Red Dead Redemption Backward Compatability

How are you preparing for it? I knew my xbone would be worth it eventually


When they announced it would run at a native 1080p I knew Xbox Won

>tfw the only good game my gf owns is read dead

pretty based that i dont need to buy it

So this will be on the Xbone store tomorrow then? Also, any idea how much it will cost? Been using my Xbox as a Netflix/YT machine for close to two years now, haven't really bothered buying any backwards-compatible games

her son will be so happy to play with you

>my xbone is worth it because i can play an old game i could play on a cheaper device

it is already on the store I think, you just can't play it until tomorrow. I think it is $10

I'm mostly hyped because it will populate MP

>console kids brag about playing old games at old resolutions with old framerates

I would be playing it on PC if I could bro believe me

>implying I just own one console
>implying I can play this old game on the PC

Just let me enjoy this fucking game

I will never understand the point of backward compatibility.

not everyone keeps their old consoles

LoL never those japs only care about re-releasing old games and charge you for it

why the fuck not

im excited

It's sad that people own next gen consoles and get excited for last gen games

Will they patch the multiplayer that's been almost completely broken for 3 years?

Invisible players, hundreds of dead NPCs lying around that give you infinite exp and eventually crash your console, etc?

If not, then I'm not interested.

but its good

Because I got a deal turning in my xbox 360 to get credit for a ps4. I'd say it was worth


My 360 bricked because microsoft built a shit console. I went through 4 of them within maybe 6 years, so when my final one bricked, I decided to get an Xbone instead of just buying another 360

lets continue

normies are pretty stupid that way

Yes, finally you can play what is not even an improved last gen game on your brand new fancy gaming machine!
Consoles are fucking sad nowadays.

>not wanting to give Sony 60 bucks for a remaster of your favorite game that either ruins it or changes nothing

You're not even a real gamer if you don't want to buy remasters

im crying too bro without games

>v worships that game i think we will include it

It's on sale right now, $7 i think.

Didn't they shut off the servers?

i got dudesex for 3.50

and witcher to for 2.00


Why not simply buy a 360? I mean, you people are not so stupid to throw off last gen consoles because you bought newer gen ones, right?



Congratulations, you just gave away money for games that you will never play
>but it was only 5.50!

Yes user backwards compat makes a console more valuable
Are you pretending to be retarded?

If you don't have space, please kill yourself.

So youre retarded?
Youve never played a PS1 game on your PS3 or PS2? Nor a gamecube game on your Wii?

get out of here dude ill play them once i finish the other game im playing at the moment

Give me an address

Why do people care about backwards compatibility with this game? It already runs terribly on 360/PS3 - it would no doubt be even shitter on a modern console pretending to be a 360 etc.

It needs a PC port, and a PS4/XBone port. Clamouring over emulation is worthless.

Meet me somewhere

It runs at a stable 30fps on the 360
It only ran terribly on the PS3
>hurr durr muh 30

Just a reminder that if you don't play on Hardcore mode you're casual scrub who doesn't deserve to touch this masterpiece.

Really user, you will never understand the point?

>play the mode that has no autoaim with a controller
Nah m8, if it was on PC then yeah

If you're scared of a little challenge that's fine but don't put the blame on something as meaningless as the controller.

Just play it on your 360? I don't see the big deal here.

hold me pumba


>console aiming

It's better for space sake, for library's sake, for newcomers' sake, for video output compatibility's sake. It's only bad because it diminishes the real value of console collections

>just play it on the literally dead console
>bad goy you dont want more value with the next gen console, only retards care about backwards compat

>Playing games on consoles to being with.

RDR is a fun game. Haven't you ever play-oh.

Hi leddit, the pic gives it away

>muh rts machine web browser

>xbone is not worth it
>can now play a game from 6 years ago
>xbone is suddenly now worth it
You could already play the game on 360 or PS3. If this game is the only thing making your xbone valuable, then holy shit user, you could have saved a lot of time and money by not buying the piece of shit.

>has no autoaim
It still has a shitload of aim assist.

The point went right over your head didnt it?
Backward compat makes a console more valuable. The Wii was valuable because it could play gamecube games, the PS3 because it could play PS1 and PS2 games. If you cant comprehend that backwards compat is an inherently good thing then i feel sorry for you

Maybe that user wants to have the ability to play all his games on one console, instead of connecting/disconnecting/updating multiple consoles like a stooge

Anyway have my (You), kind sir

It does? I never really played it because it was always devoid of players, and i apent most of my time rolling around gunning random people down

Skate 3 when?

fire hazard

My point went completely over your head didn't it?
>console previously was not worth anything
>can now play a 6 year old game
>suddenly it is now worth owning
A 360 is a better and cheaper path to that one game. Why so defensive?

who cares

My 360 didn't RROD yet

Why so agressive?

Yes, it's a console game, they all have aim assist no matter what. I tried turning off all the aiming shit in the options but it's still obnoxious as fuck.


>might not run as good as the 360 version
>you need to download the entire game
>coming soon
"It's better than nothing!" But it's not exactly Sony's (former) rock solid PS1 backwards compatibility.

You are fucking delusional if you think RDR runs at a stable 30fps. The game is constantly squeaking at 20-25 no matter what console it's on.

It was rock solid because the console was literally built in if i remember correctly

Pic related.
And Im a PC user too.


The game wasn't even good. 10 hours of filler mexico missions later--!

>implying mexico wasn't the best part

Fuck off.

No seriously, who cares about this?

Everyone who wanted to play this game has played it already.

Who owns an Xbone and not a 360 or PS3?

>No seriously, who cares about this?
People retarded enough to own an xbone.

im so happy laying under the v-dar

>there are people that care about opinions
Never understood it