2.5s global cooldown

>2.5s global cooldown

How the fuck can any MMO player defend this?

Other urls found in this thread:


They give a ton of abilities that don't trigger the global cooldown and with the way mechanics work with weaponskills, you're constantly on the move.

I only played it back before the expansion till endgame. But from what I experienced every class had like off GCD fillers that filled the gaps really nicely so it wasn't really noticeable. Then I think classes like MNK and NIN have reduced GCD timers?

It really is a silly argument since the only class that really feels it is Paladin and PLD is fucking mindbogglingly boring.

Final Fantasy players are extremely autistic

Balanced for controller players on consoles like PS4 and PS3.

because most attack animations are like 1.5-2s long

Every class can have reduced GCD timers, if you remember about the Skill Speed and Spell Speed stats gear can have/melded

It's a fucking Final Fantasy game.
The combat system heavily reminds me of Active mode of ATB combat that was in older 2D Final Fantasy games but done in realtime 3D instead of being exclusively turn based.

MNK has greased lightning and NIN has Huton, both decrease the global cooldown by as low as 1.5s depending on what party buffs are available.


Now you have to explain that too since it's also bullshit

The slightly longer GCD allows the characters to do longer but fancier looking animations.

I always play Mage/spellcasters, so as far as I'm concerned 2.5 is just casting time.

Black Mage with Arrow and Leylines can cast much faster than 2.5s

What am I looking at here

why is that bullshit?

And now post warlock or something from vanilla wow 10 years ago

more buttons doesn't mean anything, dumb retard and it definitely doesn't mean anything with a 2.5gcd - ROFL


I heard about the pruning. Didn't know it was that bad though holy shit. Casuals ruin everything.


>corrupted holy dietys
>pvp talents
>relics weapons for everybody

it's okay when WoW copies FFXIV

Invalid argument. Eso is on consoles and it doesnt have cooldowns at all.

Eso combat is not as complex as FFXIV

because FFXI had like two minute GCD

resource management is more complex than CD managing.

you do both in ffxiv

i know that, but the resource management in ffxiv is "click button to refill mana/tp/w.e"
also 25+ useless buttons does not make the combat more complex. The less abilites you have the more you have to THINK how to use them. FFXIV is just the same rotation and a bit of movement. It's Like wow for dummies.

Most of those buttons aren't on the GCD and can be pressed any time, retard.

Okay guys good job that should keep the shitposters off our backs. We can talk about the game normally now.

>Even if you went full balls to the wall SS you probably wouldnt even reduce your GCD by half a second

SS is a terrible stat, that sees very limited use by what, mnks and blms? For everyone else its terrible right?

I automatically discard any comments that use 2.5gcd as an argument

you want a certain amount on DRG and WAR but yeah, on most classes it's the worst stat

Don't forget that the WoD legendary ring is basically them experimenting with limit breaks.

How the mighty have fallen.

They seem to be taking a page from XIV crafting as well. You have to go out into the world and do little quests to learn recipes and shit instead of buying mats off the AH, spam button for 15 minutes to get to max level.

>You have to go out into the world and do little quests to learn recipes and shit instead of buying mats off the AH
thats nothing new, they already had that in TBC

Heavensward has been disappointing in one major way for me: New features.

I always look forward to new dungeons and raids every patch, but it feels like the major additions like Diadem and Lord of Verminion have either been really bad, awkward or just totally disconnected from the rest of the game.

I know we're getting Palace of the Dead soon and they're re-tooling Diadem in 3.4/3.5 but I hope in the future they can start nailing this kind of thing first time rather than "sorry we made that bad thing, wait five months for us to try again".

The only people complaining about the global cooldown are the people who quit at level 20 without any abilities.

>resource management in ffxiv is "click button to refill mana/tp/w.e"

No it's not.

>also 25+ useless buttons does not make the combat more complex.

Thanks retard. I'm glad you outed you don't know shit about FFXIV. If you want to play your job to the fullest potential you're going to be using every single skill you have regularly, except for a few that are generally exceptions like Feint from Lancer.

>It's Like wow for dummies.

No, WoW is FFXIV for dummies.

Official forums are ablaze with complaints about the stale formula Yoshitp has been regurgitating since 2.0
Funny to watch the die-hards defending their perfect game.
>b-but the silent majority!

I actually want to play FFXIV again, but I quit before the first expansion came out. My main is a white mage and I remember leveling a scholar up.

Are there any players / linkshells here that want to play with me? I don't mind transferring servers, currently on leviathan

>retooling diadem in 3.4/3.5

Where'd you hear that? Diadem is an awesome idea, but it's such a mess to get into.

99% of those skills are used constantly. Ffxiv doesn't have many useless skills like vanilla WoW

Workshop needs to be part of private housing, including apartments.

