ITT: Companies that deserved to fail

ITT: Companies that deserved to fail

>past tense
Did I miss something?

That's not Blizzard

Sqare Enix
Warner Brothers
Blizzard Activision

Special mention to Google and Apple for ruining mobile gaming before it started.

At least they aborted that dark abomination of hell that was to be the next Brothers in Arms game and it never saw the light of day.

yeah battleborne

>Companies diserve to die because i'm just too stupid to not buy their products

I think he's saying the reverse, because people are too stupid and don't know real quality. Or something like that. Gearbox is pretty shit but this thread reeks of "stop liking what I don't like".

Did people care this much about gearbox before overwatch ?

>colonial marines

Nintendo (although I love their games, but seriously, a fucking 250 euro device in 2015 which cannot communicate with your friends through the friendlist or remember more than 3 wifis?). Also the pricing- fucking 2011 games cost 50 euro, now that is fucked up.
Sony and MS xbox division for destroying the idea of a console and making the consoles of this gen an option for the mentally challenged.


They deserve to die because they syphon money from other people's projects for their own products.

Also for that Brothers in Arms game that they're threatening to release.

>a company makes something that's not for me
>other people enjoy it
>I hope they fucking die

>They deserve to die because they syphon money from other people's projects for their own products.
Then add the fags who made the new King's Quest to the list.

I don't like Homestuck but holy shit straight up stealing the money from the kickstarter to fund KG was fucking shady.

Are discussing Sup Forums or tumblr?

genuinely asking: is there any difference in method between the two?

only difference seems to be what each rails against.

>Their only successes were the borderlands games (which I'll admit I had fun with the first one the most, the second and third are okay)

wouldn't this kill like 80% of gaming as a whole?

Real Talk

How long before Battleborne goes free to play? A year? Two years?

they do it a lot actually, you can find a game on their wikipedia page that has no link, but the game was released on steam, and they had content about it on their site they took down. just like hs

wouldn't be surprised if The Odd Gentlemen do this alot actually

i gotta stop typing lat at night.

Based on Evolve, a year and a half. Maybe 2 years since Battleborn didn't get a huge DLC shitstorm like Evolve.

There really isn't a difference outside of one: Sup Forums doesn't ban you for having a different opinion (though the rampant flaming is the same).

Yes and it would actually make some new room for others.

Hell's Highway still got made, user.

tumblr doesn't ban you for having a differing opinion

Nintendo they really need a harsh dose of reality

Don't worry, Vivendi will take care of that very soon.

you might be thinking of neogaf

You don't actually know anything about tumblr, do you?

The SJWs are actually called the "dark side of tumblr" by the people on the fucking site. They're basically tumblr's version of Sup Forums only less ironic. I think.

honestly thats not how this works.

They're no longer a video game company
They're jews

well to be fair Sup Forums is named Politically Incorrect. this does promote a certain level of self aware shittyness

no, just 80% of the revenue, only 10% of the games.

Furious 4 was going to be a spin off/its own IP
before being canned or some shit

I think that every video game company deserves to fall.
They're all shit.
Clean fucking slate.


Fuck you for ruining Spyro and Crash
Fuck you for never making another Jax and Daxter, and leaving it on a sour note
Fuck you for succumbing to paid online
Fuck you

Ninja Theory

what did they ever do wrong
aside from assault horizon and idolmaster


Add Konami to that list.

but that's a pachinko company, what do they have to do with vidya?

you are asking that like any companies doesn't deserve to fail

Unintelligent Systems.