How's your game going?

How's your game going?

Wanted to get into making games but knot know where to start?

Experinace game dev with advice to share?

Ideas you'd like to see people explore in a game they're making?

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It's going bad.
Real life kinda kicked in and made my life a misery these past few weeks. I think I might've now gotten over it, and can start again my desperate struggle to get my game properly started.

I've been working on some 3D models for my game. Planning to use Unity, because it's simple, free, and has huge community that spews out all free and cheap assets & plugins I can utilize to compensate for my own personal, game-development related flaws (namely being a shitty coder).

Personally I'm working on a pokemon-like game for PC. The aim is to make all the developments pokemon should have been making all these years instead of remaking the same game over and over again.

Trapping is separate from random battles and is a timed button press mechanic akin to the Rythm heaven games.

What are your models looking like? What kind of game did you want to make?

Pretty good.

Got breakable walls and ladders in.

>What are your models looking like?
Like pic related. Going for more stylized, almost cartoony looks, with some on purpose more detailed bits, all which would be seen in a custom made cel-shaded form in the game. This all's just straight out of 3Dmax.

Also got some weapons, vehicles, etc done.

>What kind of game did you want to make?
fast-paced, quite arcade-y 3rd person shooter, with a co-op feature, and way more colorful & cheery atmosphere than in most games today.

That art is really nice, do you have any more characters designed that are going into the game?

Anyone ever done modular set pieces for environments before? I think I'm doing alright and I'm learning as I go, but is there any tips or advice from anyone who's done this that they think might help down the track?


how did you make the texture of that coat? did you do that with projection painting?


oh boy are you in for a treat, video below is my favorite video tutorial of all time

I'm not too worried, I'm mostly just doing it for suburban home interiors which shouldn't get too complex. Maybe flying saucer interiors too.

Nope, nothing yet. Programmer and I are just getting the main character finished up first.
|w @;;;

manlets when will they learn?

Hadn't actually made that connection.
At least personality wise, the char's a total opposite to Donte. More closer to DMC1 & 3 Dante though.

I used my own jacket as an inspiration and main source.
Took some photos, imported and touched them into Photoshop, and then spent π^2 tweaking, painting, cloning and moving things around.

It's not even meant to be 1:1 copy of the real thing, or even be a realistic jacket in the first place. Rather, it works as a way to make the character's silhouette more distinct from the others, and hopefully will also move in flashy ways in the game, assuming I can attach the "tail physics" to its sleeves and collar.

The thing looks pretty nice with normals and specular on. I'm still debating if I should just bake it all in and offer this "oldschool" graphics mode in the game, where everything's just one flat texture.

the shot makes him look way more like a midget than it is in the editor, I give you that. The long jacket also seems to give that kind of impression; it's a separated entity, with almost fully modeled body underneath. The proportions are not meant to be 100% realistic in the first place, with more focus being given to heads, hands and legs. That being said, the measures are still within "correct" limits.

yeah i did, its a pain in the arse.

just help yourself with maya units.. and use a good number of them, like 8 in lenght, so you can easily do pieces long half and pieces long 1/4 of that.

good luck!

That shit's very annoying to get right, unless you got grid-lock feature in the editor, and very carefully measured 3D assets.

I'm personally planning to use the Unity's ProBuilder tool for my maps, as it gives me the more "oldschool" method of creating the levels, modelling them up in the editor itself. I might have to use some modular elements together with painted environments for certain more organic areas though.

are environment practice work shit allowed here?
It's pretty simple. My level up there is based off modular shit. Your goal is to have a lot of variation with as little pieces as possible.

make a cube or use the grid to get a very specific default size. Make default size be like 1 wall piece. Make all the pieces like regular wall, door, window, floor, ceiling all based off that one size. Goal is to get it all snap together seamlessly.

You can half it and quad it to get smaller pieces like pillars or panels.

Make some trims and boards you can use to create different props, eg ceiling pillars, support pillars or so you can clip them mostly through the wall to create trims.

As for props make variations, eg if you have a box, make the box and lid separate so you can have more variation wether you have the lid on or not. Or stuff like gratings and such, you can create one intact one and then one damaged one and you allready have lots to work with.