>8 million active subscriptions
Deal with it.

This. The source of damage from many jobs in FFXI was your fucking auto attack, either because your few abilities had a long cool down or just because you didn't want to do too much and take aggro away from the tank.

It's funny to see how perceptions of MMOs have changed, because it wasn't that long ago when people complained about how "facerolling" your keyboard meant winning in a game like WoW. Now, apparently your game sucks if you're not constantly mashing buttons like some shitty 3D game of Simon.

Granted I only really placed Dancer in FFXI, but I was throwing dances, waltzes, sambas, and shit out like constantly.

That said, Dancer in FFXIV when?

Yeah, once the novelty of a game actually having content patches every 3 months wore off, you notice how they actually managed to have content patches every 3 months. Dungeons are super formulaic hallways, the 4 seperate rooms for raids, the 24 mans basically just being dungeons too with larger circles to fit 24 people. Crafting/Gathering is a shitshow in HW, Materia is one of the most garbage modification systems that has remained untouched. And all the side content is low effort garbage.

I need friends but I'm on Sargatanas. I'm part of a normie FC thats admittedly kind of shit, but its better than being completely alone I guess. There are a few good people there but not really enough to start a raid group. I've been crafting/gathering waiting for deep dungeon mostly.

>our hotbar simulator lets you press more buttons than that other hotbar simulator

>Yeah, once the novelty of a game actually having content patches every 3 months wore off,

Spoken like a true WoWfag.

>h-having content patches regularly is j-j-just a novelty!
>i-it's so much better getting one content patch every 12 months or more!!!

Fucking WoWfag defense force. As if it isn't obvious enough Blizzard has marketers here every day making Legion and Overwatch threads, they send their marketers into threads for games like FFXIV to shitpost them and anti-market them.

God I fucking hate Blizzard.

Midgardsormr ww@

>The less abilites you have the more you have to THINK how to use them.
Comedy gold.

You fucking complete retard, more than half of your abilities aren't even on the fucking gc. This is the oldest and worst argument against ffxiv there is.


Please don't act like that. It's not hard to believe that people want to defend their WoW, some people have been playing it for like, over ten years.

Both games have their positives and negatives, and they're copying each other, hoping to improve their own game more than the other.

At least he lgbt guilds finally died off along with the majority of the playerbase

Squeenix could learn a thing or two from Blizzard. I'm not gonna defend the pruning but none of the spells in FF interact nicely with each other as they do in WoW. They make absolutely no sense. Take Mage in WoW for example. Every spell plays off of each other and (Brain Freeze) rotations make sense.

The GDC fillers people mentioned up there are fucking retarded in how they work. Lancer has 4 of the same skills that share the same cool down. It's like they ran out of fucking ideas and went "It's fine just put the same fucking thing in there again no one will notice"

I actually really like the 2.5 GC


You don't think the Boat expansion will NOT do the same shit Heavensward did?

>FFXIV: Ala Mhigo launches
>Teases BOATS
>don't actually get to ride BOAT until 6 months after launch until the Boat version of Diadem launches

It will happen again

>Lancer has 4 of the same skills that share the same cool down
You mean their rotaion?


gibe MNK opener webm

I need to feel the breakdance

It's still a lot more but you can get rid of these

>want to like MMOs
>the moment I have more than a bar-and-a-half of skills I start to panic in fights
You have all these screencaps where people have like four full bars of shit or whatever and I get second-hand anxiety from it.

Do people usually put all that stuff in macros, or do they really remember each and every ability and when to use them?
I'm not trying to imply that it should change or anything, but I'm just curious is all.

Yeah that sure makes a fun early game

Most of them are buffs you blow when it's safe

The only thing you really need to remember is not to use your stun skill as extra DPS if the fight requires an enemy spell be stuncanceled

Dude just practice. Do stuff on a training dummy, or you can be like me and just run 4 mans like all the time. Pretty soon muscle memory will set in and you'll be doing keyboard acrobatics and flinging out abilites like you're playing a fighting game.

Most skill and macro set ups build with time, so you progressively get used to each new change. It's like this in just about every single mmo out there except for a handful.

BDO takes another extreme which is skill input memorization one or two of your skills are hotkey everything else is potions,food,buff items all your actual skills are like an action fighter where it's combo based and a ton of it is based in animation cancelling and high learning curve to ultimately be good at playing the game.

Games like WoW,XIV,EQ all rely strictly on hotkey mapping and most of it is general overtime stuff so it's not that bad.

How good is the new FF XIV on a scale of 1 to 10

>Feint is useless.
>Sprint shouldn't be bound to a hotkey.

Whoops, I forgot to put a question mark.

