Sup Forums officially likes ZTD Edition
>Favourite Character
>Favourite Tune
>What twist from the series was the most shocking for you
Sup Forums officially likes ZTD Edition
>Favourite Character
>Favourite Tune
>What twist from the series was the most shocking for you
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>Chill and Rigor
>"Find the door with a q on it"
mfw Chill and rigor doesn't appear in ZTD
I don't get it, the transporter only transported baby Delta and Phi to one other timeline. How come in all the timelines, Delta exists to set up the Decision Game and Phi exists to be a participant?
Just one question I have left over
Everyone is saying that Delta mindhacks all the decisions that are made. But what about all the decisions in timelines where Delta is executed?
>tied between VLR Sigma abs Carlos
>that one song that repeats for the entire game
The transporter works differently, the body is created for all the timelines
There's also 2 Carlos and 2 Mira/Eric in all the timelines
It transporteed them to a point before the timelines diverge, so they appear in all the timelines that split off after the point they were sent to. In this case, every timeline in the series is after that point. The transporter is different to the SHIFTing
>Was sigma, now it's time cop carlos
>senary game
>999's twist of why I have to play different routes and upside down sudoku and as I played the game I thought zero was Ace, and then after that I though it was Santa. I was wrong twice
Are you fucking serious ? It's everywhere
>No quietus remix that plays during a ZTD bad ending
why live?
Requesting a Hydra Cap edit with Delta saying My motives are actually pretty simple or some such shit.
I don't remember now myself but some people are saying that on the timelines where Q-Team was executed, the decision games were all luck based. Like with the rec room, the monty hall problem and the AB game.
In the timeline where Delta is executed, all the decision games revolve around a probability game
Seconding this
Forget about the AB game I'm retarded.
That's actually pretty clever. Say what you will about Uchi, he definitely tries to think of everything
how the fuck is this supposed to be the series finale
literally none of the hanging threads from VLR were addressed and there's a terrorist that's gonna kill 8 BILLION PEOPLE for some reason
it's time.
post 'em.
he definitely puts effort in everything he does, but I still can't wrap my head around why he chose to drop Kyle's plot entirely.
>999's Zero and the reasoning behind the whole thing
So Uchi wrote D-team's story and the other two writers wrote C and Q? Means it could've been much better if he just wrote everything by himself, or worse
>there's a terrorist that's gonna kill 8 BILLION PEOPLE for some reason
He's not.
Honestly it's not perfect because there's the "do we drink this antidote?" for team D and you can argue that the AB game is not luck based
But i don't know if we have to think that Delta had the need to mind hack all the decisions
For example, he can't mind hack Sean at all
I think he uses mind hacks in the cases where some choices are not meant to happen normally
Like Carlos and Diana going against the characters and executing others
Holy shit I think the only thing to actually piss me off is how fucking bloodthirsty Akane is. The second something bad happens to Junpei, just tries to murder you. The AB game probably me rage the hardest.
>Best character wasn't written by Uchi
Best song in the entire game. Too bad it's only used in the credits.
My favorite character(s) is Carlos and Sigma.
The shock that got me was Delta being Phi's sister, and Phi being Sigma and Diana's daughter.
It was needed for her to be super fast about it because she was soon gonna die by poison, but for story reasons Carlos had to be put in immediate danger in order to shift again
Not as good as yours, but a mix of them would be perfect. You got your Akane mixed up
Really? It made me like her even more.
Why does Junpei have such a potty mouth in this game?
What ? Of course not. The sub-writers were simply there to assist him and question dialogue, inconsistencies, foreshadowing, etc.
>Phi being Sigma and Diana's daughter.
Honestly was anyone surprised by it? The eyebrows were a giveaway.
Don't you remember him in 999? He sweared costantly
I think everyone guessed it months ago where we saw the colored artworks, me included. I didn't even doubt it.
Still wish Phi was trap Santa or alternate timeline Santa. I would've liked that much more than D+S=P+D
I get that, but when Junpei kills you, she like"Meh" Carlos was way too good for those people.
I just thought they were twins initially because Phi had the TWIN xpass + was a redhead
Realized it after i got MOM and DAD xpasses
I thought Diana would be Phi's sister.
This makes more sense though yeah.
that chart is awesome. Props to you.
yeah it was kind of obvious. I'm sure everyone realized it sooner or later, no way there's someone who understood it only when it was explicitly said
Did you expect her to fucking kill Junpei? Her entire character in ZTD is about trying to redeem him for what he's done because of her.
Butz joins the police or something? Shit man, I'm only on case two of the second game. Good to see he reappears though
He was the exact same in 999.
As much as we all like to rag on Alice for the AB game, literally every character would have done the same thing. She's just the one that got shown.
He reappers like a billion times
>Only one cat pun from Sigma all game
Why did Delta kill the doggy? Literally for what reason?
No, he just finds a part-time job as a security guard. Don't worry though, he shows up many times, and he's a fucking idiot in each and every one of them. That's why we love him.
Yeah it's from the third game and Larry is the culprit in the second case there.
Gab was trying to mind hack him.
>Morphogenetic Sorrow
>The answer to that is easy. He knew because I knew.
We never got an escape room with
>Only Carlos & Junpei and Junpei & Akane
>Only Sean & Mira and Eric & Mira Who wuld want that
>Only Diana & Phi and Phi & Sigma
Speculate on how they would have been
I gotta keep playing to see this shit. If only I could put down Infinite Space
We need sitcom about Carlos' everyday life and his shifting.
