Was he gay?

Was he gay?

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No he just wants to do girl stuff without everyone thinking hes gay
whether hes actually gay or not is up to you

He was just tortured by society for the hobbies he chose. His instinct and self-perception were constantly in conflict.

So he's straight?

He pretty obviously wanted to bang Naoto so he's straight. At the very most bi.

bisexuality is a myth. You need to stop perpetuating it and educate yourself

I think he's either super flamboyant but straight, or bi, since he's obviously crushing on Naoko.

I had a similar dilemma to Kanji when I was in my early teens, turned out I like guys and girls, along with cute girly stuff like Majou Shojou anime, but also Super Sentai stuff, so maybe it's the same for him.
It's just anime in the end though, don't think too hard!

Yeah I know "gay" and "bi" and all that is really just a mental disorder but we're not allowed to call it that.

myth != mental disorder
It can be both too just saying

He was attracted to Naoto before finding out she was female. That's the very definition of gay. Apologist will try to argue that it doesn't count, that he was confused and not entirely sure of his feelings, but that's false.

Hell, if it was reversed and he was attracted to a female that he later found out was male, it wouldn't be so bad. But Kanji was crushin' hard on Naoto when he thought she was a he.

Homo confirmed.

he wasn't gay, he had somewhat effeminate interests and was insecure.

the point of the bathhouse and that boss isn't "is kanji really gay", it's about his insecurity.

He wanted to bang Naoto when he thought she was a dude, as well.

He's bi.

No, he was confused by the fact he was attracted to what he thought was a dude.

sound's like you're the one around here attracted to dudes, homo.

i.e. gay

have you never been friends with a gay? it always starts off as "I was confused", or "I had this feeling". straight men don't have this confusion, or weird attraction to another guy.

kanji is either gay or bisexual.

So he wasn't gay because he was insecure?
nice logic

Straight guys can't get confused? The fuck. Kanji is straight and boning more pussy than you.

>Finds out it was because she's a girl
>Still attracted
>gay lmao xd

tumblr, please. we're not here to argue if gay is wrong or right. simply accept that kanji is gay for having an attraction to another man.

I don't know why Sup Forums are such strong apologist for kanji's sexuality. being bisexual makes him a more interesting character.

>tubmlr boogeyman
stopped reading there

also you're the one from tumblr with your bisexuality card
Read >Being >more interesting
is not an argument.

He was just confused.
He can turn into one tho.

No, he was just insecure about his masculinity.

Also very insecure about cute boys.

So he was gay.

I don't know.

Who cares.

>you can't be attracted to both men and women
show me your proof

>we're not here to argue if gay is wrong or right.

>Science is fucking wrong if it doesn't support my agenda

Only on Sup Forums.

Bisexuality is a myth, anything else is your strawman.

What science?

His dad's dying words messed him up a bit.
"Be a man" was intended to mean "Do right by your mum, and look after yourself", not "Don't act like a sissy with sissy hobbies".

nice projecting

The game literally states this, you daft cunt.

prove it

I got so pissed when my liberal-ass friends argued with me about whether Persona 4 was pro-lgbt

No it fucking wasn't, it treats gays just like the rest of Japan treats them; as a joke. Hell, it treats being gay as an extremely negative thing. Reese was afraid of that people thought she was a stripper, yosuke was afraid people thought of him as a city boy, Kaiji Was afraid people would think he was gay.

>being bisexual makes him a more interesting character.
He's not bisexual and even if he was, no it wouldn't.

You say retarded shit like this while calling other people "tumblr"? Fuck off idiot.

You seriously can't this be this fucking retarded

Yosuke was afraid of being labeled gay.

you fuck off, you bigoted nigger
he was 100% bisexual, but your little brain couldn't figure it out.

no wonder Sup Forums is considered the worst board to discuss video games. you uneducated peasants don't know shit.

Yosuke was actually gay.

Of course not, he was just curious.

read >

Who wouldn't? When you're THAT ugly, only guys would take you, plus he's a furry to booy

The real homo is Yosuke and Yuu

Tell me why do I fuck girls and fap to traps fgt

But how's is it a myth? You keep saying it is, but with have to nothing to back it.

fapping to dogs doesn't make you dogsexual

Dogs don't make my peepee hard

fapping to dogs doesn't make you dogsexual

But I literally enjoy fucking men and women. There is no explanation for this.

no just confused since he lacked a strong father figure

Dogs don't make my peepee hard

Enjoying fucking dogs doesn't make you dogsexual.

