough to sub for longer than one or two months.

>Hype: The content and story telling in legion looks fucking amazing.

>Gripe: Specs have been cut down to shit and a lot of good spells, even if they were filler, are gone. Removed the fun factor

>Started in BC
Wrath babby

>illidan dying
He's just been resurrected. Let the dude catch a break.

They gate all story content with doing 5 missions that take 5 days enjoy.

>What are you most looking forward to?
New stuff to do
>What are you least looking forward to?
Fucking everyone dieing.

They don't offer free realm transfers. The last time they had a free realm transfer for my server was 2009.

>legacy server
Kill yourself nostfag

Already 3 raids confirmed. So probably again 3 raids.

Can't wait for the max camera distance reduction, now I can finally compete with the top pvp players!

I keep seeing this image, does it imply that vanilla was not a picture of, but in fact the actual messiah?

>does it imply that vanilla was not a picture of, but in fact the actual messiah?

>everyone remembers it fondly
>everyone's waiting for its second coming


only nostalgia fags, not everyone.

Well, obviously we don't care about the opinions of people who don't have standards.

Back to Sup Forums you go, Christfag

>Survival hunter.
I hope the current build isn't the spec's release form. It's a mess right now. Despite the artifact spear having Crit/Mastery, Versatility is their best stat right now. Versatility.

Is this too much?

They need to buff Warlocks

All the time that needs to be spent collecting more transmog now that it doesn't have to clog up my bank anymore.

I don't even see any warlocks in the beta. Seems like they got deleted.

Versatility shouldn't even fucking be a stat.

Shit is so fucking dumb and useless.

Since they ruined all the normal classes, I'm most looking forward to demon hunter.


>What are you most looking forward to?
>What are you least looking forward to?
Order halls turning out to be like garrisons

How Blizzard decided to scrap Multistrike after one expansion but keep Versatility, the stat no one liked, is just so confusing.

>How do you want your class?

>Just make every spec use soul shards and gut everything that made them fun!

>While we're at it oversaturate the FUCK out of the melee pool and make casters much more annoying to play as a whole

>>What are you most looking forward to?
playing it
>>What are you least looking forward to?
playing it

>open launcher today
>oh beta invite
nice. i get a beta invite for the first expansion i will be skipping
do i get anything for logging into the beta for the retail game? like a fos? otherwise fuck installing that shit

How Blizzard decided to remove reforging when we no longer had to deal with shitty ass hit/expertise still makes no sense to me.

Like, fuck you Blizzard, let me change all of my stats to crit so I can be fucking awesome you assholes.

You can tame oozes now?

No, it's Spirit of Koosu, a glitched croc now fixed and untameable.

Here's a poll for you WoW players, please answer honestly.

>Shit game with such a bad launch they literally had to call it 'A Realm Reborn' after attempting to save it
>Typical Loli race with more impact on the story than it should
>Job system does nothing but skip the log-out button and discourage alts


Oh, they fixed the robe thing if I remember right. Lots of big changes to the look on gear now that there's the Wardrobe.

Prestige System

I'm afraid that I don't make easy gold with Legion anymore and can't pay my subscription with it

All I want is a fucking RPPvP server located on a Phoenix dataserver that falls into US Pacific Time. I'm so fucking sick of my my only option for RPPvP being Ravenholdt for that good ping, the Emberstorm Battlegroup should have enough room to open up one itself.

Not looking forward to it, Heavensward is a lot better.


And this makes me mad. I even fucking pre-ordered this thinking it might give me a better chance at Beta. Yesterday they literally had Streamers GIVE AWAY KEYS FOR TAKING SCREENSHOTS OF SHIT. Why the fuck do people who actually already bought the game not get keys when random little shits who aren't e en going to play getting in.

if i can't pay sub with gold anymore i wont even come back
>can only make 100kg monthly now with 11 chars by forcing myself to log twice a day and wasting 2 hours loging in>out of every char

>Wah wah Garrisons give us too much gold!
>Wah wah if we don't make gold we're quitting!

God damnit. And you know prices are gonna go down anyway when people realize they don't make that much gold and stop buying them.

>gnomes in WoW have more impact than they should
>alts in WoW just adds to the tedious time sink that don't even progress your main
>one and a half second global cooldown but every spec is dumbed down to be like a LoL MOBA character

Yeah they do :)

well i played for a month with the key i got from the movie cinema , guess those "accounts" get a higher chance at beta
i got the beta invite 1 day after this so
take a guess why i was invited into beta for first time in 12 years

>Demonology artifact is awesome
>The spec is shit


problem i got with garrisons was being forced to log in 2 times a day to do it and the nerfs
the 2 kind of people you are complaining are different too

I don't know what you do but I'm around 100k gold per month with only one char and way less playtime.
I mean I play more than 2 hours a day because I'm doing a lot of PvP now but that's hardly something you will get rich from.

I'm not quitting, I would just prefer it if I could pay my sub with gold. Also I wasn't crying once about gold in WoD.
If it wasn't for WoD I would never been able to buy me a spectral tiger. I wanted this mount for fucking ever and just playing casually and selling leatherworking stuff got me goldcap within 5 months.

nope, 3 tiers confirmed, not 3 raids. devs said they quit trying for annual expacs since it was such a failure and will focus more on patch content.

>most looking forward to
Game coming out and everyone bitching about how it sucks. Seeing more people quit WoW only months after new expansion.

>least looking forward to
Game coming out and ruining more of WoW.


Argument disregarded.

>Gets an aesthetic class hall in the vast reaches of the universe

>Baller as fuck skull that talks to you
>Spec was gutted

>The fucking SCEPTER OF SARGERAS, easily in the top 5 list of powerful weapons
>Destruction spec is garbage

It's such a kick in the balls

>Spec was gutted

Yeah, because the spec was garbage in WoD and most of WoW's existence. I don't know how the balancing is in Legion, but the concepts are awesome; you summon fuckloads of demons, all of the time. That's what Demonology should be, not transforming into some animu edgelord.

I don't mind how it plays but it needs some damage buffs and some clunkiness fixed

>What are you most looking forward to?
The leveling areas look fun. Changes to 5 mans might be interesting.

>What are you least looking forward to?
Class design is shit with some having any flavor they might of had removed, and some specs will be DoA.

lately was only logging to sent followers to missions 1/2 times peer day , depended if time or no time
Besides 2 alts everyone else got the inn and 25/25 with the gold triat
i was farming all tiers on all classes , dropped mount farming (missing 1 of deathwing ,and all of mop)

That got fixed rather quick if I remember, at the time I had a few hunter buddies and they didn't believe me that there was an Ooze you could tame.

Well I only do firelands once a week and normal garrison (without inn because I replaced it with gladiator) combined with leatherworking gets me about 100k gold only with this char in one month.
Oh I also do the toy rares in taanan everyday.