>get a stupid looking POTG
>feel bad and vote for the healer
>someone gives you 1 vote making it look like you voted for yourself
Get a stupid looking POTG
>People really do play healer
>people play
you're stupid if you think having 1 vote on you means that
Doesn't change the fact that people will make that assumption
fuck off overshills the game is dead already
>not voting for yourself
Ayy humans
>don't vote for yourself because you felt someone else deserved it more
>get 4 votes
>get a quad-kill from pressing Q with your mech
>taunt and spray because it's definitely play of the game
>gg ez
>people genuinely do get mad and leave before the next match
I love it so much
>thinking voting does anything
I vote for myself cause it doesn't matter at all
Also because I am the only one on my team to get a card
>getting any kill with D.va's ult post Beta
Things that never happened for 100, Alex.
It happened on Ilios, suck my feminine penis
I always hold my vote to do this to people and my autistic friend nearly always comments on it and turns chat into a shit flinging contest
>>get a quad-kill from pressing Q with your mech
spot the level 5 bkub dva poster
>getting fucking anxiety from AN UPVOTE SYSTEM
jesus fuck this is why i cant leave Sup Forums, can always make myself feel better knowing people are more pathetic then me
>Imagine being so insecure y think like that
i would suck that tits
>play healer because no one will
>win the game
>90000000000 in healing
>no upboats
>you can vote for yourself
Is that less unusual than I'm thinking? I sort of thought it was standard for these things to enforce voting for other people.
rate my dva
>tfw play of the game can't detect advanced maneuvers or deliberate team work
I'll never get fucking credit for my Zarya special combos. I combo'd with a d. Va and got a team kill, and the POTG still went to a mouth breathing Hanzo who happened to headshot twice in twenty seconds
not gremliny enough
Tbh getting a headshot with nip is harder than pressing q twice
>the losing team gets POTG
>save the game by killing 2 dudes in the control point
>potg is some faggot with genji who chased 3 dudes with his ultimate around a pillar far away from the point
> yfw you realise realistically nobody even noticed/gave a fuck and that you're just an autistic person.
Do people unironically still play this game?
>Got the cute "frosty :)" highlight intro for Mei
>It's basically impossible to get PotG as Mei
I feel cheated.
just get a good q and some headshots
I got a great intro and skin for D.Va, but she sucks ass.
The only time I got POTG was by hitting Q right after the match time ran out and everyone stopped moving, it's the only way to get multiple kills with her.
Unrelated but does D.Va have like two different inflections for her "I'M ON FIRE" voice clip?
I swear it sometimes sounds more like "OI'M ON FOIRE"
ye 7 million people r currently playin it ironically
biggest meme ever
>the losing enemy mercy gets potg for resurrecting 2 of their team
I got the ice skating one for her
It's fucking beautiful but I only managed to see it once since I got it a week ago.
Headshots can't kill anyone but squishies.
If they have more than 200 HP they'll just unfreeze before I can land a second headshot and usually instagib my ass.
It's good for area denial but absolute shit for actually killing anyone (and therefore bait PotG). And I feel like I'm playing solo half the time, because even if I use it on an objective teammates rarely -if ever- capitalise on it and kill the frozen people.
Happened on Lijang last night; froze 4 people on the interior point, but no one died because everyone on my team was dead or jacking off behind a pot-plant somewhere.
>7 million
Top kek I wasn't asking for your opinion on the number of lolocaust victims my friend.
>if you lose it means you can't get best play
Get fucked son
>PotG is Genji that scratched 3 enemies with his shurikens, pressed Q and hit roadhog once, scoring 0 final blows before getting blown up.
You can't because you lost you loser. If it was a good play, it would be game-winning.
Mercy is cute.
C U T E !
You might be retarded if you can't kill a stationary target. If it makes you feel any better, you can do the "I can't aim" method and just chainfreeze them.
