Eve online still worth it?

I have some basic questions about this game:
>Is it still worth getting into nowadays?
>Is it as addicting as everyone says?
>Can you really make enough in-game currency to pay monthly fee?
>Can older systems run it with dumbed down graphics?

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I hope all of these are rhetorical questions.

So I assume you mean 'yes'??

I honestly think you can work the answers out yourself, without gaining more information. Have a free bump.

1. Yes
2. It's not addicting but it can become a job if you go far enough down the rabbit hole. Mining and Space Trucking especially.
3. You will never make enough money in the first month to pay for PLEX. Expect to play for a while before being good and wealthy enough to buy PLEX on a regular basis
4. It's a pretty simple game that isn't dependent on FPS and graphics. But run it on a decent machine if you want to see how pretty the game is.

Ultimately, EVE is a game driven by players and emergent behavior. The devs provide features and mechanics but don't tell you how to play for the most part. If you aren't dedicated to the game, and if you can't take risks, it's boring. Some people will say its boring anyways but if you can find your niche then the game is worth it.

Nope. It's a shit game. A lot of current players have multiple alts, and you should have alts considering how you can earn skills while offline. If you pay for another copy, you are allowed to multibox. In this regard, you are a little spec in the grand scheme of things. Your only hope is to join a corp where you will then become a spec in a group of specs in a server of specs. If you join a big corp war or something, you will be a spec shooting at other specs when your leader tells you to. You wanna mine? Boring. Wanna trade? Boring and you're competing against scripters, because a lot of people script to get resources no matter how much people try to deny it. Wanna combat? I suppose you could do that with trashers, but that'll get boring eventually.

Overall, it's grinding for nothing. The only way to make this game sorta fun is to have a corp filled with close friends where you guys can go off and shitpost somewhere.


>Eve online still worth it?

Star Citizen has made EVE obsolete.

If you are a newbie get out of the NPC corps and join something like brave and so on.

Yes to everything but 2

>this entire post

uh maybe in 2014 bud

now its all about all-out

get into all-out
all-out numero uno

or maybe phorde idk its popular but i didnt like it



The game will run on a calculator.

I must also add the community is great and that is where the game's strongest point is, not the game itself.


Alright, show us proof of these scripters.

>>Is it still worth getting into nowadays?
Yeah, with skill injectors you can quickly amass SP if you have the isk to buy them. Also nowadays groups like HORDE, Brave, TEST and Karma fleet a lot of EVE is a lot more accessible to brand new players.

>>Is it as addicting as everyone says?
Only in the sense that the social connections you'll make in the game will keep you coming back. EVE is actually boring as fuck but it is one of the few MMOs that also still requires you to make friends.

>>Can you really make enough in-game currency to pay monthly fee?
If you know what you are doing. Unlikely to manage it in your first few months playing.

>>Can older systems run it with dumbed down graphics?
The game has a free trial, find out for yourself.

Shitposting on Slack >>>>> actually playing the game desu

>playing with Sup Forums
I mean if you like being with a group of retarded memespammers who are shit at everything then don't let me stop you.

>Sup Forums is bad self hating cuck meme

>She uses an unpaid version of Slack

Every single 4ch related Eve group has been fucking awful at everything.

Ask a weeb who helped commission art of Empress Jamyl and the new queen being lewd anything

Why don't you post it?

>I have never been on /vg/
It's not a meme, these things are magnets for drama and circlejerking.

do yourself a favor and dont go in with the goal of grinding ingame currency to pay for your sub, youll fall into the crowd that claims the game is a second job

wasn't there a shooter version of eve or something that cross platformed with it? that still a thing?

Wait for star citizen instead, it's basically going to be the same shit except you actually fly the ships and can land on planets and get out and shoot niggers

It was console exclusive and it sucked and then there was word of porting it to PC but that seems to have disappeared

CCP are actually incapable of making video games that aren't eve

DUST, it was on PS3 only and very quickly got abandoned. Shame really, you could play it with M+KB and shit over gamepad players.


>chinese dev

Might just be shitty unreal tournament clone.

because it's actually terrible and I'm slightly mad they used such a shitty artist who charged them $200.

also I don't want to get bannu

Whoops, wrong link.


Just link it you stupid weeb poster.

>CCP are actually incapable of making video games that aren't eve
This. Fuck CCP and what they did to that vampire mmo.

What did he mean by this?

They scrapped it.

>not the game is a calculator
go pod your self

>thanks to CCP's incompetence, we will never have a sandbox vampire society mmo

Greater crimes have been committed, but they do not come readily to mind.

