Nvidia wins again

Nvidia wins again

How does this compare to AMD's offering performance per watt wise?

Nobody knows yet?

ah, no specs yet then? do we have a release date for it?

It uses ~30w less and it doesn't rape your motherboard.


There might be 'on paper' specs, but those are shit (look at the RX 480 specs and actual power issues).

post some proper numbers, not this shit

well, that is an improvement, but the graph not starting at 0 is setting my internal alarms off.
So it's between 40 to 50% better. That's actually pretty good, but if you only glance at the graph it makes it look around 300% better.
Scumbag move.

>graph starts at 0.8
Hahahaha, oh God, I love it when companies do this. Pathetic.

>mfw thinking about margins retailers will put on this thing in my country

I can choose how I die: crazy margins or crazy import tax + risk of poor handling.

Holy shit I never noticed that, that's pure scumbaggery, god damn.

>only 1.15 times better performance compared to 480
This graph is pretty funny. But at least it's competitively priced. I was worried it was going to be 350-400 range.

where are the reviews

I just try not to think about it. Once it is out, I'll figure it out.

Tell me about it, cheapest RX 480 I can find in France is 260€ or $290

>in France is 260€ or $290
Do they ship for EU?

It's going to be £250+ in the UK, isn't it?

With Pound being in a shitty spot right now - even more I say.

350€ in Finland lets go

I don't know, find out for yourself. You'd be better off grabbing one from a german or UK website, they're much cheaper

Gonna be hard to win anything with that shit vram bus. Nvidia basically doesn't want it to do 1440p at all or ultra 1080p since that might cannibalize 1070 sales.

>1080 TDP: 180W
>measured average power consumption: ~165W
>1070 TDP: 150W
>measured average power consumption: ~145W
>1060 TDP:120W
>estimated average power consumption: ~110-115W
RX 480 consumes about 160W. 3Dmark scores put 1060 8-10% ahead. This puts 1060 ~55% ahead in perf/watt.

Memory bus isn't so important any more.



>another card my R9 290 can shit on

>power eficiency

Who the fuck cares about this?

Must be a jew caring about the electric bill....

The non-reference cards will be 400 at least here in yurop so no, NVIDIA doesn't win at all.

U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!

>Must be a jew caring about the electric bill....
Jews don't give a fuck about electricity. Golems run on magic. I bet it is some base dweller who have to cycle to generate electric current for his PC.

Considering an RX 480 would cost me like $30 extra a year compared to a 1070, I care about it quite a bit.

>no 4GB version
>get 3GB or get jewed by 6GB

Fucking jews, I just want to upgrade my 750Ti to play 60fps on 1080p

I have to imagine that the 1060 will be at least 10fps behind the 1070 so really we're likely to see the 1060 and 480 trading blows depending on what game you're playing and what API its using.

The 1070 is supposed to be in that price range, but of course extreme supply limits from the practically paper launch and the premium Nvidia is charging for the reference cards has driven the prices up.

Its like buying a car by its milage instead of everything else.

And i thought is not even a selling point.
Worse than the jews then.
A jew minded puritan.

6gb isn't even enough for 1080p on shit like tomb raider or mirror edge. With the scorpio moving shit forward, you'd be an idiot to go with a 1060 that will be shitty at dx12 and fall behind within a year

The 4gb isn't worth considering either. Only 8gb

Though it's laughable they try to price it at 300 with 6gb

>playing dota 2 with anything beyond a 760

desperate attempt to rival with AMD.

You can't just put a weak card next to the 480 and say that you "won"

It may have a faster clock but it lacks at every other aspect.

So no.

You lose. Good day sir.

It's not a selling point to people who don't understand long term costs, aka (man)children who live with their parents.


Because there are only two games so far that use Vulkan and Dota2 is one of them? Plus a 760 wouldn't maintain 60fps+ at 2160p why do you want to play games in low res?

It's a new meme like 144hrz or 4K gaming, companies trying to make retards buy shit.

Any chance it'll be only $300 in Canuck Bux? If it's $350 I'm killing myself.

>paper launch
nah its a flop

Im not brand zealot if you have money - 1070 is the best value
for a cheaper option non-ref 480 has no competition

>Much faster

Replace your incandescent bulbs with LED. You'll save a lot more power than you will shaving just 40W off your peak computer power usage.

If you don't care about the cost why are you looking at mid range cards in the first place? Just get two 1080s and call it a day.

Post yfw you didn't fall for the AMD meme.

So anyone remember that shit?
Kek, i knew there was a reason why the fury was above the titanX.
I dont give a single fuck about power targets and shit, maybe if i was a wageslave counting coins to reach the end of the month.

>falling for the 3GB meme


You'd better hope that Vulkan catches on, otherwise everything is going to be stuck with DX12 and will be locked to Windows 10.

an rx 480 8gb in the us is $240, convert to euros and add 20% vat = 260€

>Falling for Pajeets lies

Anyone else getting the 1070?

