>Two 40 year old goon sjws film themselves talking over videos of people filming themselves playing video games
Why did Sup Forums used to like this?
Two 40 year old goon sjws film themselves talking over videos of people filming themselves playing video games
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Because they made fun of people.
They weren't SJWs at one point, that's one thing you conveniently left out.
how is
>Two 40 year old goon film themselves talking over videos of people filming themselves playing video games
significantly less bad?
Hate to break it to you user, but if you want the (You)s you're probably going to have to talk about people that are a little bit more relevant nowadays.
Also this.
I am the equivalent of the user who listened to Linkin Park In The End over 10,000 times, I have to listen to any of "their" wrongpuraes as I myself play another game at least a couple times a month.
I don't even know at this point. I think I got stuck in the "familiar voices in the background and zone out" trap
There comes a point where you realise there's more to life than amusing 14 year old faggots by being edgy online.
Generally happens in your early-mid 30s but you realise you don't want to make it to 40 and still be acting like an asshole to get lols from literal children. Not to mention you realise it's going to be over soon anyway because once you're too old, the joke is really on you, because no matter how good you are, it'll look pathetic and sad to be a grown man making fun of autistic kids online.
Sure, some retards will say you sold out, but fuck it, it has to end at some point. And in time they'll realise it it too, and cringe when they remember being mad that two grown men didn't keep playing court jester forever and ever just to please them.
But in the meantime, because you're still a child, you will post the same thing each day because you see their abandonment of cyberbullying as a betrayal. And it makes you ask yourself if cyberbullying is acceptable, and you hate that being asked, because deep down you KNOW it isn't, but having to face that might ruin your lulz. So keep it up. Never stop. Prove me wrong. Get married, have children, get a full-time job, and tell me being an epic troll online is still worth your time.
They haven't really changed, they're just white knights as well.
everything fell apart when they recorded a 2 hour commentary on youtube.com
only to find out that both hero and dunkey were just playing characters
which led to an internal debate as to whether it was appropriate for them to pick on actual retarded people
which led to slowbeef's wife awakening from her eternal slumber
slowbeef gazed upon her great shoggoth form and went insane with otherworldly knowlege
the unknowable swims in his brain now, coloring his intentions with eldrich horrors
Thanks EmptyHero.
Because Diabeetus. Slowbeef was always shit.
Because they made fun of people and didn't care what video they riffed on.
Now they do.
Does anyone have the link to the video of betus joking about niggerdicks?
Proteus was the only good thing to ever come out of Retsupurae. He's gone now because slowbeef was afraid he'd insult their audience, so what's the point?
It was a different time. Let's Plays and Youtube were still young. SA personalities were still considered cool. It was acceptable back then to be edgy.
What happened to Dark Id? I liked some of his text lets plays
He did Drakengard 3 recently-ish, but it really doesn't matter because all his stuff is on lparchive
i still do
Why? They don't make fun of bad LPs anymore, they just make bad LPs
Every time I've posted a dissenting opinion about these faggots I got some variation of "If you were an oldfag you would KNOW how funny these youtube faggots are"
Fuck all of you, I never found these deeply uninteresting men trying in vain to say something funny over actually funny videos.
Retsupurae is the sound of you trying to show your friends a funny video, but they never shut the fuck up and talk over the whole thing with constant lame jokes.
Maybe you can explain, why do people nowadays need to be doing like 5 other things when they play vidya? You guys do realize we're not made to multitask right? Like the brain can't actually handle it.
They make fun of kickstarters too, that last ones with the nigga were pretty funny tbҺ fαm
Do you have other obsessive tendencies because if so you uh, may have a mental problem user and should talk to someone
Everyone's always sucking diabetus' dick but his solo stuff is incredibly dull without cuckbeef. And vice versa, really, I don't know why they bother having separate channels.
l tried to watch one of their vids once and lasted 5 minutes before that faggot with the insufferably nasal voice made me want to puncture my eardrums
good to see a thousand year of civilization led to a couple of self important neckbeards gossipping about people being bad at videogames
Sup Forums never liked this, only the brain-dead reddit filth that haunts this board every now and then used to.
Not everyone is from there like you, fattie.
Same sort of people in the end.
I still like them
Them being SJWs is just the shitty icing on a shit cake, basically.
