Skyrim is 5 years old

Will we ever get a game that even comes close to Skyrim?

>tfw you will never play Skyrim for the first time again
Is it weird that we feel nostalgia for a game that is only 5 years old? It's just a special comfy kind of game that the others just can't compete.

Skyrim appreciation thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, Skyrim was fucking horrible. It's the same crude, low production value, buggy, shallow mess that virtually every Bethesda game is.

i wanna fuck her ass hard until she cries

its prety coolwith SEXLAB

skyrim wasn't great

oh man i love memes

Shit attempt at trolling, try again

Worst TES by far.

>look I'm being contrarian on the internet mom!

>Will we ever get a game that even comes close to Skyrim?

I hope not, it sucked balls, you needed at least 50 mods to fix the shitty game and even after that it was boring as fuck

>Skyrim is 5 years old

Man I don't even care if Skyrim becomes 30 years old. It was an objectively shit game and I'll be sure that no amount of underage retard nostalgia can ever influence this board otherwise, kill yourself.

>Jenna Marbles likes skyrim
Man skyrim was always casual trash but this just pushed it home even further that its mainstream normie tier shit

that's not Redguard

>see that mountain? you can climb it!

nice counter-argument fellow anonymous poster!

Since Skyrim is shit, I'll drive this thread a little offtopic, since dragons remind me of another game.
How is Riders of Icarus? Has anyone played it?

Why people consider Skyrim to be so bad and shallow? I don't think it's better or worse than Oblivion and Morrowind. I guess it's like Fallout 4, that you might play it for 50-100 hours, it's fun but you find reasons to dislike it more than previous games in the series.

Skyrim was a slightly shittier version of Oblivion.

> "you need to get a job, jenna"
> "dude i already told you i have a job in wood working"

Arena was a much shittier version of D&D.

Skyrim just seems so hollow compared to the others.
Not in terms of looks or gameplay; they're alright
But the Quests are extremely sub par compared to it's predecessors and the heart is missing

>>tfw you will never play Skyrim for the first time again
I will if I ever decide to try it out. Probably won't cause it doesn't make sense to play this shit on a console.

As shit it was though, I had a blast exploring the map the first time I played it. The braindead combat actually entertained me for a while and I had some fun.
Maybe I'm just easily amused.

it's hard to make a more boring game than skyrim if you tried

seriously all the shit posting and "Sup Forums hates games" aside, I have never and will never understand what people like about the elder scrolls games after morrowind. it's like, everything they say is good about it is objectively bad.

exploration? copy pasted dungeons with copy pasted enemies and copy pasted loot (except for the shouts, which are cool).

story/lore? lol what this garbage 13 year old college lore writing is interesting? there are like 2-3 interesting quest lines in any elder scrolls game, the rest is completely uninteresting garbage.

gameplay? you can't be serious nigga.

atmosphere/environment, etc? ok nigga this might be the high point of the game but even here it is just fucking mediocre compared to other games.

don't even mention the horrendously repetitive crafting system or stuff like that.

it's like people who worship elder scrolls games don't play much else and lack perspective.

That's not battlespire

Fuck off, todd

I remember when some user a couple of years ago told us that a day will come when the people on Sup Forums are so young and have such shit-taste that games like skyrim and minecraft will be looked at with reverence and nostalgia.
I didn't believe him.

Why do girls like this when even Oblivion is better?

because skyrim had more advertising

>watered down, casual version of previous games

You must be new here, dumbass. Most people agree Skyrim needs to be heavily modded to be somewhat worth playing.


Please, Morrowind was ok back then. Evolve grandpa.

>yfw Dovakhiin is now ~4 years old.

Yeah, like any other TES papi. Dumbest obvious comment price goes to (You)

god shes so fugly

why is he so red

Can't wait for Skyrim 2!!!


> Implying you wouldn't choke her by the studded collar from behind while you violate her stinkhole


Your ritarted
>you will never hear this for the first time again
>you will never again hope for a game to be good this much
>you will never again be so blissfully ignorant of how your hopes will soon be shattered
>you now remember that empty feeling you experienced after finishing the first guild questlines
>you now remember telling yourself "they will get better, I just know it"
>you now remember that you wasted 300+ hours in a game that makes you feel sick just at the tought of reinstalling for the sex mods

>Will we ever get a game that even comes close to Skyrim?

Zelda Breath of the Wild will blow it out of the water.

A redguard, probably.

>slightly tanned skin
>dyed hair
>light blue eyes
sweet baby jesus muh dicc

>Can't wait for Skyrim 2!!!

Only 3 months to go for the remaster user! YOu can do it!

>look I'm being contrarian on the internet mom!
so you disagree or agree that skyrim is a shallow game?

literally babbys first ARPG

Jenna Marbles used to be so cute and funny, what the fuck happened?


Skyrim was only good for porn, the actual game is garbage.

the shame of being named after skyrim

As shitty, casualized and disappointing? Well, the next TES will beat it in that regard.