"The shifting life of Carlos"
I just want to see his kawaii imouto.
I think the second column wasn't doable because you're supposed to "play as the leaders"
The first column would have been cool
Second game you said? The last case of justice for all is probably the best case in the whole saga. Keep playing, get through that shit that is the third case, and GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE before someone ruins it for you
How the fuck do i unlock this shit?
It starts with Time Cop Carlos shooting Carlos at the end of ZTD
>No final Q room divided in three parts where you alternate between controlling Junpei, Sigma and Carlos.
They really missed the fanservice boat in this game.
Also, in C ending, I kept expecting Zero to tell Junpei about how he's meant to take care of the one who'll take over Free the Soul or some shit, just to tie Quark into all this.
I really, really wish we'd gotten an escape room with only Junpei and Akane. I eventually got sick of them pussyfooting around everything. I wish we had an escape room where Junpei could outright talk about how her being Zero affected him and Akane could defend herself.
Junpei outside of 999 or Sigma
Honestly ZTD had the best characters in the series. Every one of them was a flawed asshole with complex motives. Characters in other games are just onedimensional anime tropes.
Zero's identity in VLR and PERCEPTIVE-END in ZTD
There were a couple scenes with only Junpei and Akane, specifically the apocalypse ending before Carlos arrived.
Third case of the second game or the third. I wanna know when the tough times come
>the upside-down sudoku puzzle
>Junpei is now happy with his wifey
>He'll never think to adopt Quark again
Shit that's sad
>The one who'll take over FTS
Was Quark ever meant to do that? This i don't remember
>Quark is related to Carlos
I wish we had an escape room where they outright fucked.
what the fuck are these threads and why are they here instead of /vg/
fuck off
You have to clear everything that happens before opening the yellow door in the other timeline.
No one knows what he was supposed to do or be, so I just wanted Zero to go "Oh yeah, Junpei, you are meant for great things. The one you'll protect.... will become the next Brother" or some other stupidity.
Third case of the second game. It's widely considered one of the worst cases of AA along with the third one of the fourth game. It's totally worth it though, as I said, the last case is absolutely insane.
It isn't in ZTD, sadly
It was used in both 99 and VLR, but not a whiff of it in ZTD
Another dissapointment...
'cause it's actually discussing the game and it's not only avatarfagging and waifufaggotry
>Game just came out, 1 thread
>Meanwhile there's like 4 OW threads
You just hate fun man
I'm sure if Quark is actually born, he'd a. have loving parents and if he didn't, Sigma or Phi would probably make him aware and he and Akane would adopt him.
Which one is the third one?
The circus case?
>Junpei and Akane are written with japanese romance tropes, including Yandereness, desperate love confessions, and limite on-screen physical contact
>Sigma and Diana are written with western ones, including drunk sex and past dysfuntional relationships.
Nice. I'll have to get back into it. Another question... Are games 4 and 5 as awful as people say, or are they more like the ZTD of the series?
I'm going to marry carlos!
Trepidation was in it far too much though. They could've substituted that a few times. And that's my favorite tune in the series.
>Recollection is never used anywhere in the game.
Really pissed me off. The one song from 999 I expect to hear again, aside from Morphogenetic sorrow.
You can bet your ass it is.
I enjoyed all of the AA games, no exceptions. It's just, some games are just worse than the others. Apollo Justice is bad compared to the other AAs, but I think it's still a pretty good game with enjoyable moments and characters. Dual Destinies is not that bad, just way too easy, also >DLC case
You probably also have to get Q team executed in the vote.
4 is okay and 5 is great, don't fall for people's shitty opinions here
It's a weird take because after 3 games you're so attached to Phoenix you can't like Apollo that much
The best cases of 4 do not hold a candle to the best cases of the fhirst 3 games
No idea there
Cool. Because the way Sup Forums blows things outta proportion, I was half expecting a complete omnishambles. Sounds like you feel the same way that I do about ZTD in Zero Escape rankings
AJ also has one of the most insane and terrifying villains in the whole saga in my opinion. I cannot hate it just for that alone.
They're both fine. Apollo get shit on for not having enough Phoenix, while Dual Destinies gets shit on for having too much Phoenix.
I enjoyed the circus case because it was so stupid
Why was the only likable character in the 3rd case Acro. Moe was bad until he admitted he knew people thought he wasn't funny, then he was just sad
4 has the worst plot twist in the entire series and has the worst most contrived overall story too. Two of the cases are awful, and the other two are decent. It's not a good game.
5 is fine.
I didn't hate it nearly as much as SUGAR SUGAR blind kid shenanigans case, but I admit it was pretty bad.
Acro is wasted potential at its highest. Fuck them, he could've been so much more.
First case of Apollo Justice is awesome, what are you smoking?
The third case on the other hand... Jesus Christ.
I've never played the 999 series, but that OP image is fucking awesome. Movie poster quality.
So wait, Junpei liked Akane as kids, and in 999 she says that he meant a lot to her as kids.
She then vanished for ten years, right?
Did he know she went to America and followed her there? Or did she see in her vision from the future that that's where he'd be moving, and stayed there to set the whole Nonary game up?
Oh shit I mixed up Trepidation with Chill and Rigor my bad