>be sexually attracted a guy
>guy turns out be a girl


so you're handsexual too now?

Explain further, or is all you know how to say is variations on "OMG I CAN'T EVEN"

Am I mouthsexual if getting a bj makes me horny?

That's for you to answer. I'm only using your own logic against you for that exact reason

What logic?

If fantasy of dicking a man makes me just as hard as fantasy of dicking a woman then I'm bi.

Haven't tried fucking a guy yet, but thinking about it makes me horny.

That feel when multiple people have thought that I'm gay, even my mother. And she still thinks that.

Not him but under the circumstances of you being able to fuck a guy or a girl, you'll only choose one. You'll either quit out on the girl, or quit out on the dude.

Bisexuals don't exist, the only variation of them is people who fap to the same sex as well as the opposite sex.

If you're incapable of loving and fucking the same sex, you're straight. If you're incapable of loving and fucking the opposite sex, you're gay.

As simple as that.

That would make you asexual

You don't have to be equally attracted to both men and women to be bisexual. You can be more attracted to guys and still be attracted to women.

Did you try having sex with her?
That might convince her

No but I wish he was.

And that is precisely why women/men never date people who are bisexual.

There's a greater chance a relationship will fail with a bi compared to someone of your same orientation because bisexual's are inconsistent, and they might not even love you as much as they'd love another of the opposite sex.

Sexual attraction doesn't equate to love.
Also people leaving a relationship to pursue someone they're more attracted to is hardly exclusive to bisexuals.

You're not bisexual then. It's that fucking simple.

Not really. It's bisexual, meaning two sexual attractions, not two equal attractions.

Nice strawman, you're not bisexual.

No, just insecure because of his feminine side.

Persona 4 handles homosexuality and gender disphoria better than any Western game because the characters that suffer from it actually realize the error of their ways, overcome their mental illness, and become better people for it.

>It's a "Sup Forums is tumblr" episode
I hate this more than the "Sup Forums is Sup Forums" episode

>gays can't be insecure

Yes it does, it makres you a dogfucker and people will call you that

being a dogfucker =/= dogsexual

Being attracted to dogs and wanting to fuvk dogs= dogsexual

Find me a dogsexual. No such thing.

My ex was a dogsexual
She worked at a kennel a while ago and when she was alone with the boy dogs she would give them handjobs
Also she would often get her friend's dog that she looked after occasionally to eat her out or fuck her
She was dogsexual


Seeing as nosebleeds imply boners, it's normal for a teenage boy (can't speak for a gender I'm not) to get erections at random times. With that said, I must be wallsexual for getting erections by staring at walls.

You tried

also vita emulator when? ps4 edition when?

>Seeing as nosebleeds imply boners, it's normal for a teenage boy (can't speak for a gender I'm not) to get erections at random times. With that said, I must be wallsexual for getting erections by staring at walls.

This is some next level straw grasping. I'm in shock.


Wasn't it implied he got that looking at the guys?



never ever for both of those

sucks, I can't mentally get myself to play jrpgs without tools

Holy shit Yu nearly landed on boulder.

But he is not gay you idiot. He even gets excitedwhen he sees chie and yukiko in swimsuits
this guy right here pretty much sums it up

The guy from tumblr calling others tumblr while making up terms such as bisexuality sums it up?

You're implying that the writers took into account that guys get boners at random. What, do you think they rolled a d20 for every guy in each scene they write and any time they get a 20 the guy gets a boner?

It's far more likely that the writers had Kanji get a boner from seeing the girls in nothing but towels, instead of just by random chance. Otherwise, they'd just be confusing people.

>Otherwise, they'd just be confusing people.
Naoto exists to sum up everything for retarded people. Sorry for giving a reasonable explanation for something. Should've expected the writers to be alien.

Isnt the actual act in itself that makes you horny. If that is true then you are most certainly not gay. Im sorry to break your special bubble

Bicurious at best.

Also I'd fuck him gently in front of Yosuke no homo.

are you a grill?

Is that from the golden anime?

At this point, this shitty thread is a shitty shitposting pasta. Fuck off, faggot.

2/10 - I got annoyed.