>voting healer for no reason
I wish this meme would stop
I'll vote if they do something noteworthy, not just being average at a useful role
>tfw 4 votes for the junkrat who sat at the very back and spammed the entire round
>tfw one person votes for me and i have to upvote myself to make it look like i didn't upvote myself
>playing as a bully D.Va
>knocking snipers out of their roosts
>blueballing people out of their ults with your defense matrix
>using your own ult to prevent overtime
Feels good, man
I only upvote healers if they break 30% of damage taken or had some good plays. Both of these rarely happen if I'm not playing with a stack, though.
I feel like I probably stole PotG from the Mei in this match
>Get 9 votes for 90% elimination help or whatever as Mei
>Internal debate whether or not be a pathetic loser and vote myself up to 10
>Vote for myself whenever I show up on cards
Fuck you I'm not playing with you fucks again and I'm not going to use the thing that makes it more likely to play with that person again
Killing a stationary target is easy.
But the freeze doesn't last long enough to get the three headshots it takes to kill a tank. And often times people unfreeze/enemies intervene before I can land a second headshot on the weaker classes. If it's 1v1 against a non-tank then I win, that's my right by playing Mei; if it's 2v1 freeze may as well not exist unless you have godly presence of mind to outplay the other enemy. And if it's a 1v1 against a tank they either use their movement skill to fuck off (winston/Dva), kill me before I can refreeze them (reinhardt/roadhog) or it's a cointoss (zarya; victory depends on her %charge).
Nobody gives a single shit, people only have a laugh over how bad the algorithm for picking the POTG is.
But nobody wants to play healer, when some other chump picks one I feel grateful that I can play something fun instead. Unless they're completely useless that's worth a vote by default.
>Mei runs in at the end with her ice gun on instead of shooting icicles
Nah fuck her, there's no way she could've buttoned up those three kills without you.
>implying that actually does jack shit
The mm system is already complicated enough as is, it really doesn't factor in fucking commendations
>3 June 2016
>Being so desperate and digging old articles
Nice meme friend
That POTG is amazing.
It's a trainwreck of fuck ups piling up on top of eachother.
Go back to plebbit please.
Kill yourself.
I was on the opposite side of that twice during a koth map.
Zarya + Dva ultimating at the same time as the team was coming in all at once for a push.
> in b4 excuses
>7 millions people are playing it RIGHT NOW, proof: this article
>Your article is one month old mate
>eh, making excuses, as I foretold, tsk
>Someone picks Mercy and plays like shit
>13% healing done
>Receives Epic
>Play an amazing Mercy
>47% healing done
>Not even one vote
> 7 millions people are playing it RIGHT NOW, proof: this article
you can't misrepresent someone's arguments as easily online because you can just look at the original comment.
maybe it works in your community college debate class tho.
How does that guy have something funny to say all the time on QI?
>ye 7 million people r currently playin it ironically
>7 million people r currently playin it
>7 million people
>currently playin it
>B-but, you misreprented my argument !!! S-stop lying !
>can always make myself feel better knowing people are more pathetic then me
That just makes you even more pathetic
> 7 millions people are playing it RIGHT NOW
notice how you intentionally emphasized the words you needed to make your point, and they're entirely your own words?
that's fairly diagnostic of somebody who is attempting to quietly manipulate what somebody else said to suit their coming argument, as seen in your next post.
it's sort of like chess except you telegraphed your move obviously, and we're called out on it before you delivered it, but then you still played the move anyway and acted as if you delivered some sorta resounding strategic defeat.
>Trying this hard to have the last word
Don't be too sad because I proved you wrong, I'm sure next time you'll do better pal. That's your last (You), you earned it.
>How does that guy manage to be so fucking annoying all the time on QI?*
lol ok.
If people are on the edge of the aoe, sometimes you have to freeze them a bit to make sure they don't escape.
She was making sure the Mercy was frozen so she couldn't dash away to a team mate and HELDEN STERBEN NICHT
I have a few rules on card voting at the end of the match.
1) I always vote for myself if I can
2) I only vote for blue cards
3) I always vote for a healer