I kinda disliked 1-50 but once I got to 50 and started doing the main quests I got really into it and the expansion is fantastic. So I'd give it like 7-8/10

Feint IS useless and only casters need sprint to hand, anybody else is just raping their DPS for no reason

It's a real shame that the best parts of the story and the entire expansion are locked behind like 50+ hours of straight up garbage content.

What's the easiest class to play on the gamepad?
I tried nin, but 16 buttons slots per bar isn't enough for the shit I usually use in combat

You should have sprint bound for every job, even if it is more situational to use it on jobs that utilize TP.

>Squeenix could learn a thing or two from Blizzard. I'm not gonna defend the pruning but none of the spells in FF interact nicely with each other as they do in WoW. They make absolutely no sense. Take Mage in WoW for example. Every spell plays off of each other and (Brain Freeze) rotations make sense.

What doesn't make sense about BLM's rotation?


Use it and you have to waste invigorate to get some of your TP back.

You can dodge everything in the game with proper placement if you don't have the reactions of a five year old

You've never stance danced as MCH if you think that Feint is useless.
There's been so many times that GB has been on CD and I can squeeze in an extra little bit of dps. Not missing 2-3 GCDs is nothing to scoff at.

There are times when it's useful, no matter how rare those times are. If you don't have it on a shared binding across all jobs you're doing something very wrong.

>huge AOE suddenly under me
>thanks to bad placement of either me, the group, or the thing we're fighting
>no way to walk out of it
>have to run or my death will wipe us all later on a DPS check

He's a retard, that's why BLMs rotation doesn't make sense.

>clicking your limit break
>clicking anything at all
>Feint IS useless
top kek
>Sprint shouldn't be bound to a hotkey.
Shitter spotted, you must be terrible and ran out of keybinding space, and then end up having to rationalize why you aren't binding 'trivial' things.

>You've never stance danced as MCH

This is true

I have it at 54 and it's just so uncomfortable to play.

I do have it on a shared binding across all classes, off to the side and out of the way, because I've literally never needed to use it.

If you're a melee dps and you die to an AoE, that's your fault or your ISP's for throttling your internet.

Ranged shouldn't be getting hit by anything anyway.

>I've literally never needed to use it.

I find that hard to believe. I think it's more that you've never used it in the rare times you've needed to.

you need enough skill speed for war to do triple fell cleaves in berserk, and you want spellspeed for days on BLM because it improves PPS way more than crit or det, it's trash on MNK, and BRD can use it to great effect because it greatly reduces empyreal arrow CD which is main damage source pretty much at 60


I'm not terrible, but I know you're gonna ask me to deliver a parse and I'm not loading up the game just to satisfy an anonymous anonymously.

I've honestly NEVER needed to sprint to save my ass. Take that as you will.

>I'm not gonna defend the pruning but none of the spells in FF interact nicely with each other as they do in WoW. They make absolutely no sense. Take Mage in WoW for example. Every spell plays off of each other and (Brain Freeze) rotations make sense.
Get to 50 before you open your mouth on Sup Forums, Chaos.

Probably one of the tanks? DRK and PLD don't really need to do much WAR is a little more fun and involved with the dps stance they get in the expansion.

Latency, non global cooldown abilities

Jewelcrafting also has something similar now in WoD. Wish every profession was like this.

>I've honestly NEVER needed to sprint to save my ass. Take that as you will.

So you never die? There has to be at least one time that you've died that sprinting would have saved you.

I only ever die to AoEs if I'm new to the content and wasn't expecting it. Most of my deaths come from latent arena damage and sometimes weeping city's last boss because the tank moves and she haircuts a lot of people.

Bonus points if we've got b4b up.

will this meme die already

What about monks and drg?

>weeping city's last boss because the tank moves and she haircuts a lot of people.
Speaking of her, the hitbox of her trap AOE is bullshit.

>I've honestly NEVER needed to sprint to save my ass. Take that as you will
Even perfect play on your own part isn't going to save you from not needing sprint.

One time in a8s the other enumeration group fucked up their orb numbers and were all gonna die. I wasn't needed for mine so I sprinted over to save their ass and the run.

It's not like jobs are TP starved anyway, as a MCH theres no midas fight I even need to use invigorate on at all, a8s in particular has so many intermissions where you sit around doing nothing. I pretty much only hit it for fun these days.

2.5s gcd is the least wrong thing with the game. There is an ocean of dumb shit to bitch about other than the 2.5s gcd meme.

It's a little bigger than the indicator, yeah. Got me on my first run a couple times.

>8 million active subscriptions
care to provide a source

You're looking at skill bloat. Some reason XIV takes pride in it. I play XIV and even I'm annoyed by it.