FFXV Brotherhood

third episode coming out today... r-right senpai?

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They made a Sasuke spin-off anime?

I didn't even know there was a second episode.

that looks worse than the ingame graphics tbqh

If you're gonna shill at least do it properly.

Also Gladio used to be serious? He gives off such a goofy vibe in the trailers.

first episode just felt like an extended trailer of what we've already seen from the game

but the second episode was great
hopefully third is as well
looks like it focuses on Gladiolus

how many hours untill the episode? sorry i suck at converting times

I dont get why they change the art style

seriously? I've never seen something as bad as that second episode, and I've seen a lot of shit

That second episode was stupid. What was the point of Prompto being fat and loosing weight? It didn't help me understand why Noctis and him are supposed to be butt buddies.
There isn't a dubbed version that would help me understand better, is there?

because you cant befriends the prince if youre a fat fuck

I like Sasuke's new outfit.

shouldnt the new episode be out by now?

Are you literally retarded?
Also a dub would just confuse you even more.

why the fuck are more games making you have to fucking read/watch material outside of the fucking video game just to understand wtf is going on

the real problem with that episode is that the prince of their nation goes to a regular ass school and isn't surrounded by guards 24/7.

That is just beyond fucking retarded, even for japan.

Dude it's a school, it's guarded well enough

wtf I thought Sasuke lost an arm

also, why did he switch sword?

Relax, schools are magic free zones. Nothing will happen to him.

This one is edgier

>The French got to see the first 10 mins of Kingsglaive in Japan Expo
Lucky bastards.

is the movie coming out this saturday in japan?

First Itachi now Sasuke gets his own series too

Wtf stop with narushit already
Only interesting would be Obito growing up and gathering the akatsuki and doing missions with them or Madara/Hashirama

To avoid spoilers, let's put it this way:against his worst enemies, a few guards wouldn't do much.

>What is different about your work on Kingsglaive than FF VII:AC ?
>Nozue: On the FF VII:AC project I was just there for the visuals, here I am really directing the movie and making important decisions.
The scale of the Kingsglaive project is also way bigger.
Nomura blown the fuck out. Pretty much everybody who has seen Kingsglaive agrees that it's much better than AC.

You guys need some new material

You don't need to watch the anime to understand the plot.

Haven't you ever heard of a "multimedia experience"?

time is coming!

>Pretty much everybody who has seen Kingsglaive agrees that it's much better than AC.

Well advent children was fun camp with over the top fight scenes so its not hard to top it, its just a fun film.kingsglaive runs the risk of losing that camp but possibly not successfully finding any substance to back it up so we will see.

I dont trust the reception yet, its a test screening they always overrate the movies unless they are notably bad and everyone there was probably super big into FFXV as is, the real test is if the film can interest someone who never payed attention to XV or outright is against XV. That said yoko taro saying he liked it is a good sign.

Damn, I'm liking Noctis more and more. He's actually quite mature for his age and his self-control is really something. Best FF protag incoming?

i wasnt interested in this FF because of the characters, but now that we know more and more about them im actually starting to like it

whats that pinball game gonna be like?

So does SE.

Noctis even in school was literally Sasuke, in terms of looks AND behavior.

christ that animation is so cheap

>fighting Garuda in what I'm betting in Duscae

holy shit come on

It's A1. Watch their Ace Attorney adaptation if you want to see what a really shitty vidya anime can look like.

the games plot isn't even revealed yet you moron

this is just a tactic to get more shitters to buy into the game, they want the anime crowd

Iris is a fucking idiot.

Noct likes his stars. IIRC they mentioned it in Duscae, too.

In this game's case it's because the plot was butchered when it was turned into XV.

Iris a cute. I hope the bros gangbang her.

>the real test is if the film can interest someone who never payed attention to XV or outright is against XV.


>this is where the money goes

Is it time for suffering?


When did Sasuke get a new sword?

She's like 7 year old there. What would you expect from a little kid.

That said, it was an interesting example of how biases color our perception of people. Gladio was willing to crucify Noctis for every word, but his sister's tantrums were just "cute" to him.

At 7 I knew not to randomly run after a cat and go underground and get lost until dark.

Yeah she's retarded.

this 2bh

>Yeah she's retarded.
Like most little kids. Not everyone was an autistic savant like you growing up.


