Whoa, calm down I play for fun

>Whoa, calm down I play for fun.

Then what the hell are you doing playing a competitive online team based video game? To drag me down and then justify your bad performance with "Well, I'm just having fun!"

No, you're not having fun. Winning is fun. Losing is not fun. Nobody joins the Olympic Games just to "play for fun". They're there to win. Fun isn't relative, it's objective. Losing is never fun. Winning is always fun. Now either change your defeatist attitude or just quit playing video games entirely.

People like you actually make it more fun for me, video games is not serious stuff.

>I'll take the game more seriously when I played ranked mode

Being good at a game isn't like an on/off switch.

You can fuck right off with this blog post.

I remember when Sup Forums fucking hated casuals like you. Now they lurk among us in equal, maybe even greater number. Such is life in a "progressive" culture.

I sincerely hope you enjoy games like Call of Duty or Overwatch because they're made for people like you.

I play to troll you and intentionally play bad to drag you down, cuz it's fu and makes me laugh when you yell and start swearing at me, and I laugh even harder.

Lol git gud scrub

Whenever someone rages in a ranked mode of any game I say this because I know it'll trigger them even more, it's never not hilarious.

>Comparing video games to the Olympics


>comparing games for autists to the Olympics
>fun isn't relative,it's objective
Yeah, "fun"shitters are everywhere and deserve to be told but you're a huge faggot OP.

Please don't compare playing a video game at home on a ranked mode to the Olympics. Also, if you wanted to take it that seriously, you should always play in a group of people you're familiar with instead of playing with randoms. Otherwise you're relying on them more than they're relying on you.

agreed OP
>inb4 b-b-b-ut I paid money for the game LE DONT COMPARE THIS TO THAT stop taking everything serious I just want to chill:::^^^))

>mfw it was me
you're the reason i keep playing. once you taste online tears, you never go back.

All games must be treated as though it is an Olympic game. Only in a progressive casual friendly society are we allowed to comfort ourselves after a defeat by saying "Well it was still fun!"

fr*ckin autist LMFAO

>little overwatch shitter pretending he isnt playing the most casual pleb friendly game on the market designed for consoles

>blames others cuz he sucks

git gud

And yet, true sportsmen thank each other after match, since it is competition that matter, winning or losing in second order.

Being all about "MUST WIN MUST WIN MUST WIN" is pretty sad, OP.

competing is fun, even if you lose, what's not fun is a stomp. And that competing thing is what people go for

still beautiful
still rose

>playing ranked with randumbs
You've no one to blame but yourself

I used to play with a ton of people and we would do raids/rushes, it was always fun weather we lost or not because we would just rush and swarm the enemy screaming war cries into our mics. most of the times we lost because the enemy would just mow us down but when we won it was the most fulfilling victories ever, the other team never experienced the drunken comradary and fruits of a ballistic raid victory like we did. Provided everyone is usually off their face during these raidsand we just do it for shits and giggles, it's always fun than being serious player.

Blaming others rightfully so.
If someone does not perform statistically, then they're deadweight.

>just git gud enough to carry
The point of a team game is not be "carried" nor is it to "carry", but for everyone to share in the burden of carrying the team to success. As the famous Cowboy Bebop line goes: You're going to carry that weight.

Competitive fags ruin everything. Prove me wrong.

>play casual, unrranked solo queue bullshit

>some faggot chimes in complaining about how everyone isn't playing to some e-sports meta faggotry.
Neck yourself you dipshit.


no, people who aren't competitive but act like they are do.

There's a difference between being competitive and wanting to win all the time.

Olympic athletes train with the same team all year round. If you dont do that, then you're the one fucking up.

>Losing is never fun. Winning is always fun.
Stop playing shitty games then. Good games are fun when they're close, not when you win.

>I can only enjoy a game when I win

What sort of pathetic, underage little shitstain do you have to be to genuinely have that attitude?

This. I always play to win, but if I lose I don't have an autistic meltdown like OP.

Calm down it's just a game :)

My team picked 6 zenyettas once and we got destroyed but I had a giggle :)

The Olympics are also a highly exclusive and invitational competition. Overwatch isnt.

I know autism gets thrown a lot here, but this is the real deal.