Hey at least they sold the rights off

It's a glorious camera spinning simulator with a lot of stuff to do which you can only do successfully/without frustration, if you fund at least a secondary account (to scout, play market, scam, offgrid boost)

The community is the most toxic of any MMO, and filled with online sadists and masochists. This game is only addictive if you enjoy griefing people, or being griefed.

CCP realized that those types of gamers were regulars of EvE, and designed their business model around it: multiple accounts allow no consequences for griefers' mains, and permit potential griefees to scout ahead.

Markets are filled with automated bots. RMT is so prevalent that 0.0 alliances are litterally Ponzi schemes, their leaders transform tax ISK into real money.

Play Star Citizen, it's more fun, you don't need three accounts to compete, and the twitch gameplay ensures the upper hand doesn't go to the most deceitful piece of shit.

>eve is full of griefers

Sounds like you just need to git gud

They did? Who bought them?

You are off your ass if you're pretending that there are no bot miners. There's really no reason not to. Here, someone posted a video in this thread with bot miners in them: youtu.be/ui7ZTlfNngc?t=5m32s



>meme corporations
>meme alliances

What did they mean by this?


How is that in any way related to market scripting


>minerals my bots mine for me are free

Oh those guys, I forgot about them.

Don't you get those in every MMO?
Aren't they banned whenever they are found?

So when is Star Citizen going to release. It should've been released back in 2014..

CCP operates a reward system for reporting obvious bots, so yes, there hasn't been a banwave for a few months so expect another towards the end of the summer.

Star Citizen is also not a competitor to Eve Online.

>wake me up inside

One of the staples of this game is gatecamps: imagine half a dozen fat angry depressed alt-tabbed neckbeards playing browser games and circlejerking on voice comms, telling each other how leet they are, waiting for a gate activation signal to tab back into EvE and gank whatever comes through that gate, in the hope the loot is costly and the griefed dude goes mad (if he drops his subscription, it's epic loot ^^ )
Alternatively, the campers with stationary scouts, and multiple displays, survey local tabs in other systems and can at a glance see if a group of gatecamp busters are inbound, which happens once in a blue moon, for a good reason: campers seeing them coming, thanks to unrelated alts, just dock up and run pve missions with their missioning char, until wannabe vigilantes go away.

There is more meta in this "game" than actual gameplay

They're pretty common. Considering that EVE is a very context menu focused game, they tend to be rather easy to script. The botted resources flood the economy and drop prices. Stuff like this makes it harder for newer players to get into the game.





rip broski enterprises

So how much did you lose when CODE ganked you senpai?

> insecure edgy lolrandum gankers feeling their Schadenfreude generator is pretty much done for once multiplayer space sims pick up steam :)

But hey, you dug your own grave


I expect middle of next year for it to be fundamentally feature complete, with several major tech advancements before the end of the year like planetary landing and multiple systems. They said they expect to release a lot of shit this year but we know how that goes.

The game they had initially promised to their backers in 2012 might have released in 2014 or possibly delayed to just 2015, but once it became apparent they would have enough money to forgo all inhibitions, they decided to completely embrace feature creep and tack on FPS gameplay, seamless space to planet transitions, procedurally generated planets, a bigger seamless universe, probably several other things I'm forgetting. Basically going from being an average space sim to being the dream universe simulator eve-but-good game people dream of. That shit added several years to the timeline.

No doubt many of the coders they have working on this project are not as professional or efficient as they could be, inexperience led to delays, and cryengine being a piece of shit that they've basically had to break down and rebuild from the ground up also contributed about a year of additional development time. It's been a development clusterfuck but it's got too much funding to ever slow down now. Nothing can stop it.

This is what happens when you get mad when you lose stuff in EvE,

Don't fly what you can't afford to lose you muppet.

>bumravaged faggot unable to gitgud

>Love Squad
>Confederation of xXPIZZAXx

Those were the days, rip in pepperoni

> killboard-padding RMT-dabbling marketbots-friendly overweight sociopathic basement dwellers getting sad their favorite Schadenfreude generator is going down the drain

OP here. You sold me on a game, but I'm sorta poorfag. Minimal wage here is ~350€, so you really have to like a game to pay 15€/month.

Is there really no hope to make profit trading first month?

Don't play shitty old dead boring p2w corrupt subscription based mmo if you're poor, dumbass.

It's just not a good idea.

Unless you go full autism nosleep spreadsheets and get fairly lucky, no. Just grab a trial link from the leddit sticky and see if you like it. Join PH or something so you know whats going on and can chat to people about as autistic as you are.

>dae eve is dying meme

About as accurate today as it was in 2007 fampai



Sorry, afraid not.

