This kills the industry

>this kills the industry

This game is going to make eleventy billion dollary doos and game companies are going to notice. It's going to be staggering. No good can come from this.

Mark my words

Yeah but the game is actually interesting and incentives going outside. It also weeds out retards who wander into bad neighborhoods and don't look up from their phone. If more mobile games were like this the market wouldn't be so bad.

>has no gameplay
>review score have been dropping like mad
>honeymoon period is already over
Pfthaha, sure, just like Ingress

>absolutely no reason to spend money ever because there are more than enough gyms to have infinite gold anyway
>gameplay is shallow as fuck and doesn't have enough content to keep people interested over a week
It will be dead by the end of the month

No it's not. It's only gaining and has such a popularity with the brand attached to it.

Guarentee if Digimon did the same thing nobody would give a flying fuck.

Secondly , what's the issue with this ? It's an inventive idea , it's fun , and there's a lot to build off it , whats the issue ?

Or is it because the "normies" are playing it as well ?

Its shallow as fuck and doesnt have any and lasting appeal

Also, its phoneshit

My normiebook feed is drowning in normiemon.

>Its shallow as fuck and doesnt have any and lasting appeal
That's why I implied it's got a lot to build on
>Also, its phoneshit
And ? Explain this meme , if something is good as a phone game what's wrong with it ? I played Zenonia on my phone and it was a great game

Which one of you weird motherfuckers went through the local cemetery and set up locations in ingress?

Will nintendo finally wise up and go mobile after this?

you don't see the appeal of 'phoneshit' because you don't have a decent phone
personal application of smartphones is actually endearing
I got a decent phone recently and the stupid but fun stuff it can do is amazing
I tend to stay away from phone games though

>Ingress has been a thing for years
>Sup Forums gives no fuck because it's a non-game
>Slap a Pokémon skin on it

I like money

Drove past my local cemetary and saw this shit

Seriously what the fuck, War veterans graves, reduced to fucking pokestops

I mad

>YFW people take pictures of gravestones just to gain points in ingress


You have absolute shit taste, little boy.

Konami will rush out a yugioh clone asap

>go to cemetary
>snap pic
>angry, evil looking humanoid thing appears in photo

N-no thanks

>You have absolute shit taste, little boy.
Fantastic argument , can't beat that , well done.

Why wouldn't they just use yugioh?

>>Ingress has been a thing for years
Ingress is shit , didn't have the popularity to go with it , nor did it advance or change at all sincr it came out . And there were ingress threads on v.
>>Sup Forums gives no fuck because it's a non-game
>>Slap a Pokémon skin on it
Basically , literally any game a general population or "normies" play and enjoy , v immediately hates and will conjure up whatever bullshit to justify their arguments . And the worse apart about is when good games actually come out , v still can't recognise it.

Besides, it's Pokemon and has and always will have a strong base, support and as well as a continuing franchise . Unlike ingress.

is it true that when your pokemon dies you have to pay REAL MONEY to revive it?

I'm in the US and it still says not available in my country. Do I have to delete the apk or is it still not out?


I would agree but it's pokemon which is like normie bait

first thing i did when i got go was accidentally trade my charmander

you can catch the starters right?

>game consits of walking around the city in search of other neckbeards who actually are playing this garbage
Yeah, really interesting.

yes you can

Don't worry about trading in early on trash
Wild pokemon's CP scale of your trainer level, meaning catching wild pokemon at end game will always have a higher cp than the crap you got from the start

You can't get a pokemon from the start and level it up like in the games?

You can upgrade it but when maxed it will be worse than a maxed pokemon you catch later

>have to fly to fucking RUSSIA to find Chernobog

>Have to literally go to hell to get beelzebub

>Live in america
>walk outside
>mothman everywhere

>game requires constant internet connection
>dont have internet on 24/7 on my phone because shit is expensive if you have a bad paying job
I suppose ots shit for me.
also whats up with the pokemon selection? Just gen1?

mobile games already bring in a shit load of money, you're dumb desu

user my point was that this game and ingress are the same

You can't say ingress was shit and then say "but this is Pokémon!" Without looking like a tool

fuck off to /vp/ instead of spamming pokemon shit on this board


You have your own fucking containment board, stay there and don't come back.

That's shit, what's the point of even getting a starter?

>They're too new to know why /vp/ was created
This is fucking nothing compared to what it was like before.

It was created to quarantine people like you. And you're right, since now here's pokemon shit coming out of the woodwork on Sup Forums, it's nothing like what it was before.

Delete your play store cache. It's out.

>It's only gaining and has such a popularity with the brand attached to it

Mobile destroys everything.

Yokai Watch Mobile when?

>after a decade, randomly encounter a Fiend

>Edge Magazine
>Large-scale, new IP RPGs have been something of a rarity on this handheld, but as higher quality titles start to emerge, conformist and mediocre efforts like this become even less attractive and viable

Why are conformist JRPGs bad but conformist almost-everything-else good according to Edge?