I'm not a Korean NEET who plays for 10 hours a day

My objective is to fuck around and have fun

I want to relieve stress, not become more stressed

You're missing the entire point of video games

>competitive team based game can't be played for fun
It's almost as if different people have a different definition of the word.
So I'd you don't play for any sort of fun, you must be intending to make a career of it? Because why else would you play a game if not for some enjoyment factor?

So you're a Western NEET who's already resigned himself in life, has no will to live or compete amongst others, and instead seeks "fun" by dragging his team down.

At least the Korean NEET is trying to accomplish something of value and worth.

>he plays teambased games to relieve stress

you're beyond pathetic

No, I'm a Chemical Engineer

Competitive play usually meant playing with established teams or clans against other established teams or clans, not with randoms.
That's not competitive play, that's just the same pub shit, but with a stat register on top.

Do you not fuck around with your friends on Dota?
Shit's fun

>play a game for fun
>some guy joins
from what i've seen "competitive play" outside of tournaments is nothing but overcompensating manlets trying to use minmax strategies they read online and then blaming everyone else when they fuck up.


>mfw I said this in overwatch like 10 different times last night and listened to autists sperg out over it

The shit I heard last night made this game already worth more than I paid for it

Yes. That is exactly why they do it.

People initially start playing ranked ques, competitive multiplayer, etc. etc. because they think that they're good at a game after trouncing some braindead kids and people testing things out in norms.

Then they get shit on, begin to enter a denial state about how stupid they actually are, and do damage control by calling other people tryhards and saying "it's just a game".

No shit it's just a game. The fact that these people don't even have enough basic motor functions to play it competantly makes it all the more infuriating. These are the people that you live around.

This is the future of humanity.

>Losing is never fun
Nah. I've had some amazingly fun matches where we ended up losing.

You're a faggot whose attitude makes everything worse for both sides.

>comparing casual video games to the Olympics

Honestly OP you probably do need to calm down

It's a game nigga.

You can take it as serious as you want, but don't expect everyone else to. I'm so sick of this comparing games to sports and competition. It isn't sports, it's a game, especially not in the casual versions of that game. 'Competitive' modes only just now became a thing and you might be too young to even know this, but most player versus player games historically have never differentiated between casual and serious play the way they do now with separate modes. You just had casual people playing casually, and the hardcore fags grouping up and meeting with other hardcore fags.

I don't even know what I'm trying to say here other than stop treating it like something more than a game if you're in a casual setting. If you want to treat it like a job, go play that game's version of 'competitive' and fuck about with the other people like you, but expect the moment you play any sort of casual mode to see shitters and 'toxic' behavior/chat.

Also as a side rant, can we knock this 'sportsmanship' shit off? It's lame as fuck to apply something pertaining to sports to a video game of all things. If I wanna call my opponent a nigger, that should have no bearing on the match other than him being a swamp ninja. He's my opponent, not my friend. I should be able to treat him as shitty as I want to while we're competing for dominance.

What's really funny is if OP wasn't such an autistic sperglord maybe he'd have some friends so he wouldn't have to queue with pubs and shitpost on Sup Forums

im sorry that you have no other real, proper hobbies to be competitive at, but i play games to chill out and have fun, brah

>Losing is not fun
But you are so wrong here.

Of course, in the heat of the moment, losing feels shitty. Losing doesn't feel good.

But a really passionate player doesn't actually want to win. They want to lose. If you're winning, that means you've beaten the game, and the game's over. The game's pointless now. If you're losing, that means the game is still fresh, and there's a reason to play.

The joy is in getting there, going uphill, and you have to still be on the losing side in order for that journey to even exist. The moment you switch over to the winning side, shit goes downhill.

>Losing is never fun

>losing feels shitty
Not always, I'm perfectly fine with losing a good fight as long as the fight itself was fun and I did well. It just motivates me to do better next time.

Stop getting mad and maybe I'll stop dicking around.

This post is objectively correct

You're objectively an anime shitposter

>Implying that means anything

>projecting this hard

>stop taking the game seriously and maybe I'll try

That's not going to happen and you know it. If you didn't try then, you won't try now.

>he thinks he's playing competitively outside of a structured tournament
>he thinks people can't have fun while losing
>he thinks he isn't shit

Fun facts: you're a raging faggot, and you suck, and this thread is bait

You're completely right. At least you realize your opinion on anything is meaningless.

