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vin diesel finally admitting video games are better than board games?
they're called bored games for reason you know.
>no online friends turns out to be Vin Diesel story yet
its surprising his voice is not featured in any game yet
You'd think an A-lister and srs actor like Kevin Spacey bit the Cowadoody hook but not a self-professed and proven turbonerd like Vin Diesel
JUST thread?
alright let's go
You will never be Vin :(
What are you talking about? He voiced and acted in the best original Xbox game. This game is fucking fantastic by the way, and incredible graphics for xbox game.
i follow him on Instagram and he seems like a real happy dude, still skateboarding in his 50s
>tfw watching his last 900
>1997 was 20 years ago.
His studio was reactivated in 2013 apparently. I don't know, three years isn't that much so they could be working on something.
it's easy to fake a smile
Escape rom Butcher Bay
Dark Athena
He also owns his developmnt studio called Tygon.
I imagine he's not hurting for money or simply doesn't want to become a VA.
>mfw he wrote the foreword in a goddamn D&D corebook
>those eyes
Hes dead inside...
>boards games are better
You get fucked.
>he lost all his gains
damn son
What was the name of that channel and does he still make thr coach and vintage diesel videos?
Cheeseburger Apocalypse
He has his own games, you moron.
that's a photoshopped
They're working on three-four games right now iirc. Plus some rumored collab with Starbreeze again. Could be another Riddick game, could be that other Starbreeze project that never saw progress ever since they announced The Walking Dead. Fuck,man, they could hire Vin Diesel and his studio to work on some gameplay mechanic for PayDay 3 since apparently they're already laying out some shit for that third game
He wants to VA and make games again. But seeing as how he also wants that Marvel movie, we'll see which comes first
Im sure it won't take long to get it back.
Vinny is pretty capable. Even if he might need a little 'help'.
I mean look at fucking Dwayne Johnson.
rip kitty0706
He just pulled off another one in the last month iirc
different user here holy fuck that would be amazing
youd be surprised what dedication to yourself can do to a man
The rock took steroids, vin havnt gone down that path just yet.
lel is he preggers
Jesus, he roided the fuck out huh.
i loved this shitty videos back in 2009
>vin diesel finally admitting video games are better than board games?
I want neo-Sup Forums to leave
Everybody here knew Vin was a total bro, playing with Sup Forumsirgins and shit
They gave you away when I shot that cop
>it's a shirtless celebrity on a hotel balcony episode
>tfw no video game based around being a D-list paparazzi who sits for weeks on end focused as celebrity windows and balconies, patient like a sniper, waiting for some floozie pics of nipple hair and tan lines to sell to tabloids.
>Paparazzi fucking shits
>tfw roid makes your penis and balls shrink
How tiny must Dwayne's penis be?
>Michael Jackson
Even worse is,
>no video game based around being a janitor for an Taiwanese origami forum who sits for weeks on end earning absolutely NO monetary compensation to monitor said forum
IT makes just the balls smaller. The penis doesn't produce testosterone, the testicles do.
>it plays like pokemon snap plus hitman
what a trickster
he doesn't even have a package
I'd play a game based around being a moderator for an internet forum, but I think it would work better if it was a regular forum instead of an Anonymous one. Then you throw in some mystery intrigue alongside the funny 2006core banterous and lovable atmosphere the good forums would have and bam instant indie success. Dunno what the gameplay would be. Maybe an RPG. You pick your stats at the beginning and it impacts how you can do things. Can you hack? Can you shoop things? Can you lie well? You'd get a list of options and depending on your skills you can respond in different ways and, and, I don't know.
Rocky makes his old self look like some twink fuccboi with how stupid huge he is now.
I think he's gotten too big but hey, he gets paid mils just for appearances.
He's anti-just doe