Not a single good trilogy named Game 1 > Game 2 > Game 3

>not a single good trilogy named Game 1 > Game 2 > Game 3

Crash Bandicoot

You prefer Crash 1 over 2 and 3?

Dark Souls

Dark Souls

>somebody names a good trilogy
>OP responds "that trilogy isn't good"

I'm not falling for your tricks OP

Crash 3 isn't called 3 though

Name a Game < Game 2

Dark Souls.

>Ratchet and Clank
Are you retarded?

Silent Hill is just that.

naming is not a question of preference

though im not sure why OP used > signs


>Cortex Strikes Back

>Demon's Souls
>not a trilogy

Prince of Persia SoT
Prince of Persia WW
Prince of Persia TT

second one is going commando


mega man?
monstet hunter?
sniper elite?
sim city?
the sims?
roller coaster tycoon?
mario kart?
mario party?

thats just off the top of my head

Demon Souls is a separate IP and world.

Stop being an idiot.

The Dark Souls series


The Witcher series


All r&c games have a title in them after the first one.

pokemon :^)

They were named 1 ,2 and 3 outside the US you chucklefuck

They go out of their way to NOT just call themselves "Game + iteration". Congrats on being fucking stupid though.

Not in Europe


>mario kart

That's the exact opposite of what OP is asking for since it's Super Mario Kart > Mario Kart 64 > Mario Kart Double Dash and so on

Same with Persona

no they weren't. the second one is called RC 2: going commando. only RC3 is missing its title.

Only if you're a retarded american

this is assuming OP means that all three are good. not that 1 is better than 2 and two is better than 3

in a lof on these threads people use > to show the next game in a squence as many series dont get numbered halfway through

Max Payne. 3 was not bad and it's definitely a good trilogy.

Unless the subtitle for the second kills it.



Saying demon souls is a dark souls game is the same as saying bloodborne is. They're set in different universes

>Demon Souls it's dark souls

They have the same gameplay, but they're not related in anyway.


Insominac is an American studio, fucktard. The American names would be canon.

It is in Europe.

>Still called Ratchet and Clank 2
>Somehow this doesn't count

It's not called 1, 2, 3

That is ugly as fuck

dead space 1/2/3

Half-Life Triology

Oh wait...


Nice photoshop bro

>Insulting Americans about an American-made game

persona started at 3

>Call of Space 3

The title for RC3 is Up Your Arsenal

>American names are canon

Woop boy dat autism

>>Still called Ratchet and Clank 2
No, it's called Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando

I still see a 2 in there senpai :^]

>not thinking that the second game was the pinnacle of the series
>it absolutely shat on itself for the third game



max payne 1 > max payne 2 > max payne 3
blew it right out of the park

Syphon Filter

I guess it comes down to what makes a good trilogy. One bad apple or mediocre deviation may not spoil the entire series as a whole. That's totally subjective.

The tricky thing is finding the 1,2,3 format.

It had a different subtitle in Australia

>ITT: People completely misinterpreting what OP asked for

Most of those aren't trilogies.

God of War comes to mind.

Gears of War

the trilogy is overall good though
1 and 2 make up for 3, and OP didnt specify that all 3 have to be great (and i consider 1 and 2 as such, 2 being the best, and 3 a 6/10), just the trilogy has to be good

Bioshock, if you count infinite

:^] :^] :^] :^] :^]

MegaDrive/Genesis Sonic games

Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3&K

That's a pretty retarded title desu

But still better than "deadlocked"

Metal Gear Solid.

He wants a good game series where the trilogy is names as Title, Title 2, Title 3

Yakuza(in terms of pure gameplay improvements)

no game is called "Game 1"

it's only called r&c 2 in japan. kill yourself weebshit

King's Field
Devil May Cry (Dante's Awakening was only for western release)

Battlefield 1

Only americans could be this autistic :^)

>Ratchet and Clanks series

>Max Payne series

>PoP Sands of Time series

>Halo 1, 2 & 3

>Dead Space series

>Rogue Squadron series

There's no "Spyro 3", it's "Spyro: Year of the Dragon"

Megaman isn't a trilogy, it goes up to 10

There's no "Monster Hunter 3", it's called "tri" or "3 ultimate" or "3rd"

SMT isn't a trilogy, and the 3rd game also has a subtitle

Persona isn't a trilogy (there's a "persona 4")

the second Sniper Elite is called "V2", not 2

the second Sim City was called "2000"

the sims isn't a trilogy (there's a Sims 4)

mario kart and mario party are both not trilogies

Roller Coaster Tycoon is close but there's a Roller Coaster Tycoon 4 for mobile devices so it's not a trilogy

all the bandicoot games have subtitles so they don't fit the OP name formula

ratchet and clank isn't named that way at all, they all just have names

You mean Ratchet: Gladiator?

It's not a trilogy, although it should have been

Sssh, don't mention that series, Sup Forums hates it

and these

Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3


Driver trilogy, checkmate

Nep Re;Birth

Sorry americans but just because you guys are bad with numbers doesn't mean it doesn't count :^]

Fuck Sup Forums. Only autists think taste is objective.

Insomniac Games never typed the 2 out in any of their information or promo materials. The best you get is the logo in the shape of the number. At least on the official covers

wew, that third game though.

>Super Mario Bros. 2

rom hacks don't count as real games

DMC 2 isn't good.

Witcher 3 > Witcher 1 > Witcher 2

So it's in the shape of a 2?
So it's a 2 then

mother 1
mother 2
mother 3

Mass effect

It's meh, I'd say it still constitutes a good (not great) trilogy

I would say Metroid Prime but 3 kinda droped the ball.

Gladiator is way better and more fitting than deadlocked
But it doesn't, are you dyslexic?

"Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (known as Ratchet & Clank 2: Locked and Loaded in Europe and Australia, and Ratchet & Clank 2 in Japan) "
Not only america plays videogames

that's a shit series, OP asked for a good one