Im good so far because the bottleneck is my monitors actually, have 3 1080 60hz tvs, wich is the worse in this case because of response time.
When i find some good monitors, 120hz at minimum, and the second gen of VR, Yea, ill make the jump.
But for now is useless, what i have is enouhg.

Its 6gb

Not using any incandescent bulbs. In fact, I rarely even keep the lights on.

>shaving just 40W off your peak computer power usage.
I'm shaving 33W off idle power usage.

even better

Its the same as vulkan, no one gives a shit because its too new and too expensive to develop with, only AAA Shit studios will use it.
The res is still with dx11 if not with 10.

>tfw you just bought a 1070 for 430


Yep, waiting until August/September for the price to drop though as it inevitably will.

You done goofed

You get a price for that?

I dont get it.

I'm probably going to buy a 1070 for $600+ dollars in the next few weeks if the prices don't drop overseas, so I know this feel and more


This graph desperately needs a tear line.

>Same as Vulkan

>But they're irrelevant

It was literally the cheapest I could find, everything else was 500+

I don't end up paying as much for an RX 480 as for a 1070 in the long term.

Are you the type that buys phones for only "$49" and then ends up shitloads more because you got suckered into a shitty 36 month contract?

The 1060 is looking pretty good but....



how fucking expensive can it be to put an extra 1GB there?

It's 6GB.

It would be like the equivalent of replacing a single 100w lightbulb with a 70w bulb. He's just nuts, or he lives someplace where electricity must come from dirty expensive coal instead of clean efficient Nuclear.

>buy a 1080
>week later receive $700 bonus

It's not the price or cheapest, you should have waited a few months and the price will drop. Nvidia always do this with their cards. After the 1060 has been out a few weeks the 1070 will drop in price.

How much do you pay for your electricity then?

>using a phone with contracts
>using a phone


rx480 uses about 7 less than my 1080.
2x480s in crossfire tested and dont beat a 1080 in most games.
So much for all that bullshit eh.
Performance per watt the 970 in sli beats the 480s in crossfire

About a dime a kilowatt hour.

Not that guy, but the one who asked this.

>big house
>computer running 24/7
>1 refrigerator
>1 freezer
>1 washer
>2 electric heaters in winter and 1 AC in summer
>rarely turn on lights because the good lighting in the house
>pay 20-50 bucks in 2 month period

It must be that, if not i really dont get it.

oh that's pretty good then.

good on nVidia, i know the non reference 480 are going to be better than the reference one but i highly doubt it will be able to beat the 1060, performance and price wise.

now nvidia just needs to release drivers that don't kill the card for a while.

but seriously, for the people who don't fall into the 4k gimmick meme, future is looking good.

And its the only way to comunicate?

That sounds like normie forced bullshit.
I have a phone, but i use it because of its portable features compared to a laptop, nothing else.

I'm buying AMD regardless because I don't support the jews at Nvidia.

user, dont be a fanboy in any side.
Just buy what you really need.

>starts at $250 for the 3GB version and they will probably jew you for a half HM some where
>$300 for 6GB

Nah I'll keep waiting for the 480 custom cards

>normie forced bullshit

i don't think this guy is being ironic either

It's 6

So why would you get the GTX 1060 when you can get a Nitro RX 480 instead?


i've had many cards from AMD lately because where i buy my computer parts the price/performance ratio has always been favourable to AMD.

but i had perfectly good nVidia cards, i absolutely loved my 8800GT

Because the 1060 is a better card on paper. Obviously no benchmarks yet so Im going off the numbers.
AMDs new driver update reduces the voltage and thus less performance.

Power efficiency is important because it translates into a colder and quieter card. I had enough of AMD's helicopter-like coolers, thanks.

Even with a price that low (EU average is about 0.20 €/kWh), I can get to $30 a year with 24/7 usage, which is pretty significant if you keep your card for a few years.

this except unironically. I'm going to vote with my wallet this generation and tell Nvidia that this deceitful "founder's edition" MSRP bullshit and price gouging is NOT acceptable.

No it isn't, it's 3. See $250 for the 3GB, $300 for 6. Plus more on top of THAT for the Founder's Edition, plus more on top of that because the card builders know they can slap whatever price tag they want on them and you nvidiots will buy them anyway

Reducing the voltage only INCREASES performance on the 480

They haven't announced a 3GB version, maybe they never will. It's only rumors.

But you can still just increase the voltage right? The Nitro version has an 8-pin instead of 6 so it should be able to handle it no problem.

8800/9800 GT were God-tier. Those were NVIDIA's glory days.

It's a shame they've become such jews over the years.

AMD new driver will shift the power draw, possibly capping the one from the PCI-E pin
In the same statement they also stated that the new driver will boost RX480 by about 3% on popular titles.

Undervolting the 480 gives a 3-4 fps performance boost actually

Is AMD doomed to forever be cucked by Nividia?

Probably not considering the 480 is like 330$ in this country.