I'm not even mexican and I'm hyped
Where are you from?
Pls, don't derail the thread with Sup Forums shit
Why are they white?
Contrary to popular belief, most Mexicans are direct descendants of Spanish colonists with no native admixture.
The ones that come to the U.S. illegally are typically a different story.
Why is Kula encabronada?
I'm from hueland
Because Angel is a bully and a puta.
I hope Angel's heel turned this game. She was the first KoF character I picked up but I became more disgusted by her the more I learned about the lore.
What the coño is this kuso?
>being this jelly of best girl
Stay mad as your loli waifu shit.
Angel is still a guarra though.
Nigga I'm not saying I don't love her, I'm just saying she's a bitch
She even bullied Shermie.
>us good, WHITE hispanics aren't the problem
Fix you're fucking country, Pablo.
Right after you fix your fucking grammar, John.
Pls, go to fucking Sup Forums.
This is a comfy Kof thread
I hope mods do their jobs for once.
Damn it, now they're bullying Shingo.
Okay, done. Fix your country so that your poor don't flee en mass, mmkay.
Mods, tear down this thread so we can start over, please?
It's gonna be the same thing
Mods just should ban the /polposters/
We'd all be better off if they banned dirty fucking spics
Remember to report our Sup Forums friends:
Let's have a nice thread
Very simple concept, newfriend. Ignore shit posters. Sup Forums does it. /jp/ does it. They were a bastion of pure culture until they hit critical mass and killed themselves.
Sup Forumsfags are like MLP of Sup Forums, they just HAVE to insert themselves and their fetish for politics everywhere they go. My Little Sup Forumsy.
>Contrary to popular belief, most Mexicans are direct descendants of Spanish colonists with no native admixture.
Relative to the total population, sure but there's an incredibly large amount of genetic heritage from the original population compared to most colonized regions of the world mixed in with Spanish, and there are actually essetially villages and pockets where there are still almost entirely native Maya.
There are multiple families in Mexico that are directly descended from Aztec royalty, and they are technically still considered Spainish viceroys as a result, for instance
>announcing your reports
global rules are hard.
Finally, now i can feel important for once.
I am not announcing my reports
I am just telling people to report shitposters
If we had a pokemon/kof crossover, what pokemons do you think kof characteres would have?
Kyo-2 and Mewtwo
Angel/Ramón/KoD would have a Ludicolo, Hawlucha and Pikachu Libre
I love this son of a bitch.
You mean turn into Face?
Anyway, something must have happened for Ramon to accept her into his Team, she probably is into the same process of evaluation like K' and Kula went through, to work for the Agents and Heidern in order to escape prossecution.
Although it does seem Angel is keeping her provocative and demeaning attitute.
How disappointing will the new voice actor's "TAAAAAAAAAIGA ROOOOOAAAAAADA!" be, Sup Forums?
Ramon's original voice was cool and had that hot-blooded touch, but it didn't sound so unique that another VA couldn't pull it through.
Like Angel still has that little girl voice, and we don't know if it's the same person who voiced Haruko and Nonon yet, although it leans towards no being her since differences can be heard.
How can you call yourself an Angelfag if you can't accept she indeed is quite a bitch?
2 or 3 hours from now on, it has been that way more often than not.
Four hours or so, probably.
>tfw Tizoc is likely going to be low tier yet again
I hope he gets buffed a bit before release
Nante sorpresa
He seems to be strong albeit a little slow
Some person who thought he was funny for some people apreaciating that Fansubber comparison comic (the girls eating school lunch), so he went on to made a series with the same theme of being a retarded fansubber who leaves things in japanese or other languages to play with TL notes.
Is this coming to PC?
>tfw jalisco is WHITE
Angel is a flirty puta, I wonder if she will destroy any chance Ramon could ever have with Vanessa, or this will prompt Vanessa to get jelly and be more receptive of Ramon's advances.
>Is this coming to PC?
Most likely but you will have to wait, also play don't bring white or race stuff here. It pretty much derails the thread.
>Is this coming to PC?
No word so far.
but it's likely to be ported later, SNK is very happy with Steam and what it brings to them.
ramon only has eyes for vanessa. he will completely ignore angel.
That is a given, but Vanessa might not interpret the same way if Angel does throw herself on him for shits and giggles.
Vanessa is married.
Delete this.
She was married
Ramón pls.
she is a widow, her husband is dead.
It won't get ported.
Vanessa's husband is dead, sunshine.
It's literally her whole reason to stop being a Housewife and look for his killer, who was likely a NESTS member.
It's why Ramon tries to confort her, he wants to tap some widowed cake and take care of her kid.
Ramon literally wants to say "Don't ever talk to me and wife's kid again".
Tizoc was pretty decent in KOFXI
Brush up your lore before replying fampai.
>source: my ass
T-Zoc and Angel are great. Looking forward to it.
Tizoc was never decent, he always has been BIG FALL!
I doubt it won't but it will be a while for that.
Even if it gets ported, if there is no crossplay it will be shit.
Ramon is the star of the show, these two have been shown plenty already.
98, 2002 and XIII manage to do just fine without it.
angel has only been briefly seen in trailers. we have no idea what her moveset is like.
There's no excuse for no crossplay though.
>angel has only been briefly seen in trailers.
Shown in three different trailers.
>we have no idea what her moveset is like.
You mean her ENTIRE moveset, two throws and her CDM have been shown already.
>all of her chain variations have been shown
Whose quote is that? I did say her entire moveset have been shown yet, but some moves have already been unveiled.
All fighters have unique victory quotes after the match.
Any bets on Ramon mentioning that Vanessa punches harder in his victory quote over Nelson?
Didn't Iori beat Ramon to near death like he did to Billy?
You're thinking of Eiji.
Angel is a bitch tho.
You are thinking of Eiji and Billy, Iori never layed a finger on Ramon.
It would be apropriate.
At any case Ramon could mention Vanessa somewhere in the story, with enough luck she might even be a NPC with a 3D model on show; like she was a Story NPC in XIII like Ramon himself.
>team mexico
>not one native on the team
rly? This is as if you took a Team Britain team and made every person black.
Thread theme:
That'd be accurate, though.
Natives don't do lucha
Maybe T.Hawk but it's another story
This is actually catchy after awhile.
>2002 music
Why have they attacked Iori? They wanted him to cooperate with them or something like that?
Having Iori in that team is strange btw
My guess is that they are pretending to be "bad guys" (Ramon and Tizoc) but in reality Angel it acting as some sort of double agent to redeem herself.
>game will be out soon(?)
>a stage is set on the motherfucking capital of the state I live in
>the biggest festival on that city is coming in the next months
should I go?