>tfw 30
>too old to play video games
is life worth living anymore
>tfw 30
>too old to play video games
is life worth living anymore
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You're apparently not too old to post on meme boards so you tell me
>>too old to play video games
yeah i feel the same way, i try to play pokemon go but i feel like an old faggot with nothing better to do, shouldn't I have a career or a family or something by now? even my wifes son says im a failure.
>too old to play video games
>the average age of videogame players for the past 3 decades
30 is the perfect time to play videogames now that your youth is over
It's the teenagers that have no excuse
That whole "hur hur he's 30+ and plays games what a dropkick" mentality is so fucking dumb.
So once you're 30 and want to relax and unwind after a hard day of work or have a little break when you have free time from either life's shit or your kids, you can't play something that is DESIGNED for that?
God damn I won't even mention the whole gender switch where suddenly a 30+ woman looks cool playing games.
There's a let's player on YT who's 50+ and he's so fucking rad.
We as humanity really are fucking silly sometimes.
>your ancestors fought in wars and plowed fields for centuries
>you sit on your ass and play nintendo
is this really how we should be carrying about with our lives though? is this what being an adult is?
I feel like a dead beat worthless sack of shit playing video games at this age, walking outside on my phone to capture fucking Pokemon at 3am when I could be doing something productive.
Lets play Into the trash it goes! Today, your opinion, Into the trash it GOESssss!
You're not supposed to do something productive 24/7, user.
Nothing is stopping anyone from fighting in wars or plowing fields but why would you want to? What kind of enlightenment does that bring?
Then go do something. It's no one's fault except yours if all you do is play video games.
That's all I do, but I love it. I give zero fucks what some dead people did.
its fulfilling and manly compared to playing childrens entertainment devices.
We pay respects to our ancestors by helping maintain the country they fought for
We don't necessarily need to fight in wars and plow fields to match their efforts
People still go to jobs , they just don't need to be at them 12-16 hours a day anymore. Tech progressed. Still doesn't diminish the hard work they do in 8 or less hours. It's not about time it's about effort and stuff.
Then do that. No one is stopping you.
Thanks reddit.
You think people are maintaining this shit hole by playing stupid anime games?
I don't watch his lps or any at all I have just seen one of his vids when it popped up.
Also hahaha "into the trash it goes" meme I remember that one good one gentlesir
If I'm still playing games by the time I'm 25 I'll neck myself.
> tfw 34
It only gets worse bro. I have a huge backlog and games I would have enjoyed in 2009 don't interest me. Life sucks.
life has changed drastically
have fun family
>See a video on youtube that I always used to see when I was teen
>Uploaded 7 years ago
>Already feel old as fuck
You're never too old to play. The fact that they suck should be what's keeping you away from them.
If you haven't already, you should try making them. That's like a game in itself.
I love how everyone just ignored the fact I said that playing games is something you do when you have free time when you are not busy with other stuff but no instant jump to HE DOES NOTHING BUT PLAY GAMES MY GRANDFATHER WORKED HARD WHEN HE WHIPPED NIGGERS BACK IN THE DAY
the fuck guys
anime tiddies you shit
There is literally no reason to live past 25.
youre projecting and trying to justify sitting around doing nothing with your life you fuckin NERD
>having a man baby meltdown because others are right
ok kid w/e
You can't hold an individual responsible for being a victim of the order of the New World. If anyone had any say in how their lives would turn out, no one would choose to be worthless and unfulfilled on purpose.
>new world
so what youre saying is youre an autistic tinfoil hat loser?
It's not so easy to just build a house nowadays you need to buy a plot of land, get work permits, make sure that everything is built up to code, etc.
Back in my day we just cut down old trees that sustained ecosystems for centuries and then threw some notched logs together.
penis weenis
>posting a different view on the topic but instant shutdown and accused of being a nobody by the pre pubescent Sup Forums generation
this is what I mean
shouldnt you be washing dishes or some shit maybe READ A FUCKING BOOK
check it out video games
go play undertale or someshit this is a thread for adults with a brain only
I work with a lot of successful guys who have families and make well over $100k who play video games and watch cartoons. Some are in their 40's
maybe you shouldnt be so beta and get your life together, then people wouldnt shit on you so hard
thanks you fucking pussy
Can we just get rid of these retarded threads?
>play video games
Dude... just lmao...
can we just get rid of retarded posters like you?
youre not adding anything to the thread, stop posting idiot
Notch is a billionaire.
more BBC threads instead?
Can't tell if serious or not.
>lmao i disagree so you are just a troll
stop posting anytime friendo
And now he's all alone and shitposts on twitter all day.
Why are people so judgemental these days?
this cunt just got off fuckmyass the ride
yeah ok bub
why are people so weak these days? people cant take any criticism without taking it personally.
So you're just underage. Wonderful. Stay in school, kiddo.
>lmao i disagree so youre underaged LALALA I HAVE MY FINGERS IN MY EARS
keep crying pal, you got owned on the internet lmao.
Im 30 and I play video games and I enjoy them.
I think mostly because my life is a fucking mess and the escapism is welcomed.
Stay in school, kids.
Life isn't worth living, independent of shitteogames.
>achieving or contributing to society
Society is a bunch of DINDU NUFFIN children with their dicks and hands out to take free gratification from whomever will give it to them.
Who fucking gives a shit about what entertainment you consume in your free time? Most folks I know just sit on the couch and watch TV for a few hours before going to bed. Is sitting down and playing a videogame instead inherently worse?
You don't see a lot of parents playing games just because a lot of them didn't grow up in the current games industry. 30 year olds today did, you're going to see more of it.
No, kid. You're in middle school? Am I right? Not sure how someone can be unaware what the New World vs the Old World unless they did not finish schooling.
Seriously, how old are you as of right now?
Turning 31 and I sort of get that feeling. The problem is I can't really be bothered to git gud and dedicate to a game like back in the younger days. Now I just want something to relax with for the few hours between the dinner and going to sleep. Preferably something that's single player, because I deal with autistic idiots at work and at least get paid for it. Used to hate open world SP random dicking around games, now they're my saving grace.
ok first of all why are there fucking girls on my xbox one social engine experience
Surely you have more time now as a wizard
>lmao how old are you youre LITERALLY A KID LMAO youre like a CHILD you KID
is that all you can say? do you have an actual rebuttal? you seem pretty assmad bro.
>Only spend my money on video games and onaholes
>Can only sleep by drinking nyquil and whiskey till I passout
I just want to die
You can just say your age. It's not a difficult question.
you could stop shitposting and respond to the thread like a normal person instead of going in circles pretending to be a retard XD
Stay in school, kiddo.
cool links faggot i dont care, you got owned and now ur trying to cover up for being a dumbass, try again next time troll.
that will work
end your life lol
Nothing to worry about.
You can still do something with your life, no problem. You're just thinking "It's too late for me to try something else because there are people younger than me already doing it ablobloblo" despite the fact that you have more than enough time to become proficient in something.
It takes like 10 000 hours to become pretty fucking good at something, and I bet you've spent atleast a 1000 hours on some stupid video game in your life.
Just fucking pick something up.