As for texturing, once you get the hang of basic stuff, you can make a few sets of base textures that have separate sections for walls and trims and details and such, map materials to different faces and you can pretty much texture the entire level using 5 textures.
Some tuts:

Why the fuck would anyone use inches fro anything? No wonder you had a hard time! :D

it's not coming along very terribly i guess
feedback welcome
good gracious

Hahahahaha yeah, i meant 8 maya unit lenght, sorry. :D

It's honestly not that bad once you stick with it.
Snapping together shit like it aint no thang and building a city from 10 blocks in 30 minutes feels great

>Experinace game dev with advice to share?
Stick to one project at a time. Finish it before starting another.
Start small. Do NOT overwhelm yourself by planning out a huge game that will take years.
Don't make useless tutorial stuff. Start working on your game immediately, and learn as you go on. Focus on one task at a time, look up tutorials on how to do it, and when you finish it, either move on to the next task or take a break.

cute characters/10

That actually looks great. qt as fuck. Post more if you have.

>developments pokemon should have been making all these years
>im adding pointless annoying minigames between actions that are already bordering on tedious...

I'm keeping it very simple. If you take the default square in Blender, it's the perfect size to fit into Unity, it takes up four block spaces. So Every chunk I make, I build around that default square dimensions. And for everything I edit, I ult predefined Crtl snap sizes, to make sure everything will always fit and follow consistent measurements. Doing it this way, all I have to do to put them together Unity is hold down Ctrl, and they'll slip right into place flawlessly.
It helps that I'm using a simple art-style, so geometry doesn't need to get complicated.

Top left piece is useless, it's literally made from pieces next to it. You have no need to attatch floors to walls as it limits the use. Rightmost piece is useless as well since it's just made from small door and piece next to it.
You can do all these shapes from two middle shapes you have there + floorpiece.

Don't make too complicated modular pieces as it is a time waster and can't do as many different things with them.

protip: Hold v to snap vertices in untiy3d.

Do you have a blog?

I'm trying to put more time into it lately and it's coming along pretty smoothly. Loads of little bugs need fixing, but I have a solid general framework laid out now.


One thing I could add, as an amateur dev though, is that be aware of the development process slowing down towards the end. It's easy and quick to make assets and throw in them for tests and such, but when you need to start to create working levels, maybe add brand new gameplay feats, etc, things tend to slow down to a crawl. This also tends to be the point when most developers tend to get bored of the project and drop it altogether.

I'd suggest making a very fine-detail plan for your game project. A full game-design document would be preferred. Start listing things that absolutely NEED to be in the game for it to work, the heart idea of the game itself. Then list the secondary things that would greatly enhance the experience, and then the pretty optional stuff that'd just be nice to have. Broke these elements into smaller parts, and start working on the very important elements first. This way you'll have plenty of "milestones" for you to achieve, and you feel like you're progressing somewhere each time one part is done.

Finally: test your game, nonstop! Preferably with other people, even better if it's with people with no experience with said kind of games. Just sat them down with your game, and shut up. Observe what they do, and after the test session, ask them stuff like "why did you do this and that then".

Post twitter

Some of the addition bits are temporary, I'm using them for reference.

i have two other weapons, but no hitboxes yet; camera is severely lacking in fx too right now

>what started off as being idiots in a parking lot ended with me finding an artist and someone to make music for my game
What a silly world we live in
Anyway, I'm making a SHMUP with a focus on co-op with any number of players

i'll start using twitter and other stuff when i get further along with the game, it's in very early stage right now

Is that dog wearing a diaper?

Ok it was pretty dumb to post this part of the game while saying 'what Pokemon should do' lol.

It's the one thing in the game that was purposely made to make it different from pokes.

Also changing the battles to be more like paper mario/stick of truth with timed button presses for attacks, so the button bash minigame for trapping ties in with a timed button press mechanic that runs though the game, hopefully in time to music.

no dev blog yet, but the my partner that drew this has a twitter:

That boomerang looks perfectly dumb. 10/10
Mang, people love shit in the early stages. That means they can be hipster and like it before it was cool.
People loved my early development.

>“ The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. ”

t. some programmer guy

This also applies to development in general, not just code

wait, after trainers run out of dudes you get to fuck them up, too?

yeah! trainers have their own moves they can use on monsters, and you also gain XP and level up yourself.

Some monsters can also teach you moves if you train with them long enough.

It will also be possible to do a no-mon run, where it's just you solo beating the shit out of everyone's precious little babies.

aight, i'll think it over then

But how will I find you?

i hang around Sup Forums gamedev threads
maybe i'll go to /agdg/ too

>maybe i'll go to /agdg/ too
I wouldn't recommend that.

yeah i lurked there for a longer while and let's say it tends to be a special kind of experience

I'm giving it a shot.

