Walking around downtown catching mons

>walking around downtown catching mons
>catch a fucking CPH 400 Tentacruel
>proceed to wipe out all gyms in the vicinity

This game is fucking great. Already encountered another trainer, some 30-something haggard woman.

Why aren't you out conquering your city?

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There's this one fuck in my town, stepping in my turf! In the hour that it took me to walk home, eat, and charge my phone, he claimed my local gym and one on the other side of town. I took it back from him, but who knows what will happen tomorrow. Man, i hope this is a rivalry I'm coming for you CaptainHype!

next time, Please put the words "POKEMON GO" in the title so my filter can catch it ok

>stop liking what I don't like

Fuck allergies : (

Does it have surf?

>small town
>less than 20 spots
>about 3 gyms
>it rains like crazy since yesterday so I cant hunt mons

>scooting around the neighborhood looking for pinsir
>can't find it
>phone losing connection
>battery low



Could be worse. There's nothing here for miles.

He didn't tell you to stop liking it, he just asked you to put a proper title next time.


There's literally only one pokestop app the way over there. Walked there and tried it and it didn't work.


I want to play it so bad. But I'm just stuck with this old phone

I grabbed the apk off the internet yesterday, but should I uninstall and get it off the play store now that it's out? Will my shit transfer?

>like seven pokestops and a gym at a park near home
>way too many pokestops and several more gyms near work
I will rule them all.

Did you try spinning the image of the spot?

>me and bro go out a 4 this morning pokemon hunting
>hit up all the pokestops and find three gyms that haven't been taken
>find as stray dog while we were out
>has a collar but he kept running away from us when we tried to approach him
>nothing we could really do so we left him

I hope doggo is ok.



Though did get some new ones today. Caught a Horsea and Crabby. Also caught a 145cp Golbat and 165cp Fearow, could use those in the gyms now that I have them unlocked.

I chose blue because Articuno is best bird but all the gyms near me are red, so I'm probably facing an up-hill battle.

Small town 222 people and 1 gym. No stops. Missouri river towns suck ass

yeah your data is saved server side

>my workplace has 3 pokestops and a gym

No guest will conquer our gym once I level up these shitmons

What does the cp number mean? Serious question, no cheese pizza answers please

Donyou need tonise incense to get Pokemons to come to you?

Cus I've been walking around for hours and found nothing

Nobody cares about your smartphone crap.

I don't think Nintendo has any idea of how to shill properly.

cactus penis

I'm going to go out of my way to avoid putting it in the title when I make threads just to punish you for being such a little bitch tbqh.

>Pokemon game
>no combat

Seriously, who are the retarded monkeys who made this turd?
What the fuck do you even have to do?

When will this be available in yurop? Especially third world countries.

There is combat when you take over gyms.

Is it like in the games?

>take over gyms

I'm in Yurop and already running around catching mons. Just go to /vp/ and get the file.

When you download the apk

Why the fuck isn't it showing up in my play store?

>there are people here who unironically ''''''play''''' smartphone '''''''''''''''''''''''''''games'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

No, you just tap to attack. There are 3 teams that you can choose between, and then go beat gyms of other teams to control them.

Who the hell gives a fuck about this.

combat power

The combat is barebones "swipe to dodge" shit, this game is nothing but glorified collecting minigame and a reason for neets to leave their rooms

Combat Power. I shit you not.

A bit disappointed that there are no pokedudes in my house. I peaked through my window blinds but there are people outside. I might dash out when its dark. Better chance to catch stuff in neighbors yards and pray I don't get caught near their windows with my phone out and give them the wrong idea. I could just tell them I'm catching digital monsters.

So lets get some shit straight.
Is there a wiki or website yet?
Do you have to have the app open to see the pokemon encounters?
Pokemon don't heal unless you heal them?

Probs more questions to come.

not sure, yes, yes

>using filters to censor shit out and not getting the full experience

Literally only cucks and manchildren do this.

>actually using the filter

What a petty little bitch

Do you have to always be online for this shit?

>live near nature preservation
>here my alarm beep twice signalling that something is moving in my garden
>see a Dassie chilling outside on some rocks
>go back to bed and turn on pokemon go
>tells me there's a fucking raticate nearby


Moar questions

Having the CP bar maxed and then evolving is the best way to get strong pokemon right?
Has anyone tried the lure mod yet?
There's a level 590 magmar crushing everyone in my local gym already, is he cheating scum?