Its just a game, stay mad fag.
Maybe get a live outside of sucking cock and playing games.

I don't like your atttitude fuckboy.

You may have a couple of weak ass points.

But at the end of the day, I doubt you're as hot shit as you puff yourself up to be.

So fuck off with your horeshit.

There's a difference between taking the game seriously and being a screaming douchenozzle.

Casuals, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what Sup Forums has come to.

Don't people generally play better when they're having fun? When people run around acting retarded they don't worry about small things, they just play. Don't focus on them. If you don't want to enjoy video games and sit there and be angry that you're stuck in a low division then go ahead and do that. I'm not condoning acting retarded all the time, especially when it hinders on your team but try to worry about yourself.

I wish I had that many dicks to suck in a day.

not even legit if you arn't on LAN, autists gunna aut.

If you're not posting screens this is meaningless

>if you don't play like me you're not having fun

Competitive ''gamers'' everybody.

OP is the cancer ruining the industry.

Fucking 15-25 year old babies.

>Fun isn't relative, it's objective. Losing is never fun. Winning is always fun.
Winning is never fun when your opponent is a piece of shit; you feel like you just wasted your time.
Losing is always fun when everyone tries their best and it's a close, exciting match. You also tend to learn more when you lose than when you win.
If you justify enjoyment based purely off of victory standards then you're going to have a really shitty life.

Furthermore, I assume you're talking about a team based game where you're matched with random players. What the fuck do you expect? Everyone is unorganized, uncoordinated and nobody is properly communicating with each other. Try watching a pre-made team vs a randomly match team in a game like Last of Us. It's a fucking slaughter every time. Stick to fighting games or RTS if you want nothing between you and your opponent.

His point is the fucks who play the competitive format, but make no attempts to improve their skill at all. the players who think that because it is just a game [cause it is]. that TRYING at all isn't required.

there is a serious difference between Trying hard and being competitive. I don't give a shit if it is non-ranked, you should always try you're best. you can try your best and still fuck around.

I honestly don't mind losing, but if every game I join has the team be absolute shit and I get over 10 loses in a row, I'll mind. I wish I was good enough to carry those sorts of players

If you lose that much rank it just means you get a better chance to carry people and shit on the other team next game

>Losing is never fun
>He's never had an opponent throw some stylish shit at him he's never seen before and win

I get a huge smile on my face when that happens.

I'll let you in on a little secret: the people playing for fun are actually having fun. You're pissing away your time by being so mad at a video game that you'll make threads on Thai water painting blogs just to be mad.
I'll let you in on another secret too: you're not the hot shit you think you are if you can't carry a couple shitters on your team. Everybody has them. At least give them a few tips to git gud next time instead of crying to us about it. Blocked :)

ask yourselves this

when was the last time anyone asked the winning team of anything if they were having fun?

Go play comp mode, this is quick play you nigger.

Dude, calm down. It's just a game lol.

You must be 18 or older in body and mind to post here.

You must play Overwatch

Letting you in on a little secret: you're as big of a faggot as OP

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game

It's funny how fast and hard the competitive meme caught on. Makes total sense since there are so many young men with fragile egos and mountains of insecurity looking to prove themselves in anyway they can. Shit's pretty funny to see grown men sperg over some inane bullshit in a video game, especially when they make zero dollars playing in their comp scene.

People should laugh at these insecure egos. That's what they're there for.

I have a steamshare account set up to play deliberately poorly to annoy autists like you OP.

Maybe it's because we like pissing you off, and that we're all merely pretending.
Why do you have to treat every single team-based game you play like a fucking esport? Why not have fun for a change and not be such a whiny bitch about it? You're not getting anything out of it, you're literally doing it for free.

Actually, now that I think about it, you're paying to get angry at nothing, thanks to the internet and electrical bill. Why should you pay to be furious at a video game? Where is the enjoyment? Either you're a masochist, or you're fucking stupid.

Fuck off.

>dress up in recognizable equipment
>choose a recognizable name full of memes
>play the game for 1000 hours so you get decently good
>spam memes from time to time
>let newfags suck your dick
Is this narcissism or autism?


If you were really competitive you'd be in a bracket where your teammates weren't shit, fact is you're a shitter and you blame your teammates on your losses because you're a deluded rager

Dis mang