I found enough tutorials on how to make a 2D game in Unity but decided I should start at the bottom and learn some C# so I have been doing for a little bit now.

Only problem is I feel like I'm not learning so much as I am copying something. I don't understand why things go where they do or when I should use them.

Working on extending the second level a bit

I strongly recommend this tutorial series:

>I don't understand why things go where they do or when I should use them.
this is why instead of starting with tutorials of a specific language, I'd instead recommend starting with some more theoretical studies about programming in general. At first this means literally just playing with Flowcharts, with simple Yes / No / If / Else branches... you know, the very basics of the basic. After that, you could try to look up some beginner's guides to C, because both C++ and C# are pretty much rooted to it even now. Follow that with C++ beginner guides so you learn about the object-oriented coding, and finally C#, which should be super simple in comparison.

You could also check if the visual programming, aka Blueprints, would be of any help. There's some assets for Unity that allow you to script things with simple drag & drop, connect boxes style, very much like people do in UE these days.

Working on putting a simple level together for a demo day.

Didn't have time to finish everything I wanted. But they can be put in later.

>It will also be possible to do a no-mon run, where it's just you solo beating the shit out of everyone's precious little babies
Shit, I never even knew I wanted this. I was the kind of 8 year old who soloed everything with my starter, maybe this would be right up my alley

It's coming along nicely actually, even though I just started learning Java yesterday. I used to study it in midschool, and remembered that I still had a project with a socket server open, and since I had hardship making a p2p server in C++, I figured I try this now.

Took me 3 hours to set up the server, I've been working on the game since then, about 15 hours all in all.

It's going to be a team based clicker/idle game. It's simple enough to be a good "catching up on the language" project, but interesting enough to make me want to work on it.

The idea is that the player can get scrolls by clicking, and open rifts with them. The rifts are essentially public (or private, if the player set so) rooms where other players can enter, and click. The rifts in themselves would grant bonuses, and unique drops*, and provide a chance for the next tier scroll to drop, then so on with the next rift. I want there to be guild and alliance exclusive rifts with drops* excolusive to them.

*Drops are basic and advanced currency, arifacts that provide bonuses to the game and scrolls. Minor artifacts may give +1 +20 +1000 to clicking, major ones may grant a buff to all players in a rift, and some combination may be required for unique drops. Right, and artifacts drop at quality levels. 60% to be normal, 20% to have +50% bonus, so on. Obviously rr and prestige system too.

That is the plan so far.

The client-server communication, data storage for users and basic artifact system is done. Next up will be buildings for non-click production (though I'm not sure I want to have non-click production at all yet), then scrolls and rifts. I should add upgrades at some point, that would work the same as artifacts, but buyable instead drops.

Wish me luck to see it through all.

The work of one who consorts with beasts!

is br dev here?
sorry i didn't get to answer your question last time, but yes, i have some experience with development

Thanks, I'll definitely run through this one.

I should've known I wasn't really starting at the bottom. I guess I'll look into C and C++ beginner courses as well then, but I'm surprised how many places offer C# up as a starting point since it is just an extension.

I'm going to look into the visual programming as well but I definitely want to become at least proficient in C# before actually starting the game.

Ha, this makes me feel good! I want to reward all sorts of things like this.

When I first got Pokemon red, I didn't actually know what 'run' was. I never wanted to waste a turn that I could attack with, on 'going for a run' (no joke). So I went through the entire game fighting every single battle.

>I'm surprised how many places offer C# up as a starting point since it is just an extension.
That's because it's so relatively simple language, and also quite popular in gaming circles these days, partly thanks to MS driving it forward with their now dead XNA program few years ago.

As someone with experience with most languages out there, C# can be said to be like a hybrid of C++ and Java. It has its own trash-collector feature (unused data is automatically removed from memory if not accessed in a while), and overall things are designed to be simple to write and memorize.

Currently working on the first tutorial video (of what I intend to make a series) on how I draw pixels.

First episode will be on drawing and animating a little fish like this, in a matter of minutes.
It shouldn't require much artistic skills, or anything.

Will post it here once it's done:


I'm having major issues on rigging my model. please provide a lengthy tutorial on proper rigging.

also sprite, man. will follow your tuts.


I'm almost done redoing the UI; then I can get back to actually adding new things.

so every time someone tells you your shit looks blurry and weird, what do you even do about that thought


First episode will be the most "difficult" kind of stuff I'll be teaching, but it's still going to be done by a very mechanical step-by-step approach, and even non-artists should (probably) be able to follow.
And if you can replicate that, you'll be able to replicate literally anything else I can do.