>yellow team

What are you, some kinda redditor?


Because of Samshit battery and rapists hiding in the dark

>leaving to go to work in the morning
>check pokemon go as I make my way to car
>Hadida in my driveway giving me the evil eye
>mfw there's a spearow nearby

evolve first then max out cp

>android version on phone is too old for the game
>even if I bothered to flash it, don't have dataplan
Sounds fun though, maybe I'll look into prepaid data plans or something

How do you figure?

Having higher CP before evolution means higher CP after.

movesets change, and you might get stronger moves
i dont know man just asuggestion

motherfucking hadidas, I loved those birds as a kid

ibis pokemon when

Will this game work if I don't have data

I'm fucking poor, my phone has gps, just no data

it's free, just give it a try

So this means v is going out and about?

more likely furiously trying to mod it so that they don't have to leave their basement.

>mfw found a machop at my gym this morning
>mfw found a clefairy at the pharmacist last night

It may be coincidence but it still made me happy

Is this one of the greatest scams for people to waste their mobile data?

Why isn't it compatible with my Nexus 7?

what version of android are you running?

6.0.1, completely up to date.

have you tried downloading the apk and installing from there?

Nordics still cant play Miitomo, will probably denied even this as well.

But i'm playing it right now :^)
t. swecuck

why didnt you catch him?

Because the only non-empty gyms I encountered were of my team

Child Pornography.Pokemon are literally satantic user, didnt your parents ever tell you?

>27 years old
>Say to my sister Pokemon Go allready costs a kid his life
>Be in europe thnk you cant install it
>Somehow you can
>We go both out and catch some Pokemon
>mfw running around and laughing in front of peoples homes because a zubat decided to be near the house

Cant wait to go in the town again after learning for exam s

Does the Nexus 7 have LTE?
Do YOU have LTE?

Game doesnt work without LTE/Location on.

Go post about your normieventure on jewbook or something.

>>Say to my sister Pokemon Go allready costs a kid his life
It didn't. Don't lie to your sister.

Post your Mons after day 1
Rate others.

I'm barely lv5 with a shitass team and all the gyms around me are protected by avatars with normie nicknames and strong as fuck Pinsirs. I feel that's how would be for me if pokémon were real.

Yes. "Try again later".

I live in a small town in Georgia, and only found 2 stops on my way to and from the local Walmart, but no gyms. Is there a big map I can just look at to see what things are near me? Am I fucked?

>caught a koffing while at a stop sign, motherfucker thought he could sneak up on me while driving

>I'm the owner of soon to be three mexican airports

Feels good

>driving to work with the app open
>Drive right past a pincer

Someone was there and used it within the last 5 minutes then.

As far as I know there is no map. Churches seem to be heavily favored for pokestops and gyms though so check your town's churches. Also resteraunts and other social areas have pokestops and gyms.


I'm 45 min ATL and literally can't go 5 feet without stepping on pokemon. There's 4 gyms and 12 pokestops near where I live. I caught 5 pokemon while in my bathroom.

I'm about to head to the city in a few days to see what big-city pokemon are like. You should make a trip somewhere.

>here my alarm beep twice signalling that something is moving in my garden
You have a garden alarm?


>work at a fucking mall
I cant fucking wait to get to work for once.

>motherfucker thought he could sneak up on me
Can't trust these motherfuckers for one second smfh

Kill it, kill it or there will be more.

Day 2

You need a google account and need to install ingress to set it up.

Day 2

>install game
>catch starter and one mon a meter away
>stop playing

Fuck it, I ain't exposing myself to the sunlight for this

Nice variety and names

Favorited the strongest of each species, started last night when it went live.

>start Pokemon Go
>see gyms not too far away
>people in my area have this game
>decide to go out the park to catch Pokemon
>didn't see anyone else playing it
>only got people looking at me for moving my phone around and celebrating the capture of a CP159 Squirtle

Why does my life suck?

Welp I'm getting nothing in my area, I try to use incense but it won't activate. Have I been banned?

So you're catching mons and moms? Damn, I hope I am this lucky too

How do you evolve them?