I feel like mocking other let's play kind of ran it's course. Can only make the same joke so many times. I do want them to do more shitty point and click games like shadow of the comet.
Just like this site started with nothing but goons. It's the circle of life.
>Oh fuck ChipCheezum streamed a really fun game, I cant wait to watch it because he is a funny guy and works in the industry
>Hear her voice
Like I know some of her jokes are tongue in cheek, but there are more than enough who aren't and she tends to suck all the fun out of the room
At least the Wifestreams are good. Funny how it works: Slowbeef's wife is funnier than he is.
That's not very hard to do, Slowbeef isn't a funny man. He only works when playing off of someone else.
>works in the industry
Come on, now. He just streams on volition's twitch channel with some literally who, he doesn't really work in the industry. Ironicus is an insufferable faggot, though.
user he has worked for Volition well before he streamed on their twitch. i think he started there before his Uncharted 2 LP, which is before Uncharted 3 ever came out.
That didn't stop him from trying to do something like GCCX on his own.
First time I've seen what PsychedelicEyeball looks like.
Also, since people are already posting Twitter screencaps, here's one that's actually funny.
She keeps getting better and better.
She's edgier then Slowbeef, it's pretty fucking great.
She shat all over Amnesia and FNaF and then claimed Spooky's House of Jumpscares was scarier.
>mfw seeing what Psychedeliceyeball looks like irl
>used to watch people play vidya all day and night long
This cancerous phenomenon is still happening.
Seek some professional help. Sounds like you're mentally not very stable.
I always thought slowbeef was some bigtimer, I heard his name a fair bit, but hes just some goon with 30k subs on youtube
Slow beef went full family mode and has been less interested in the channel ever since
You know for as much as people try to claim retsupurae are sjw they really dont mix those ideals with their videos, video game therapist was the only one where it ever felt remotely political but even anytime after that they still have made some pretty savage jokes, just not as savage
I also think its fair to see the cleaner persona's are more a result from the fact that going around being too harsh "attacking" people can get you in alot more trouble than people think with jobs and such even if its done in jest and with a clearly exaggerated tone.
The only one i think sjw's tendencies got to me wasnt even beef or beetus, it was chip, cause he literally edited in a bunch of fucking trigger warnings that he said swear words whilst lecturing that you should never think that.
That's just growing up user. James Rolfe was like that too when his daughter was sick.
They actually thought RPing over that video would be a good idea?
You know it's at points like these I'm glad certain things just stop around their prime instead of slowly degrading.
He constantly uploads vids, they just get less than 100 views
Stop trying to fuck another man's wife
But then the accusations of Slowbeef being a cuck would actually be true.
>A man
Their panels are pretty funny. The story about the undertale cuddle puddle in the room before their magfest panel was too much to handle.
I can't fucking stand voidburger she is the most insufferable sjw cunt there is. She ruins every video or let's play she's in. I automatically turn off a video if I hear her awful voice
It's funny because she's always dropping Sup Forums memes and claims to browse the site regularly.
she mistook r/Sup Forums for the real thing
He started the let's play forum on something awful and that's what kicked off modern let's plays. He was a mod there for years before he stepped down
Even if she wasn't an SJW, she is just a fucking fun magnet. Chip feels the need to go on every single conversation thread she starts, no matter how stupid or unfunny it is, he is just so thirsty that he can't let one of her comments hang or just fade, he needs to keep going and humor her, or he feels like he is "leaving her out"
alot more sjw's browse this site than people probably think, all things considered only a few boards really are deep into identity politics (Sup Forums, Sup Forums Sup Forums) while the rest really would rarely have reason to mention them, i dont think ive ever seen the acronym sjw on Sup Forums but a fuck ton of sjws adore anime. anime was a mistake
Make a "slut appreciation thread" and they all come crawling out of the woodwork, yelling how you should kill yourself normie reee
No wonder Slowbeef is plowing her brains out
>alot more sjw's browse this site than people probably think
Nice persecution complex
Ah yes, the empty "holier than thou" and "grow up" comments in one post. Complete with insults, leafing this user to act like the very people he insults.
I unironically like Slowbeef's streams and generally find them entertaining
Sadly the one that has fallen apart somewhat is retsupurae itself, since they can't really riff on people like they used to and for whatever reason (I suspect the reason is Diabetus dodging like fury) they can't commit to playing whole shit games like Shadow of Memories/Destiny or whatever which was their one other really good thing. So all you have now are kickstarter things which were funny for a while but kind of get old.
