His smile and optimism: gone

>His smile and optimism: gone.

I hear he is pissy, won't answer any MN9 questions, and is pretending the game doesn't exist anymore. He was at Anime Expo and only talked about his upcoming titles.

What's next for Kenji "Con man" Inafune? Is there any way he can redeem his career?

4 mil is a lot to redeem user

This is literally the end for him having absolutely any kind of direction input or charge in any type of video game again. He will literally scrub toilets at some small time Japanese game studio now.

He literally committed career suicide with MN9.

ReCore and Red Ash are still coming out.

>doubting the power of Con Man

He has the Chinese funding his studio and his next games.

Mega Man fans are so autistic that they'll forget about MN9 and forgive him.

Rather, they're autistic and bitter and iwll hate him until the end of time. There was so much hope for MN9. And all the delays and bad pr, and bad game just soured it.

The only good that came of it, is that Iga was inspired to take the same route, but he saw all of MN9's problems and then avoided them.

In ancient societies men who had failed so completely would throw themselves on their swords.

And you care or believe it? The guy is a business man. He doesn't have real feelings, it is all an act to gather some pity and goodwill. He can rot.

I cant fucking wait for the animated series

Flash cartoon by some modern Newgrounds artist. Yelling and stupid faces for thirty seconds.

And A Crossover with the Nu Teen Titans?

Anime is never happening. That would mean someone invested millions in it. Why would anyone invest in a show for a game with such a bad history that bombed? And we've heard nothing of it since the teaser. Just like the 3DS verison, it is dead in the water.

Plus Comcept/Inafune's strategy is to pretend that MN9 doesn't exist.

He can certainly never go to kickstarter again because that would just be a PR nightmare

But his studio is funded though and the sales of Mno9 should let him make more games in the future, not to mention he probably pocket a sizable portion of the kickstarter bux instead of actually using it on the game, because fuck they can't have used the whole 4 million on this trash

3 years of development. They used it all. Game development is very expensive. All those people porting 10 versions of the game.

Serves all the idiot backers right. Megaman is overripe, overdone repetitive shit and you guys wanted more of the same repetitive garbage and you got that with about the same graphical fidelity as the past games, and from a hack you all believed was the savior of Megaman.



There's only like 5 good MM games, a few decent ones, and a sea of bland or bad ones.

MM fans were hoping a return to greatness.

Anyone remember Kaio?

What those idiots forgot is that greatness came not from remaking something based on the same formula but from breaking ground in some way and making something that stood out from the rest. Otherwise, what you make is just dilluted because there's many other things just like it, possibly better than it already, that the impact is lost. So it wasn't even about greatness, just about Inafune establishing himself as a brand name. At least Kojima started somewhere with a novel game idea that worked for years before it started getting ridiculous, Inafune can't even do that. He's an idiot, and his fans fell for it.

I wish hell existed so Inafune could burn in it

MM9-10 were great because they were a return to simplicity. MM keeps trying to add gimicks to break up the formula, but it works best when you keep it simple and focus on great level design.

>He's an idiot, and his fans fell for it.

Inafume "fans" need to learn the difference between a producer and director. He's never directed anything.

The thing is, MM is an established brand, of course it has more potential to work because it's Megaman. It's okay because MEGAMAN has done it before so it doesn't really have to worry that it's retreading ideas that worked for it in previous games. MN9 was trying to reuse the same formula instead of stand out and become its own thing, despite having it own identity as a character. But because it wasn't originally a Megaman, it just looks like a shoddy ripoff of Megaman.

Does that mean he won't make a sequel?

He might make one because he already has a bunch of stuff set up in the first game and some of that is stuff he's been wanting to do for eons (like having a plot twist where Beck/X becomes evil). Not some expansive trilogy like he might've wanted originally but something that ties the story up.

Is this all still backlash for that community director thing or did more shit happen with MN9? I haven't really been keeping up.

>Is this all still backlash for that community director thing
Compared to everything else that's happened since this game got funded she might as well be irrelevant.

Gavin, calm down.

Your mum is autistic

> I only know of the Classic Mega Man games and am horribly unaware of the other, more technically indepth Mega Man sub series.

We moved on like 3 years ago. Dina was getting into flamewars and annoying, but it's nothing.

The game was delayed 3 times. It runs at 20fps and crashes on the WiiU. It looks like a Dreamcast game, but runs like shit. The game is just bad. Bland lifeless.

X series literally has ONE good game. And the gameplay is DASH DASH DASH, oh you missed a jump but it doesn't matter you can just wall jump.

Zero series is bad.

The rest are RPG nonsense.

Red ash genuinley looks cool. But we'll have to wait and see

i still haven't got my MN9 key from being a paypal backer, they literally fucking lost my email, even though i bought through paypal.

i gotta sue this incompetent fucks.

Let me try to explain this using an example. Say you have this guy who got really famous because of how he acted. Now that image of him is recognized as who he is. He's a brand name, an identity that people recognize, and all his personality quirks are often associated with him.

Then comes along another guy who tries to act just like that guy because it worked for that guy, so he's thinking, "if I act that way I'll become famous too!" because he has an otherwise boring personality by himself. Thing is, people will see that he's just OlderGuy 2.0 instead of NewGuy 1.0, because he's doing things that OlderGuy did that are branded as OlderGuy's, and he's going to just get compared to him constantly. And his identity will just get dilluted and lurk under the shadow of OlderGuy's because he can't get an identity of his own.

You hear much about that Sonic-like game? A little, but notice how you'd recognize what I'm talking about simply by me saying that I claimed it was Sonic-like? I don't even remember the title, I just remember it was Sonic-like in some way. Has it really stood out on its own? MAYBE with its characters in fanart and fanfiction if you're into furries? But otherwise, in the gameplay realm, people will think of it as maybe "return to good old simple Sonic gameplay". That's right, Sonic gameplay, not NewGuy gameplay.

Nobody cares.


>X series literally has ONE good game.

Yup. MMX1.

>And the gameplay is DASH DASH DASH, oh you missed a jump but it doesn't matter you can just wall jump.

Yup. And it's awesome.

ZX wasn't bad.
Gunvolt wasn't bad.

Stop shoving down this NOT MUH MEGAMAN rhetoric because it's why MN9 failed. Even if the game wasn't glitched to shit, the level design was bland, the music was unimpressive, and the final boss was godawful you'd STILL have people bitching about the dash mechanic and the removal of the powers system that was promised early on.

>Yup. And it's awesome.

It's a step DOWN from the precision of the classic series. Platforming matters less. Combat is less precise.

>The rest are RPG nonsense.

> Disregarding MMBN, a series with one of the most unique and well designed battle systems

I honestly didn't think you'd prove my point so quickly and swiftly.

>Platforming matters less
>Combat is less precise

Yeah I don't think so

Not even that user but 3 paragraphs? Holy hell how old are you? Why are you posting if you don't want to contribute to the discussion?

If you want to shitpost, at least make it sound like you're trying to mess with people instead of looking like an ADHD ridden ignorant 12 year old.


>X series literally has ONE good game.
I only dislike X6 and X7, X3 to some extent (it was a step down from the first two games both graphically and musically)
And even so X6 has some of the greatest themes of all the franchise imo.