The next episodes will be on very much simpler tricks and techniques, though.
So don't despair if you find the fish tutorial too hard yet.

Will also be very happy to hear how you people find the tutorials. I believe I'm making it very simple and easy to understand, but I might be mistaken.

whats the trouble my man?
i only work using blender, so idk if i can help, but i have some experience with rigging

Yeah I remember reading something about its similarities to Java, but on a couple of the tutorials I looked into people were implying that Java was kind of being pushed out by C# so that cemented my decision to pick it up.

By the way what level of proficiency would you recommend before moving on from C to C++, and then to C#?

Thanks for the advice given as well. It's really helpful.

Cannot check out your shit right now, but the images posted made me interested. So keep it up user!

Not that user, but you shoud move onto C++ as soon as you can. I immediately started at that after getting the basic gist of C. There are even basic methods I don't know how to properly use because I don't need them anymore. (for example I rather use cin and cout that printf and scanf).

That's one autismal guy (you?).
I replied the first five times, but I don't see any reason to continue repeating myself.

Here, one last time, I'll make an exception:
>it looks blurry, I don't like it
I intentionally blend colours to get smooth surfaces and transitions between different parts of a sprite or a scene.
I understand that it might not be to everyone's taste, but that's what I enjoy.
Feel free to dislike it and ignore it.

You're doing it right.

You're doing it wrong. Unless your game isn't for an audience beyond "murr I wanna yiff that", in which case you're doing it right. Well, by doing it right in this case I suppose I mean you're gonna grab your intended demographic based solely on the character's design.

Will do, thanks!

Video is not up yet, though.
Will have it uploaded by the end of this week, I think.
The next tutorial will follow a few days after that one.

>literal shit everywhere
>solely character's design
open your eyes

I'm not saying the design is good

I'm saying the people his game is for are gonna eat that up.

first time I've said it myself but I've seen you brush it off from other people plenty of times
I'd say learn to draw but I think it's more fitting that you never do and continue to make your shit look shitty

You don't need c before c++. C isnt object oriented so its pretty much useless unless programming shaders for open gl

This is a clean metroidvania game aimed at Zootopia fans, user. Please take your fetishes elsewhere.

Then why does everything look like a log of shit?

What's the problem here? His stuff just looks like itself-- why are you ragging on him for 'lrn 2 draw'? the stuff looks nice for what he's aiming to create.

sounds like you're taking this a bit personally. Are you out off by the work seeming confident?

you: 'shut up you aren't that good!'

them: 'I never said I was?'

>install unity yesterday
>try to find tutorials to learn
>fucking vids only (which i dont like to learn things)
>though of making a shmup since that would be easy without much thinking involved
>have 0 idea of everything, can't even make a menu

I just made a sprite animation.

Everything is going slooooow as hell and my wageslave job isn't helping me one bit.

if you find unity too hard to use you should just give up now
it was 10 times harder before when you actually had to program games yourself without a tutorial telling you how yet people still managed to do it

as much as i hate furry shit i have to say nice character graphics, they look 100% much better than all that indie "old skool looking{" shit

My game's doing okay atm.

It's about beavers.

Getting rammed.

By thick logs.

Unity is not difficult to learn. Please give up and stop posting about useless you are, there are people here who actually care and have actually put in the hours needed to learn the basics and beyond.

i found unreal engine easier to make maps but hey
well if there were tutorials that aren't shits vids i wouldn't be saying that, but sure thing troll

>C isnt object oriented so its pretty much useless unless programming shaders for open gl

I disagree. C is a small and simple language and it can help understand basic programming concepts without having to worry about all the extra complexity that C++ (or C#).

Also, you seem to be implying that object-oriented programming is a some sort be-all and end-all programming paradigm. Even if you do all your programming in an object oriented language, I think it can be very useful to have some experience in other paradigms. If you've done some procedural or functional programming you may come up with better solutions for some problems than someone who only thinks in an object oriented way.

>It has its own trash-collector feature (unused data is automatically removed from memory if not accessed in a while)

I hope that's just an intentional oversimplification and you don't actually think that's how garbage collection works

Where do I start developing games? Please answer.

Download Unity/UDK/GameMaker and start going through some beginner tutorials

unreal engine 4

Why are you making a menu? I thought you said you're making a shmup.

In your mind.

In school math class.

You're mom looks like a log of shit

Anyone make orchestral Zelda-ish music?

Unity or Unreal?

Do you prefer C# or C++? If you know neither, I'd say Unity