FFXV Universe trailer with a 1:30 minute version of Reclaim The Throne track, this time without the sound effects and talking over it.

no not like most kids

you might've been a drop kid but most kids are not that fucking stupid

It was already dusk when she ran away, so she wandered for an hour or two tops.

>Noctis is alone
>Prompto is fat
>Prompto gets fit so he is fit to be friends with the prince
>Noctis now has a friend
The anime isn't there to give you a massive batch of information.
It's just a little glimpse into the past of the characters to show they first really connected as friends

>they couldn't even afford to make these last 30 minutes


Honestly it looks like they put more effort into Kingsglaive than the actual game.

She probably lives a semi-sheltered life just like Noctis but with less information from studies and shit, probably thought everything just works out and exploring is nothing but fun and happiness.

Not that exploring isn't fun as fuck, as long as you prepare properly.

Sh-Shut up it's cool

Space segment confirmed?

>flying to space in your flying car

I actually chuckled when I saw it.
It's kind of stupid in a fun way

More importantly, she's a city kid from a rich and doting family. She had no reason to expect anything bad to happen.

>He's never going to be king anyway

What did Gladio mean by this?

So Iris confirmed best girl right?


she looks fucking retarded

Probably something to do with the Plague of the Stars and Astrals. In Duscae, Ignis and Noctis talk about how he liked to borrow one astronomy book and usually returned it with a bunch of notes and scribbles.

Good question. In yesterday's TV program Nozue said that Noctis' future was "worrisome in many ways" since he was a kid and it troubled Regis a great deal.

You look fucking retarded.

>Iris is a fucking cutie


wheres this from?

Episode 2 of the anime.

And nothing bad did happen.

Everything was fine and she even got to love on her crush for a little bit.

She fell and got lost. Who knows what would've happened if Noct hadn't been there. She might've had to grow a brain and find her way back or something. Scary thought.

I think someone who claimed to be a leaker (I think in light of the Kingsglaive premiere) mentioned something about Noctis being prepared to be sacrificed.

Go to my spoilers thread, fuckers.

I don't want spoilers and would prefer to enjoy the game as it comes when I do finally play it. But thank you.

I don't go on hard spoilers if you don't want, you can always ask for some vague infos.

If you mean those long-ass walls of text, they were proven to be false. The only legit spoilers were those from the Japs.

Anything outside of what I'm shown through the demos and anime episodes is too much for me but thank you for the kind offer.

Lucis is apparently a pretty safe place at this point in time. And she's only a few paces from the city proper by the look of it.

Well, that quote in the anime at least implies that Noctis might not reach adulthood.

Or maybe Regis just wants to abolish monarchy and turn Insomnia into a republic, who knows?

It was. After they put up their Great Wall of Lucis, Insomnia was living the dream.

Lucis is a safe place more or less. It has anti-magic barriers everywhere, held up by the crystal. The only reason Nifelheim is able to get into Insomnia is because of the treaty ceremony being a Trojan horse.

Why the fuck are you acting like a dipshit youtuber?

Kill yourself, tripfag.

Or somebody else might have wanted to. There could have been some internal pressures to drop the whole God King thing they had going.

And open up their magic wall to get fucked in the ass by Nifelheim? Not likely.

I don't understand anything you just said

If we as anything like Sasuke he would have rejected Prompto never saw him as a friend.

They could have restructured into something more like constitutional monarchy with better oversight and such.

Blame Luminous being an unoptimized piece of shit for that.

Since the Ring of Kings is god-given, and the gods/summons of this world look pretty damn petty (Titan and Leviathan both think Noctis is too weak to fulfill his duty according to what we've seen so far), I wouldn't fix what isn't broken.

>putting cgi elements in instead of just fucking drawing them
this shit bothers me

Really? In The Platinum demo Carbuncle said that Titan's a pretty nice "guy" overal. He was mad as fuck because Niflheim attacked him and Noctis' hellish headache was provably a side effect of Titan raging through the telepathic link or whatever that they share


Seems like you'll have the chance to do so.

I think just being able to drive around with your party is the most comfy thing about this game. Every time I see that it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

None of your Spoilers are real so fuck off

Fuck off you are full of shit