Is it that hard to believe that people eventually grow up and dont want to be internet edgelords?
>retsupurae sperging out about dunkey
where is this video? link?
Sup Forums != gamergays
They grew up.
We all did. Are you the same person you were back around '08?
Beef has a pregnant (although based as fuck) wife, a kid, a job and grad school. Beetus is likely the same.
You can't make fun of people online anymore. Normies invaded and people will fucking socially castrate you for that shit
Not to mention that youtube has changed, and lets play is mainly confined to big personalities who either play meme games or focus on a single game like LOL or CSGO.
I'm honestly just glad they're still active. Wifestreams are great and the kickstarter videos with that delusional black guy were hilarious.
I would fucking love to see them do Shadow the edgehog though
GG ruined this board so I agree
Diabetus can't have kids, Slowbeef mentions it offhandedly in one of the retsutalks
Let me guess, you are one of those people who came during GG and thought that Sup Forums was the "complain about MUH SJW" board
Whats stopping him? I should really get around to listening to those
Back to where you belong retarded crossboarder
why are you so mad you've lost the culture war?
people are waking up
brexit went through
trump is next president
sorry cuck!
>Whats stopping him?
He's sterile?
Don't actually say, they're joking about slowbeef having a kid soon and Diabetus makes some reference to himself with a kid and Slowbeef says something like 'What? I thought you couldn't have kids??' and then Diabetus gives some awkward mumbling reply and laughs it off
fucking kikeshillnigger cucks fucking fuck OFFF
Sup Forums could use a dose of feminism
The south will rise again, brother. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
you do realize Sup Forums has always seen Sup Forums as "uncle Sup Forums", right?
fuck off sjw filth
As a Britfag Brexit is already widely considered a mistake, the UK is splitting up and all the leaders who supported Brexit are jumping ship and trying to avoid responsibility as they realise the gravity of the bomb they set off
It hasn't even been a month and people already all know it was a huge mistake
>he thinks left and right means shit
Modern day right is more closer to the original liberal left and vice versa.
>B-buh muh fake tribe, muh sense of being part of something
Cuckold in every sense and meaning
I dont know if this is bait but I'll humor you
>why are you so mad you've lost the culture war?
I never wanted Sup Forums to be involved in muh culture war. Its supposed to be a board for fucking videogames
>brexit went through
>trump is next president
Literally nothing to do with GG (which is what I was talking about)
>you do realize Sup Forums has always seen Sup Forums as "uncle Sup Forums", right?
This never happened, delusional faggot
I love their Kickstarter Nonstarters. and I've probably watched the whole bunch of them five times over.
The classic retsu's are loads of fun, but usually suffer from horrible audio and video quality, and the new ones are not up to snuff.
In my opinion they are more fun outside of videogames. The Dahir Insaat videos for example, are all gold, and much more worthwile than a 10 part shitty room escape flash game.
do you scream Sup Forums at everyone and get offended when someone screeches sjw back?
>you do realize Sup Forums has always seen Sup Forums as "uncle Sup Forums", right?
Sup Forums was a board since the beginning, years before /n/, /new/ and then Sup Forums existed. Fuck off back to stormblr, you fat, inbred shit.
"uncle Sup Forums"
Been here since 2006, Sup Forums and /new/ didn't even exist for the majority of time Sup Forums existed and the creation of /new/ led to a direct increase in cancerous stormfront posting which is why moot removed it in the first place, fuck off
No, Sup Forums is known for being raided by Sup Forums, just as Sup Forums used to raid Sup Forums.
Sup Forums and tumblr need to be removed
>widely considered
by cucks who hate democracy
>my little cuckold shill can't be paid this badly!
glorious leftist tears, 2016 truly is the year my chalice has been filled to the brim
b2 leddit newcancer
b2 leddit newcancer
So you admit by your own logic that SJWs aren't "taking over" anything and people are fucking idiots for spending literally years obsessing over a handful of them and their twitter accounts?
u btter delet this post right now or I'll tell uncle Sup Forums on you bitch
they posted then deleted their dunkey video right away
then shared their EH videos on something awful and deleted it after finding out they fucked up twice in a row
is there a mirror
what did they say in it
>muh goobers
>muh sjws
go back to your cozy ghazi shitholes