Go play Hello Kitty online, you`ll make great friends there I'm sure.

In any case, Im sure goons will love heading over to Star citizen when they give up in eve.

You can literally buy in-game currency with real money. The whole point of the game is to acquire in game currency and spend it on shiny ships and shit.

It is p2w as you need multiple accounts

Time being money, grinding to fund them still makes using them p2w



That doesn't make you win tho

see: all the shiny pimpfit shit that clogs up zkill every weekend.



>Go play Hello Kitty online, you`ll make great friends there I'm sure.

> I'm such a badass gamer, I lied to this guy and he believed me XD now I will stealhis corp assets and reprocess them, then contract him back the minerals, just for fun :)


>Is it as addicting as everyone says?

Dueling people and camping gates is incredible fun, but actually getting to where you can do that without bankrupting yourself is kind of a slog. Starting out fresh has only ever gotten more streamlined though, last year or the year before that they put out this derpy little specialized mining frigate which not only makes it easier for you to do any stupid mining shit you're gonna be doing, it also means these derpy little frigates are fucking everywhere and they're easy as fuck to one shot

New players can't play for pvp though, they have no idea what the fuck they're doing, no way to learn strategies to take out superior ships, no way to identify vulnerable targets, and I don't know about OP but I'm sure as hell not going to spend months researching eve pvp just to be pointlessly mean to people online.

You still need decent knowledge to make that shiny ship worthwhile. Having tons of money does not make up for IRL skills in this game.

You can kill very expensive ships with some of the cheapest if you know what you are doing.

>Energy weapons

Please link your killmail so we can have a laugh

New players have less experience than old players nonshock.

This, there are any number of hard counters for the current FOTM cancer ships that you can fit for a 10th of the cost.

Outside of attacking other players, what is left for end game goals for a player? Ratting? Nothing?

They are kinda active again together with Broski North doing stuff in Delve.

New alliance is called "Play Hard, Pray Harder"

Endgame Eve is buying a super that you never use and shitposting on /r/eve while not playing Eve

Stop Projecting and stop being such a mad twat, I play in Red vs Blue on a single account.






>Multiboxing allowed with cash
>Can basically buy skills with money
>Can buy money with money

B-but your gameplay knowledge!

I can try

Link your killboard you salty pleb

Clunky, ancient UI, the game somehow manages to take out all fun from inherently fun genre that space combat/exploration is, I guess the devs have enough piggies to financially dominate to not worry about new players?

Link your killboard you salty pleb

The starting experience has been consistently improved in pretty much every single patch since launch.

Let me tell you about learning skills and Achura supremacy

>holy shit a space game
>space trucking simulator 2016

like clockwork

>The starting experience has been consistently improved in pretty much every single patch since launch.

If that's the case, then either the devs are completely incompetent, or the game was actually unplayable at start. If I wanted to feel like it's 2001, I'd watch some Sandler movie.

maybe if you're completely incapable of reading, perhaps

>Xenuria in the CSM

What in the almighty fuck has happened to this game?

She will bring forth the much needed updates to player models and clothes, like better looking hands and feet, and better shoes. She will also help develop and implement one of the most important emerging gameplay mechanics in the game - ERP.

>You can kill very expensive ships with some of the cheapest if you know what you are doing.

Which involves multiple accounts, i.e. P2W (because anyway grinding isk to find them = time = money)

Apart from the Schadenfreude-laced PvP, which includes politics betrayal etc, there's little to do except flying around getting more billions which are useless after a while, if you don't do RMT
PvE is really bad

>Stop Projecting and stop being such a mad twat, I play in Red vs Blue on a single account
>PvP in this game is so fucked up that players have to set up unofficial arenas just to have some fun
>I play a single account in RvB, that means everyone else in EvE does too, the business plan is not selling multiple accounts to griefers and masochists :)

For people like him, it's like the most precious RL resumes they have

Roasting quads.

>Is it still worth getting into nowadays?
Yes. There are activities for all experience levels, but most of the fanbase is extremely devoted at this point.

>Is it as addicting as everyone says?
Depends on what kind of person you are.

>Can you really make enough in-game currency to pay monthly fee?
When you're a new player, probably not. It's possible but you might just be working non stop to pay the sub you won't have any fun. Also note that when I started playing a PLEX was about 400m isk but now they have inflated to about 1B isk.

>Can older systems run it with dumbed down graphics?
It's very scalable.


>She doesn't know


>Still projecting like a tard.

>look mum I killed a ship! it proves EvE is balanced and not a multi-account grieffest, also nobody spends all his online game time lyng and deceiving just to make people mad, this game is great have an invite :)

Why are you such a baby?